How to Use the Deep Mulch Method to Improve Your Garden (2024)

Gardening can be a lot of work. You need to till the soil up in the spring, weed the beds weekly, fertilize often, and water daily. If you want to reduce the time commitment, it’s time you tried the deep mulch method.

Now, I don’t want to sell the deep mulch method as a technique that gets rid of all of the garden tasks you need to complete. Gardening still involves a level of commitment, but you can reduce the work and makes things easier.

Plus, the deep mulch method also helps you improve the health of your soil. What’s not to like?

What is the Deep Mulch Method?

How to Use the Deep Mulch Method to Improve Your Garden (1)

Ruth Stout came up with the idea of deep mulch gardening in the 1950s. Her idea was that the multiple layers of mulch would block weeds, add organic matter to the soil, and kill the grass underneath of the mulch.

It also would create a rich bed for plants to thrive in.

The deep mulch method involves creating deep layers of hay, straw, compost, manure, leaves, and other organic materials. Once these layers are created, you put the plants right into the mulch.

Once established, the materials are 8-24 inches deep, and you’ll continue to add more materials as everything decompose over time.

Why Is Good to Stop Tilling?

Traditionally, gardeners are told to till up garden soil each year before planting into the disturbed ground. But evidence shows us that tilling has some negative side effects.

As more people turn away from tilling and want to grow a no-till garden, here are some of the reasons why you should ditch the old ways of working the soil.

  • Tilling loosens the soil, which makes it more vulnerable to erosion.
  • It exposes dormant weed seeds, which can encourage new weeds to grow in your beds.
  • While tilling increases the fertility of the soil, it only does so temporarily. Over time, it’ll make the soil devoid of life.
  • If you till too early in the early spring, it can cause your soil to dry out too fast, killing the microorganisms.

The Benefits of Using the Deep Mulch Method

So, what are the benefits of using the deep mulch method? There are several reasons why you would want to use this method. Let’s take a look!

1. No Tilling

Aside from the fact that we know tilling has negative effects, it’s also just a lot of hard work that you more than likely don’t want to do.

With the deep mulch method, you don’t even need to worry about covering any grass or tilling it up before laying down the mulch.

How to Use the Deep Mulch Method to Improve Your Garden (2)

Grass decomposes over time as well!

2. You Can Plant Immediately

While some experts tell you that you should prep the garden beds the previous year with the deep mulch, you don’t have to do so. If you decide randomly that you want to garden, go ahead and put your plants right into the mulch.

3. Fewer Weeds

The biggest pro for most people is that this method involves fewer weeds – it’s a noticeable difference. If pulling weeds is a garden task that makes you want to cry, you’ll want to try using deep mulch. Keeping the layers deep makes it nearly impossible for weeds to push upward.

4. Watering Less

Not only do you have to weed less often, but you don’t need to water as often either. The mulch holds in the moisture, even if you live somewhere warm and dry, so you don’t need to water as frequently.

Another side benefit is that consistently moist soil leads to more earthworm activity and more microorganisms working hard in the ground.

5. Nutrients Seep into The Soil

Over time, you add more materials to create the layers because everything decomposes. The decomposition process adds nutrients to the soil, and those nutrients help your plants grow in the mulch.

How to Use the Deep Mulch Method

If you’re convinced that this is a route you want to go, here are the steps to get started. It’s a lot easier than you might imagine.

1. Pick The Right Spot

The first task is to pick where you want to put your new deep mulch garden. Here are some tips.

  • Pick an area that receives at least six to eight hours of sunlight, which is typically the minimum amount needed by many plants for growth. If you’re only going to grow cool-weather crops, you could get away with six hours, but most plants want more.
  • Make sure there isn’t any major morning or evening shade, such as by a tall tree. If you’re plotting in the spring when the trees aren’t in full bloom, make sure this is considered.
  • Pick a spot that is easily accessible that you can harvest from whenever you want.
  • Use stakes and twine to rope off the size and shape of your garden. You can make more than one spot if you want. Don’t be afraid to get creative!
How to Use the Deep Mulch Method to Improve Your Garden (3)

2. Cut the Grass and Water Thoroughly

Once you have the spot picked, cut down the grass and any weeds in the area. Remember, you don’t need to till! Cut down everything as low as possible; the mulch will smother it and stop any growth.

You also want to clear away any debris or rocks that are larger than a pebble. Rocks won’t decompose, and their presence can cause the roots to be stunted.

Once you do this, water it thoroughly, but you don’t want any mud puddles.

3. Lay Down Cardboard or Newspaper

Now, lay down a layer of cardboard or a few layers of newspaper. Something tricky about cardboard is that it’s easy to miss stray pieces of packing tape, but do your best to remove it all. Tape won’t decompose.

Water this layer down well, especially if you use cardboard.

This layer acts as a physical barrier against the grass and weeds, killing most of them off. It decomposes over time, but it helps you establish a clean base.

4. Install An Irrigation System

One of the harder parts of using deep mulch is that getting the water down into tall he layers is tricky! You can remedy that by installing an irrigation system before you start piling everything on top.

5. Start Piling Organic Materials

Now, it’s time to start piling on all of the organic materials that you want. You can do this at one time, or you can do so slowly over a period of a few weeks.

So, what organic materials can you use for a deep mulch garden? A few suggestions include:

  • Straw
  • Wood Chips
  • Shredded Leaves
  • Manure
  • Compost

Everyone has their own preference, so it will take time to discover what works best for you. Make sure that you never use any materials that have been treated with herbicides or insecticides.

6. Add Your Plants or Seeds

How to Use the Deep Mulch Method to Improve Your Garden (4)

Once you have the proper depth of your mulch, it’s time to stay planting your seeds or plants. You can either make rows for your seeds or dig a hole in the mulch and put the plants where you want them.

If you’re using seeds, it’s best to keep back the materials a bit so that you can see what you’re planting. Once you can tell that it’s a plant and not a rogue seedling, move the mulch back in place.

6. Maintain the Proper Depth of the Mulch

Using deep mulch gardening isn’t free of maintenance. You’ll need to slowly add more materials because they rot and decompose over time.

If you notice weeds popping through, it means your beds aren’t deep enough, so it’s time to heap on more mulching materials.

Give Deep Mulch Gardening a Try

If you’re sick of the traditional garden task list and want to make it a little easier, give the deep mulch method a try. The inches of mulch laid down gives you a nutrient-dense place to plant your vegetables without needing to worry as much about weeding all year. You might end up loving it!

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How to Use the Deep Mulch Method to Improve Your Garden (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.