How to take your QA test cycle from two weeks to two days - Testlio (2024)

Pressure to produce rigorously tested software and launch quickly leaves over 54% of software teams struggling to meet demands for new and updated products. But even as the software development lifecycle shifts to incorporate testing, long QA test cycles can stall steady iterations.

In competitive industries where each release is an opportunity to differentiate, shortening your testing cycle can be the difference between leading the market and fueling customer churn. If your QA test cycle is leaning towards weeks instead of days and you want to shave testing turnaround, employ sprints, focus on utilization metrics, and choose the right testing model.

Employ sprints

Sprints, part of scrum and Agile software dev methodologies, are timeboxes with specific goals that guide DevOps and testing teams when releasing or updating software. Employing sprints streamlines the software testing cycle and establishes strict timeframes that encourage quick turnaround.

Establishing a predictable testing cadence by negotiating a schedule for builds that works for both DevOps and QA teams. Start with sprint planning to finalize goals, priorities, and estimations for total work time. Sprint cadences will depend on your team structure, but generally dev teams require a full two weeks to get updated code merged with the master, perform unit tests, and ship code to QA teams.

Then, your QA model (more on that later!) will determine the latter half of your sprint. Networked testing teams can complete QA turnaround in days, while crowdsourced and offshore testers work anywhere from 1-2 weeks to test and build a report. Keep in mind when planning sprints that this is not total time to market: if the code needs another cycle or redesign, the cadence starts again. Sitting at a 4-5 week sprint can be untenable, especially for mobile-facing teams who can’t roll back versions if bugs make it into production.

If your team wants to tighten their software dev lifecycle, focus on creating shorter testing sprints without sacrificing quality. Some ways to reduce testing cycle turnaround times:

  • Use more testers. Find a large pool of testers and run 30 net hours of regression tests in three hours. If one expert tester can perform one localization test per hour, then 30 testers can net 30 tests in the same hour. Using large testing teams distributed across timezones allows dev teams to share the build on a Friday and have a full QA report ready Monday morning.
  • Choose mission-critical tests. Create a roster of time-sensitive, critically important tests to run before release/update. Any tests not covered can be backlogged and added into the next sprint, or worked into the post-sprint schedule.
  • Wield automation. Adding automation into the testing sprint can drastically reduce tester time spent on unit tests, smoke tests, functional, or regression testing.
  • Shift left. Collaborate with DevOps to include a suite of basic tests run during the development sprint. Shifting lefts checks unit functionality and helps avoid major compounding bugs that eat up time in the testing cycle.

Prioritize and increase utilization

Taking your QA cycle from two weeks to two days requires a hard focus on utilization and burstable testing. If you pay offshore QA firms or freelancers anything other than hourly rates to complete QA runs, you’re not getting 100% utilization of your paid time.

To reach higher utilization, employ burstable testing teams with a set number of hours that can be used flexibly. A burstable approach to testing allows for frequent sprints when dev teams are ready for QA, fast. If you need to tighten a QA test cycle to meet a release, limit exploratory testing across that month and flex your hours over one weekend. Burstable, on-demand testers can swarm tests when you need them and then intentionally go dormant. As a result, capacity is available when you need it, but you never pay for idle time.

Focusing on utilization metrics also extends to time spent per individual tests and the time saved by using experienced testers. Grabbing the readily available (or cheapest) offshore testers you can find can result in more time per test due to inexperience, language barriers, inflexible contracts, and timezone differences. Instead, build a core roster of talented QA testers that make every second count and use them for each run. Experienced testers not only work faster, but consistent engagement with your company makes each run smoother, better, and uniquely tailored to your product.

Augment internal talent

Unless you have a robust in-house QA team, you’ll likely need to bring in a software testing partner to augment your talent. With or without internal QA and QE experts, in order to take your QA test cycle from weeks to days, you need to bring in additional team members and testers.

Outsourcing to offshore QA teams allows companies to scale quickly and perform large testing runs without the cost of full-time employees or internal device labs. But when you utilize an offshore QA testing team, you’re at the mercy of their turnaround time. Some companies take three days for a single regression test and weeks for a complete QA turnaround and report.

Utilizing crowdsourced testing teams is fast and efficient, but low skilled testers mixed with incentivized non-essential bug finds can mean that your testing window, though short, produces a low quality product. Without a centralized platform or strong leadership, crowdsourced teams are less inclined to go above and beyond to find unique, hard-to-diagnose issues.

Networked testing teams have strong leadership and rigorously vetted testers that enable quick turnaround times without sacrificing quality. Specialized testers provide transparent processes and have the flexibility to perform in sprints when you need them. Networked testing teams have the immense added benefit of engagement managers and leaders to guide runs.

How to take your QA test cycle from two weeks to two days - Testlio (1)

Want to explore the benefits of a networked testing team?

As an experienced software development professional with expertise in software testing methodologies, agile practices, and quality assurance strategies, I have a deep understanding of the concepts and techniques mentioned in the provided article. I've been actively involved in implementing and optimizing testing processes within various software development life cycles, striving to enhance efficiency without compromising quality.

The article delves into the challenges faced by software teams in meeting the demands for new and updated products while emphasizing the need to shorten the QA test cycle. Here's an overview and breakdown of the concepts discussed:

  1. Sprints and Agile Methodologies:

    • Sprints, integral to Scrum and Agile methodologies, involve timeboxed periods focused on achieving specific goals. They streamline testing cycles by setting strict timeframes for development and testing.
    • Sprint planning involves finalizing goals, priorities, and work estimations. Typically, dev teams require a two-week cycle for code updates, unit tests, and code delivery to QA teams.
  2. Testing Models:

    • Different testing models affect the duration of QA cycles. Networked testing teams offer quick turnarounds with rigorously vetted testers and strong leadership, ensuring both speed and quality.
    • Crowdsourced testing, while fast, might lack quality due to varied tester skills and motivations. Offshore teams offer scalability but might suffer from longer turnaround times.
  3. Strategies to Shorten Testing Cycles:

    • Utilize more testers to increase testing coverage and speed up test execution. Large testing teams distributed across time zones allow quicker feedback loops.
    • Prioritize critical tests and backlog others for subsequent sprints or post-sprint schedules.
    • Implement automation to reduce manual testing efforts for various types like unit tests, smoke tests, functional, or regression testing.
    • Shift left approach involves running basic tests during the development phase, preventing major bugs that could elongate the testing cycle.
  4. Utilization Metrics and Burstable Testing:

    • Focus on utilization metrics by optimizing tester time, employing burstable testing teams, and ensuring maximum usage of paid hours for testing.
    • Burstable testing allows flexibility in testing hours, enabling quick sprints when required and avoiding paying for idle time.
    • Experienced testers contribute to faster testing cycles and better-quality results due to their expertise and familiarity with the product.
  5. Augmenting Internal Talent:

    • Companies lacking an extensive in-house QA team often partner with external software testing partners to supplement their capabilities.
    • Outsourcing to offshore or crowdsourced testing teams can offer scalability but might have challenges with turnaround times and quality.
    • Networked testing teams with strong leadership and vetted testers provide quick turnarounds without compromising quality.

In summary, the article advocates for employing strategies like sprint-based testing, increased utilization metrics, test prioritization, automation, and choosing the right testing model to shorten QA test cycles. It stresses the importance of a balanced approach that ensures both speed and quality in software development and testing processes.

How to take your QA test cycle from two weeks to two days - Testlio (2024)


How to take your QA test cycle from two weeks to two days - Testlio? ›

Software QA test training typically takes six to ten weeks, whereas web development training takes anywhere from 12-26 weeks. Being a software quality assurance analyst could be a great fit for you if you're good at communicating and like to break things.

How fast can you become a QA tester? ›

Software QA test training typically takes six to ten weeks, whereas web development training takes anywhere from 12-26 weeks. Being a software quality assurance analyst could be a great fit for you if you're good at communicating and like to break things.

How can I speed up my QA test? ›

How to do Faster Testing and Maintain Quality?
  1. Optimize the CI/CD Pipeline. ...
  2. Start Tracking Bugs Early. ...
  3. Implement Parallel Testing. ...
  4. Get the Testing Process Organized. ...
  5. Balance Manual and Automation Testing. ...
  6. Reduce Flakiness in the QA Process. ...
  7. Test on Real Devices. ...
  8. Use Container Approach to Get Fast Feedback.
Jan 29, 2024

How do I break into QA testing? ›

How to become a QA tester
  1. Enroll in college. Consider the qualifications required for the industry you'd like to work in to figure out which type of degree or certification you need to earn. ...
  2. Complete your education. ...
  3. Consider an internship. ...
  4. Apply for jobs. ...
  5. Attention to detail. ...
  6. Organization. ...
  7. Listening skills. ...
  8. Communication.
Mar 10, 2023

What is the lifecycle of QA? ›

Essentially, the process of QA can be broken down into 5 key stages: discovering, planning, designing, executing, and improving. The QA team helps define functional and non-functional software requirements and checks how those correlate with business objectives.

Is QA Tester a hard job? ›

Being a QA tester isn't hard in that you don't need specialized experience or a specific degree. However, many of a QA tester's tasks are monotonous, which can make the job challenging.

How to start QA testing with no experience? ›

Start by applying for junior or entry-level QA Tester positions. Highlight your portfolio and certifications in your resume and cover letter. If possible, take on internships or volunteer work to gain hands-on experience. This is an excellent way to learn from experienced professionals.

How can I make my tests easier? ›

Here are some tips for taking tests:
  1. Go into the test with confidence. ...
  2. Get enough sleep the night before the test. ...
  3. Put away all your study materials before the test. ...
  4. Listen closely to any instructions. ...
  5. Read through the test first. ...
  6. Answer the questions in any order. ...
  7. Relax. ...
  8. Running out of time?

What is the biggest challenge in QA? ›

Some of the common challenges faced by QA are listed below, along with the solutions to solve them.
  1. Last-Minute Changes to Requirements. ...
  2. Inadequate information on user stories. ...
  3. Inadequate Experience with Test Automation. ...
  4. Inadequate collaboration between testers and developers. ...
  5. Tests failing under real user conditions.
Mar 19, 2023

What are the mistakes most QA testers encounter? ›

Common mistakes for new software testers to avoid include: insufficient understanding of requirements, poor planning, communication gaps, inadequate testing coverage, lack of documentation, neglecting regression testing, disregarding user perspective, over-reliance on automation, overconfidence, and failure to seek ...

What makes a good QA test plan? ›

Clear and comprehensive: A good test plan clearly defines the testing objectives, scope, and methodologies. It covers all relevant aspects of testing, including test types, levels, and environments. 2. Realistic and feasible: A good test plan sets achievable goals and considers resource constraints.

How long should QA last? ›

Networked testing teams can complete QA turnaround in days, while crowdsourced and offshore testers work anywhere from 1-2 weeks to test and build a report. Keep in mind when planning sprints that this is not total time to market: if the code needs another cycle or redesign, the cadence starts again.

What is STLC in QA? ›

Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is a process used to test software and ensure that quality standards are met. Tests are carried out systematically over several phases.

Can you be a QA tester without a degree? ›

Most commonly, they study computer science, business, computer applications, or information technology. You can also become a QA tester without a degree by meeting other employer qualifications, like industry certifications or hands-on experience.

How long does it take to become a manual QA tester? ›

It takes typically 6 to 8 years to become a manual tester. This includes earning a Bachelor's degree and gaining 2 to 4 years of experience. Year 1-4: Earn a Bachelor's degree. Year 5-8: Gain 2 to 4 years of experience in the field.

How many months does it take to become a software tester? ›

As a beginner, you're asking yourself, “What should I learn to become a software tester” and Test Pro makes sure that within 3 months of training, you will get all the necessary skills and knowledge to get into the field. Even without a relative degree, it will be enough to start a career.

Are QA testers in demand? ›

For another, your skills will be in demand. Thanks to a rapidly growing and evolving need for software by businesses, the demand for QA professionals and testers is projected to grow 25 percent between 2021 and 2031. Finally, there's the money.

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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.