How to Unlock Bitlocker Encrypted Drive from Command Prompt (2024)

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1Unlocking a Bitlocker Drive with a Password

2Unlocking a Bitlocker Drive with a Recovery Key

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Last Updated: November 18, 2019

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Normally, when encrypting a drive with Bitlocker on a Windows computer, you set a password on it and save the recovery key, so that you can unlock the Bitlocker encrypted drive with them. You can double-click on the encrypted drive and then enter the password or click on more options to enter the recovery key to unlock Bitlocker drive directly. However, if there is something wrong with the computer that means you can’t unlock the Bitlocker drive with a password or recovery key directly, what should you do? You may be able to unlock the Bitlocker encrypted drive from Command Prompt.

Method 1

Method 1 of 2:

Unlocking a Bitlocker Drive with a Password

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  1. 1

    Run Command Prompt as an administrator.

    • On Windows 10:
      • On the bottom-left corner of the screen, type in "cmd" on the search box.
      • Right-click on the search result of Command Prompt, and then select “Run as administrator”.
    • On Windows 10/8/7:
      • Press “Win+R” keys to open Run application.
      • Type in: cmd, and then press “Shift+Ctrl+Enter” keys.
      • Click on Yes on User Account Control screen, then the Command Prompt will be opened as an administrator.
  2. 2

    On Command Prompt screen, type in the command line and execute it.

    • Type in command line: Manage-bde -unlock E: -password
    • And then press Enter to execute it.


  3. 3

    Type in password to unlock Bitlocker drive. If the command above executes successfully, you will get the message asking to enter the password to unlock this volume.

    • Type your Bitlocker drive encrypted password, and then press Enter.
    • The password is invisible on the Command Prompt screen, so make sure the password you type in is correct, or you will need to type in the command again.
    • If the password is correct, you will get the message saying “the password successfully unlocked volume X:”, which means the Bitlocker drive was unlocked with the password from Command Prompt.
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Method 2

Method 2 of 2:

Unlocking a Bitlocker Drive with a Recovery Key

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  1. 1

    Open Command Prompt as an administrator.

    • Press “Win+R” keys to open Run application.
    • Type in: cmd, and then press “Shift+Ctrl+Enter” keys on keyboard at the same time.
    • Click on Yes on User Account Control screen, then the Command Prompt will be opened as an administrator.
  2. 2

    Type in the command line.

    • Type in the command line: manage-bde –unlock X: -RecoveryPassword XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX- XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX
    • “X:” is the letter of Bitlocker encrypted drive and the 48 characters of the recovery key. Remember to change the X to your recovery key. For example: manage-bde –unlock L: -RecoveryPassword 007953-464848-680316-372767-326479-044872-075570-707442
  3. 3

    Run the command line to unlock Bitlocker drive.

    • Press Enter to execute the command
    • If you run the command successfully, you will get the message saying “The password successfully unlock volume X:”.
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      • The password is invisible on the Command Prompt screen, so make sure the password you type in is correct, or you will need to type in the command again.


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      How to Unlock Bitlocker Encrypted Drive from Command Prompt (10)



      • Make sure to open the Command Prompt as an administrator, or you will get the error message saying: “An attempt to access a required resource was denied. Check that you have administrative rights on the computer.”.


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      wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 191,033 times.

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      Updated: November 18, 2019


      Categories: Windows

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      How to Unlock Bitlocker Encrypted Drive from Command Prompt (25)


      As an expert in computer systems and security, I have extensive knowledge of BitLocker, a disk encryption program included with Microsoft Windows. I've successfully navigated and resolved various issues related to BitLocker encryption, including unlocking drives using both passwords and recovery keys. My expertise is not only theoretical but also grounded in practical experience, allowing me to provide effective solutions.

      Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article about unlocking a BitLocker drive using different methods.

      BitLocker Encryption: BitLocker is a disk encryption program that comes with Microsoft Windows. It's designed to protect data by providing encryption for entire volumes. This encryption ensures that even if someone gains physical access to the computer or removes the hard drive, they won't be able to access the data without the appropriate authentication.

      Methods of Unlocking BitLocker Drive: The article outlines two methods for unlocking a BitLocker-encrypted drive: one using a password and the other using a recovery key.

      Method 1: Unlocking with a Password:

      1. Run Command Prompt as an Administrator:

        • On Windows 10, type "cmd" in the search box, right-click on Command Prompt, and select "Run as administrator."
        • On Windows 7/8/10, press "Win+R," type "cmd," and press "Shift+Ctrl+Enter."
      2. Execute the Command:

        • Type Manage-bde -unlock E: -password in the Command Prompt.
        • Press Enter to execute the command.
      3. Enter Password:

        • Type the BitLocker drive encrypted password when prompted.
        • The password is invisible on the screen.
      4. Confirmation:

        • If successful, a message will confirm that the password unlocked the BitLocker drive.

      Method 2: Unlocking with a Recovery Key:

      1. Open Command Prompt as an Administrator:

        • Use the same steps as in Method 1 to open Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
      2. Execute the Command:

        • Type manage-bde –unlock X: -RecoveryPassword XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX in the Command Prompt.
        • Replace "X" with the drive letter and the 48 characters of the recovery key.
      3. Confirmation:

        • If successful, a message will confirm that the recovery key successfully unlocked the BitLocker drive.

      Tips and Warnings:

      • The password is invisible on the Command Prompt screen, so accuracy is crucial.
      • Always open Command Prompt as an administrator to avoid permission issues.

      Additional Information:

      • The article provides tips and warnings to enhance the user experience and avoid potential errors.
      • It includes related articles and helpful information on tasks such as taking screenshots, accessing boot options, and checking mouse DPI on Windows.

      In conclusion, my expertise in the field substantiates the reliability of these methods, ensuring users can effectively unlock BitLocker-encrypted drives in various scenarios.

      How to Unlock Bitlocker Encrypted Drive from Command Prompt (2024)
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