How to Value Real Estate Investment Property (2024)

Accurate real estate valuations can help investors make better decisions when it comes to buying and selling properties. Investors must know how to value real estate and make educated guesses about how much profit each will make, whether through property appreciation, rental income, or both.

Because real estate investment is typically not a short-term trade, analyzing the cash flow, and the subsequent rate of return, is critical to achieving the goal of making profitable investments. Discounting future net operating income (NOI) by the appropriate discount rate for real estate is similar to discounted cash flow (DCF) valuations for stock. Integrating the gross income multiplier model in real estate is comparable to relative value valuations with stocks.

Below, we'll take a look at how to value a real estate property using these methods.

Key Takeaways

  • Real estate valuation is a process that determines the economic value of a real estate investment.
  • The capitalization rate is a key metric for valuing an income-producing property.
  • Net operating income (NOI) measures an income-producing property's profitability before adding costs for financing and taxes.
  • The two key real estate valuation methods include discounting future NOI and the gross income multiplier model.
  • On the downside, because the property markets are less liquid and transparent than the stock market, it can be difficult to obtain the necessary information.

The Capitalization Rate

One of the most important assumptions a real estate investor makes when performing real estate valuations is to choose an appropriate capitalization rate, also known as the cap rate. This is the required rate of return on real estate, net of value appreciation or depreciation. The cap rate helps investors estimate the resale value of a property investment when it reaches the end of its holding period. Put simply, it is the rate applied to NOIto determine the present value of a property.

For example, assume a property is expected to generate NOI of $1 million over the next ten years. If it were discounted at a capitalization rate of 14%, the market value of the property would be:

$7,142,857($1,000,0000.14)where:Marketvalue=Netoperatingincome/caprate\begin{aligned}&\$7,142,857\bigg(\frac{\$1,000,000}{0.14}\bigg)\\&\textbf{where:}\\&\text{Market value}=\text{Net operating income}/{\text{cap rate}}\end{aligned}$7,142,857(0.14$1,000,000)where:Marketvalue=Netoperatingincome/caprate

The $7,142,857 market value is a good deal if the property sells at $6.5 million. But it is a bad deal if the sale price is $8 million.

Real Estate Valuation Methods

Determining the capitalization rate is one of the key metrics used to value an income-generating property. Although it is somewhat more complicated than calculating the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of a firm, there are several methods that investors can use to find an appropriate capitalization rate, including the following:

  • Build-up method
  • Market-extraction method
  • Band-of-investment method

Let's take a look at each of these a little more in depth.

The Build-up Method

One common approach to calculating the cap rate is the build-up method. Start with the interest rate and add the following:

  1. Appropriate liquidity premium. This arises due to the illiquid nature of real estate.
  2. Recapture premium. This accounts for net land appreciation.
  3. Risk premium. This reveals the overall risk exposure of the real estate market.

Given a 6% interest rate, a 1.5% non-liquidity rate, a 1.5% recapture premium, and a 2.5% rate of risk, the capitalization rate of an equity property is 11.5% (6% + 1.5% + 1.5% + 2.5%). If the net operating income is $200,000, the market value of the property is $1,739,130 ($200,000 ÷ 0.115).

It is very straightforward to perform this calculation. However, the complexity lies in assessing accurate estimates for the individual components of the capitalization rate, which can be a challenge. The advantage of the build-up method is that it attempts to define and accurately measure individual components of a discount rate.

The Market-Extraction Method

The market-extraction method assumes that there is current, readily available NOI and sale price information on comparable income-generating properties. The advantage of the market-extraction method is that the capitalization rate makes direct income capitalization more meaningful. It is relatively simple to determine the capitalization rate.

Assume an investor might buy a parking lot expected to generate $500,000 in NOI. There are three existing comparable income-producing parking lots:

  • Parking lot 1 has a NOI of $250,000 and a sale price of $3 million. The capitalization rate is 8.33% ($250,000 ÷ $3,000,000).
  • Parking lot 2 has a NOI of $400,000 and a sale price of $3.95 million. The capitalization rate is 10.13% ($400,000 ÷ $3,950,000).
  • Parking lot 3 has a NOI of $185,000 and a sale price of $2 million. The capitalization rate is 9.25% ($185,000 ÷ $2,000,000).

Taking the average cap rates for these three comparable properties an overall capitalization rate of 9.24% would be a reasonable representation of the market. Using this capitalization rate, an investor can determine the market value of the property they're considering. The value of the parking lot investment opportunity is $5,411,255 ($500,000 / 0.0924).

The Band-of-Investment Method

With the band-of-investment method, the capitalization rate is computed using individual rates of interest for properties that use both debt and equity financing. The advantage of this method is that it is the most appropriate capitalization rate for financed real estate investments.

The first step is to calculate a sinking fund factor. This is the percentage that must be set aside each period to have a certain amount at a future point in time. Assume that a property with NOI of $950,000 is 50% financed, using debt at 7% interest to be amortized over 15 years. The rest is paid for with equity at a required rate of return of 10%. The sinking fund factor would is calculated as:

SFF=i(1+i)n1where:SFF=Sinkingfundfactori=Periodicinterestrate,oftenexpressedasani=annualpercentageraten=Numberofperiods,oftenexpressedinyears\begin{aligned}&SFF=\frac{i}{(1+i)^n-1}\\&\textbf{where:}\\&\text{SFF}=\text{Sinking fund factor}\\&i=\text{Periodic interest rate, often expressed as an}\\&\phantom{i=}\text{annual percentage rate}\\&n=\text{Number of periods, often expressed in years}\end{aligned}SFF=(1+i)n1iwhere:SFF=Sinkingfundfactori=Periodicinterestrate,oftenexpressedasani=annualpercentageraten=Numberofperiods,oftenexpressedinyears

Plugging in the numbers, we get:

  • 0.07 ÷ (1 + 0.07)15 – 1

This computes to 3.98%. The rate at which a lender must be paid equals this sinking fund factor plus the interest rate. In this example, this comes out to 10.98% (0.07 + 0.0398).

Thus, the weighted average rate, or the overall capitalization rate, using the 50% weight for debt and 50% weight for equity is:

  • 10.49% [(0.5 x 0.1098) + (0.5 x 0.10)]

As a result, the market value of the property is:

  • $9,056,244 ($950,000 ÷ 0.1049)
  • Mortgage lending discrimination is illegal. If you think you've been discriminated against based on race, religion, sex, marital status, use of public assistance, national origin, disability, or age, there are steps you can take. One such step is to file a report to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

    Absolute and Relative Valuation Methods

    Absolute valuation models determine the present value of future incoming cash flows to obtain the intrinsic value of an asset. The most common methods are the dividend discount model (DDM) and discounted cash flow (DCF) techniques.

    On the other hand, relative value methods suggest that two comparable securities should be similarly priced according to their earnings. Ratios such as price-to-earnings (P/E) and price-to-sales are compared to other companies within the same industry to determine whether a stock is under or over-valued.

    As in equity valuation, real estate valuation analysis should implement both procedures to determine a range of possible values.

    Discounting Future Net Operating Income (NOI)

    The formula for calculating real estate value based on discounted NOI is:

    MarketValue=NOI1rg=NOI1Rwhere:NOI=Netoperatingincomer=Requiredrateofreturnonrealestateassetsg=GrowthrateofNOIR=Capitalizationrate(rg)\begin{aligned}&\text{Market Value}=\frac{NOI_1}{r-g}=\frac{NOI_1}{R}\\&\textbf{where:}\\&NOI=\text{Net operating income}\\&r=\text{Required rate of return on real estate assets}\\&g=\text{Growth rate of }NOI\\&R=\text{Capitalization rate }(r-g)\end{aligned}MarketValue=rgNOI1=RNOI1where:NOI=Netoperatingincomer=Requiredrateofreturnonrealestateassetsg=GrowthrateofNOIR=Capitalizationrate(rg)

    NOI reflects the earnings that the property will generate after factoring in operating expenses—but before the deduction of taxes and interest payments. However, before deducting expenses, the total revenuesgained from the investment must be determined.

    Expected rental revenue can initially be forecast based on comparable properties nearby. With proper market research, an investor can determine what prices tenants are paying in the area and assume that similar per-square-foot rents can be applied to this property. Forecast increases in rents are accounted for in the growth rate within the formula.

    Analyzing the value of a real estate investment is the same as the fundamental analysis of stocks. Equity valuation is typically conducted through two basic methodologies: absolute value and relative value. The same is true for real estate property valuation.

    Since high vacancy rates are a potential threat to real estate investment returns, either a sensitivity analysis or realistic conservative estimates should be used to determine the forgone income if the asset is not utilized at full capacity.

    Operating expenses include those that are directly incurred through the day-to-day operations of the building, such as property insurance, management fees, maintenance fees, and utility costs. Note that depreciation is not included in the total expense calculation. The net operating income of a real estate property is similar to the earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA).

    Discounting NOI from a real estate investment by the cap rate is analogous to discounting a future dividend stream by the appropriate required rate of return, adjusted for dividend growth. Equity investors familiar with dividend growth models should immediately see the resemblance.

    Gross Income Multiplier

    The gross income multiplier approach is a relative valuation method that is based on the underlying assumption that properties in the same area will be valued proportionally to the gross income that they help generate. As the name implies, gross income is the total income before the deduction of any operating expenses. But vacancy rates must be forecast to obtain an accurate estimate.

    For example, a real estate investor who purchases a 100,000-square-foot building may determine from comparable data that the average gross monthly income per square foot in the neighborhood is $10. Although the investor may initially assume that the gross annual income is $12 million ($10 x 12 months x 100,000 sq. feet), there are likely to be some vacant units in the building at any given time.

    Assuming there is a 10% vacancy rate, the gross annual income is $10.8 million ($12 million x 90%). A similar approach is applied to the net operating income approach, as well.

    The next step to assess the value of the real estate property is to determine the gross income multiplier and multiply it by the gross annual income. The gross income multiplier can be found using historical sales data. Looking at the sales prices of comparable properties and dividing that value by the generated gross annual income produces the average multiplier for the region.

    This type of valuation approach is similar to using comparable transactions or multiples to value a stock. Many analysts will forecast the earnings of a company and multiply its earnings per share (EPS) by the P/E ratio of the industry. Real estate valuation can be conducted through similar measures.

    Roadblocks to Real Estate Valuation

    Both of these real estate valuation methods seem relatively simple. However, in practice, determining the value of an income-generating property with these calculations is fairly complicated. First of all, it may be time-consuming and challenging to obtain the required information regarding all of the formula inputs, such as net operating income, the premiums included in the capitalization rate, and comparable sales data.

    Secondly, these valuation models do not properly factor in possible major changes in the real estate market, such as a credit crisis or a real estate boom. As a result, further analysis must be conducted to forecast and factor in the possible impact of changing economic variables.

    Because the property markets are less liquid and transparent than the stock market, sometimes it is difficult to obtain the necessary information to make a fully informed investment decision.

    That said, due to the large capital investment typically required to purchase a large development, this complicated analysis can produce a large payoff if it leads to the discovery of an undervalued property (similar to equity investing). Thus, taking the time to research the required inputs is well worth the time and energy.

    What Factors Decrease the Value of a Residential Property?

    There are several factors that can decrease the value of a residential property. They include outdated fixtures, damage to the property (roof, driveway, porch), old flooring, Structural problems and bad smells, such as pet odors and damp smells from your basem*nt, can also lower the value of a home.

    When Is a Home Appraisal Necessary?

    A home appraisal is necessary before you purchase a home. This occurs before the mortgage is finalized and after your offer to purchase is accepted. But there may be other times when you'll need to get one. Consider having an appraisal done if you decide to sell your home or if you try to get financing, such as a refinance, home equity loan, or any other type of loan that requires you to use your home as collateral. Appraisals are also useful if you need to appeal your property tax assessment.

    What Are Comparables in Real Estate?

    Comparables are properties that are in the same area as a property that is up for sale. These properties have similar characteristics and allow sellers to estimate the value of their own home when they decide to put it up for sale.

    The Bottom Line

    Real estate valuation is often based on strategies that are similar to equity analysis. Other methods, in addition to the discounted NOI and gross income multiplier approach, are also frequently used. Some industry experts, for example, have an active working knowledge of city migration and development patterns.

    As a result, they can determine which local areas are most likely to experience the fastest rate of appreciation. No matter which approach is used, the most important predictor of a strategy's success is how well it is researched.

How to Value Real Estate Investment Property (2024)


How to Value Real Estate Investment Property? ›

The capitalization rate is a key metric for valuing an income-producing property. Net operating income (NOI) measures an income-producing property's profitability before adding costs for financing and taxes. The two key real estate valuation methods include discounting future NOI and the gross income multiplier model.

How do you determine the value of an investment property? ›

Also known as GRM, the gross rent multiplier approach is one of the simplest ways to determine the fair market value of a property. To calculate GRM, simply divide the current property market value or purchase price by the gross annual rental income: Gross Rent Multiplier = Property Price or Value / Gross Rental Income.

How do you determine the fair value of an investment property? ›

Fair value is the price at which the property could be exchanged between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction, without deducting transaction costs (see IFRS 13). Under the cost model, investment property is measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses.

How do you evaluate real estate investment properties? ›

Here, we go over eight critical metrics that every real estate investor should be able to use to evaluate a property.
  1. Your Mortgage Payment. ...
  2. Down Payment Requirements. ...
  3. Rental Income to Qualify. ...
  4. Price to Income Ratio. ...
  5. Price to Rent Ratio. ...
  6. Gross Rental Yield. ...
  7. Capitalization Rate. ...
  8. Cash Flow.

What is property value formula in real estate? ›

To estimate property values in the current market, divide the net operating income by the capitalization rate. For example, if the net operating income were $100,000 with a five percent cap rate, the property value would be roughly $2 million.

What is the 2 rule for investment properties? ›

What Is the 2% Rule in Real Estate? The 2% rule is a rule of thumb that determines how much rental income a property should theoretically be able to generate. Following the 2% rule, an investor can expect to realize a positive cash flow from a rental property if the monthly rent is at least 2% of the purchase price.

What are the 4 ways to value a property? ›

4 real estate valuation methods
  • Sales comparison approach.
  • Cost approach.
  • Price per square foot method.
  • Income capitalization approach.

How to value a property based on rental income? ›

For example, if the property value is $162,000 and the gross rental income is $18,600, the GRM would be:
  1. GRM = property value or purchase price / gross rental income.
  2. $162,000 property value / $18,600 gross rental income = 8.7.

What is the best evidence of fair value? ›

Quoted market prices in an active market are the best evidence of fair value and should be used, where they exist, to measure the financial instrument.

What is a good cap rate for rental property? ›

That said, many analysts consider a "good" cap rate to be around 5% to 10%, while a 4% cap rate indicates lower risk but a longer timeline to recoup an investment.1 There are also other factors to consider, like the features of a local property market, and it is important not to rely on cap rate or any other single ...

What is the 1% rule for investors? ›

For a potential investment to pass the 1% rule, its monthly rent must equal at least 1% of the purchase price. If you want to buy an investment property, the 1% rule can be a helpful tool for finding the right property to achieve your investment goals.

How to quickly evaluate a rental property? ›

5 Metrics You Need to Evaluate Rental Property
  1. Net Operating Income (NOI) The net operating income (NOI) is a key metric used to evaluate the performance of a rental property. ...
  2. Capitalization Rate (Cap Rate) ...
  3. Cash on Cash Return (CoC) ...
  4. Occupancy Rate. ...
  5. Rent to Value Ratio (RTVR)
Mar 18, 2020

What is the 1% rule? ›

How the One Percent Rule Works. This simple calculation multiplies the purchase price of the property plus any necessary repairs by 1%. The result is a base level of monthly rent. It's also compared to the potential monthly mortgage payment to give the owner a better understanding of the property's monthly cash flow.

What is the investment method of valuation? ›

The investment method is used where there is an income stream to value, i.e. the property is tenanted. This can include commercial, residential, retail, industrial and agricultural properties.

What is a good Ebitda for a real estate company? ›

Average EBITDA Multiple range: 3.79x – 4.19x

On average, property management firms transact at an EBITDA multiple range of 3.79x – 4.19x. An expert will apply this multiple to EBITDA to derive an implied value of the business. Refer to the following calculation.

What is the band of investment method? ›

The Band of Investment technique is a method of estimating the overall Capitalization Rate by calculating the weighted average of capitalization or discount rates for the components of the total property investment.

What is the 2% rule in real estate? ›

This is a general rule of thumb that determines a base level of rental income a rental property should generate. Following the 2% rule, an investor can expect to realize a gross yield from a rental property if the monthly rent is at least 2% of the purchase price.

What is the 70% rule in house flipping? ›

Put simply, the 70 percent rule states that you shouldn't buy a distressed property for more than 70 percent of the home's after-repair value (ARV) — in other words, how much the house will likely sell for once fixed — minus the cost of repairs.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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