How to use the Unlimited Lunar Coins Cheat in Risk of Rain 2 (2024)

Get all the Lunar Coins you will ever need.

How to use the Unlimited Lunar Coins Cheat in Risk of Rain 2 (2)

Image via Hopoo Games

Among the currencies in Risk of Rain 2, Lunar Coins rate highly for their rarity and desirability. You can use them to buy several Lunar items from the Bazaar Between Realms, and also to unlock a new survivor, the Artificer. The main barrier is that they’re quite hard to obtain. You need to defeat many enemies, and their drop rate is abysmal at only a paltry 0.5% drop rate. For most players, this would be prohibitive, but fortunately for the PC crowd, there’s a way to circumvent this by dabbling in a little bit of cheating. It’s pretty simple to do and it will save you a lot of time in the process if you’re not looking to grind for hours or even days. Here’s how to get unlimited Lunar Coins in Risk of Rain 2 on PC.

Related: How to unlock all artifacts and their codes in Risk of Rain 2

How to get unlimited Lunar Coins in Risk of Rain 2

To get unlimited Lunar Coins in Risk of Rain 2 you have to be playing the PC version of the game. Follow these steps to do it:

  1. Make sure that your Steam client is closed. Even if it’s minimized, right-click on it and select Exit.
  2. Navigate to your Steam library folder on the PC. By default, the path should look like this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata
  3. Find the folder with the name 632360 and open it.
  4. Go to the Remote folder, followed by the UserProfiles folder.
  5. Locate the XML document there and open it with a text editor. Notepad or Notepad++ should do.
  6. Look for the line: <coin>number</coin> (with the number between the brackets being the number of Lunar Coins you currently have). If you can’t find it, press Ctrl+F and search for <coin> to locate it.
  7. Change the number value to the amount that you want, and that will give you that many Lunar Coins.
  8. Make sure to save the XML document first, then close it and the folder.
  9. Start the Steam launcher again, and launch Risk of Rain 2. You should now have the amount of Lunar Coins that you’ve entered in your possession.

Of course, you can repeat this cheat any time you need some extra Lunar Coins. Simply repeat the process above and enter the new amount that you need until you have the Artificer and everything else in your possession.

How to use the Unlimited Lunar Coins Cheat in Risk of Rain 2 (2024)
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