How to Pay Off Medical School Debt: 9 Strategies for Doctors (2024)

Becoming a physician requires an extensive education that can leave many med school grads with a significant amount of student debt.

According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), the average medical student graduates with more than $200,000 in student loan debt.

While repaying student debt might seem like a daunting task, there are several tried and true strategies you can implement to make repayment manageable.

Read on to learn how to pay off medical school debt, from revised repayment plans to forgiveness programs and extra payments.

9 Strategies For Paying Off Medical School Debt

Financial stress is one of the top contributors to burnout and mental health challenges in the healthcare industry. However, medical school loans don’t have to snowball out of control.

Here are our top strategies for repaying medical school debt and reaching financial freedom.

  1. Seek Out Student Loan Forgiveness Programs
  2. Consider Student Loan Repayment Programs
  3. Look Into an Income-Driven Repayment Plan
  4. Use Your Signing Bonus to Pay Down Debt
  5. Max Extra Payments
  6. Start Making Payments During Residency
  7. Refinance for a Better Interest Rate
  8. Consolidate Federal Student Loans
  9. Optimize Your Finances

1. Seek Out Student Loan Forgiveness Programs

State, local, and federal entities offer student loan forgiveness programs for physicians who work in the government or non-profit sector. Each program has its qualifying terms, so it’s important to do your research to confirm you qualify.

Here are some notable student loan forgiveness program options to consider.

  • Public Service Loan Forgiveness: Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) is restricted to people who work in public service. It’s open to physicians who work full-time for a non-profit organization or local, state, and federal government. Applicants must have made 120 on-time monthly payments and have Direct loans on an income-driven repayment plan while working for a qualifying employer.
  • State-Specific Loan Forgiveness: Most states offer some kind of medical loan forgiveness. The terms will differ depending on your state and eligibility, but we’ve put together a convenient list of state-specific loan forgiveness programs. Note that some states offer student loan forgiveness whereas other states offer repayment.

2. Consider Student Loan Repayment Programs

While student loan forgiveness wipes your loan balance in one fell swoop after you’ve met the requirements, student loan repayment is more of a trickle over time.

We’ve outlined a few repayment options worth considering if you’re struggling with medical school loan debt.

  • Military repayment programs: The Army, Navy, and Air Force offer student loan assistance programs to active duty service members. For example, the Navy’s Health Professions Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP) repays up to $40,000 annually directly to medical school loans, minus federal income taxes; medical students, residents, and Navy physicians are eligible.
  • National Institute of Health Loan Repayment Programs: The National Institute of Health (NIH) offers loan repayment programs to physicians pursuing research careers. If you’re approved, you’ll be eligible for $50,000 per year in student loan repayment. The NIH also offers repayment assistance for healthcare professionals researching health disparities and an Extramural Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds.
  • National Health Service Corps Loan Assistance: The NHSC offers repayment assistance programs to medical professionals who work on sponsored initiatives. The NHSC Loan Repayment Program provides up to $50,000 in student loan assistance to medical professionals who work for at least two years at an NHS-approved site.

3. Look Into an Income-Driven Repayment Plan

The federal government offers four different income-driven repayment (IDR) plans.

We’ve outlined important information about each plan below.

  • Pay As You Earn (PAYE): Your repayment amount will be about 10% of your discretionary income, but not more than the 10-year Standard Repayment Plan amount, with a 20-year repayment term.
  • Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan: Formerly called REPAYE, this plan sets payments at 10% of discretionary income; the repayment term is 20 years for undergraduate loans and 25 years for graduate or professional loans.
  • Income-Contingent Repayment (ICR): With this plan, the repayment amount is set at 15% of your discretionary income with a term of 25 years.
  • Income-Based Repayment (IBR): The IBR repayment amount is 10% of discretionary income for borrowers who took out their loans after July 2014, with a 20-year term, or 15% of discretionary income for borrowers who took out their loans before July 2014, with a 25-year term.

Federal Student Aid offers a loan simulator to help you estimate your monthly payments and choose your student loan repayment strategy.

4. Use Your Signing Bonus to Pay Down Debt

As many as 57% of physicians have a bonus incentive baked into their income, according to Medscape’s 2023 Physician Compensation Report.

If you’re on the job market, consider negotiating a signing bonus, end-of-year bonus, or other performance-based financial incentives. When you receive this income, use it toward your debt to reduce the number of monthly payments you’ll need to make over the loan term.

5. Make Extra Payments

Homeowners looking to pay off their mortgage quickly will often budget to make more than one monthly payment. If you apply this logic to your student loan balance, you’ll end up shaving significant interest because the extra payments will go toward paying your principal balance.

You can begin a bi-weekly repayment plan by setting aside 50% of your loan amount every two weeks. With this plan, you’ll end up making 13 payments per year rather than the required 12.

6. Start Making Payments During Residency

Many residents take advantage of forbearance or deferment to reduce their bills, but student loans still accrue interest during this period. If you can afford to make student loan payments during residency, you can save on accrued interest over the loan term.

Some student loan services will even approve interest-only payments if you can’t afford the entire repayment amount.

7. Refinance for a Better Interest Rate

Medical school students typically graduate with a mix of private and federal student loans. Federal student loans often have federal benefits, such as income-driven repayment plans and the potential for forgiveness if you work in the non-profit sector.

Private student loans, on the other hand, can be refinanced at a better interest rate if market conditions have changed. When you refinance a private student loan, you agree to new terms, including payment amount and repayment term.

In general, it’s recommended that you refinance with a private lender early and often to ensure you’re getting the best interest rate.

8. Consolidate Federal Student Loans

If you have more than one federal student loan, you may be making more monthly payments than you can reasonably afford.

With a Direct Consolidation Loan, you can reduce your federal student loans to one convenient monthly payment. Federal Direct Loans also make you eligible for income-driven repayment plans and PSLF.

Direct Consolidation Loans have a fixed interest rate that’s calculated from the weighted average of the interest rate on all the consolidated loans.

There is no application fee, and all the paperwork is processed online through the U.S. Department of Education. Some private lenders may offer the option to consolidate your federal loans through them, but that isn’t the same as a Direct Consolidation Loan.

9. Optimize Your Finances

After dedicating yourself to long hours of training and rigorous academic coursework while living on a budget, it can be tempting to fall into lifestyle inflation.

Physician loans in particular can make it easy to purchase a home with a high monthly payment, which can easily balloon your expenditures if you’re not careful.

Maintaining a low cost of living can help you pay off your student loans earlier while still setting you up for financial success in the long run.

While you may be making more money after completing residency, living with roommates, minimizing eating out, and avoiding expensive vacations can allow you to set aside more money for your monthly payments. Additionally, you can save money by moving to a rural area.

Mistakes to Avoid When Paying Off Medical School Debt

Here are some key mistakes to steer clear of when tackling your medical school debt:

  • Not creating a budget: Failing to create a budget can make it difficult to track your expenses and allocate funds toward loan repayments. Establishing a budget can help you prioritize loan payments and manage your finances effectively.
  • Neglecting to communicate with lenders: Communication is key when it comes to loan repayment. If you’re facing financial challenges, ignoring communication with your lenders can lead to missed opportunities for alternative repayment arrangements.
  • Disregarding the importance of emergency savings Unexpected expenses can derail your loan repayment progress. Neglecting to build an emergency fund can leave you vulnerable to financial setbacks, making it harder to stay on track with your loan payments.
  • Failing to take advantage of employer benefits: Some employers offer loan repayment assistance as part of their benefits package. Failing to explore and take advantage of these opportunities could mean missing out on valuable assistance.
  • Not seeking professional financial advice: Managing medical school loans can be complex, and seeking professional financial advice can provide valuable insights and strategies for efficient repayment.

How Long Does It Take To Pay Off Medical School Loans?

According to a 2019 survey from Weatherby Financial, the average doctor takes about eight years to pay off student loan debt. About 35% of doctors pay off their medical school debt within five years of graduating.

In some cases, you’ll have as long as 25 years to pay off your student loan debt, but many physicians choose more aggressive repayment strategies.

Talking to a financial advisor can help you develop the right strategy for paying off your medical school debt efficiently without deprioritizing your other important life goals.

How to Pay Off Medical School Debt: 9 Strategies for Doctors (2024)


How to Pay Off Medical School Debt: 9 Strategies for Doctors? ›

Work locum tenens or per diem and make higher loan payments

A strategy employed by many early career physicians is to work locum tenens or per diem shifts and apply the extra earnings toward paying off student loans more quickly.

How do doctors pay off student debt? ›

Work locum tenens or per diem and make higher loan payments

A strategy employed by many early career physicians is to work locum tenens or per diem shifts and apply the extra earnings toward paying off student loans more quickly.

Do doctors qualify for PSLF? ›

Starting July 1, 2023, California doctors who practice in a public hospital or nonprofit are eligible for public student loan forgiveness (PSLF) through the Department of Education. ELIGIBILITY: 10 years and 30 hour/ week practicing in an eligible public hospital or nonprofit clinic.

How do doctors get out of debt? ›

Medical school graduates with federal loans can use a Direct Consolidation Loan to extend their repayment period for up to 30 years or enroll in an income-driven repayment for 20 or 25 years. Private student loans don't have any standard repayment period; you can select a term when you take out the loan.

How do I get my medical school debt forgiven? ›

Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program – The PSLF Program forgives the remaining balance on an individual's Direct Loans after he or she has made 120 qualifying monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan while working full-time for a government or not-for-profit organization.

How to quickly pay off med school debt? ›

If you want to learn how to pay off medical school debt faster, use these tips:
  1. Review Income-Driven Repayment Plans. ...
  2. Make Payments During School or Residency. ...
  3. Make Extra Payments. ...
  4. Consider Loan Forgiveness Opportunities. ...
  5. Explore Repayment Assistance Programs. ...
  6. Seek Employer Assistance. ...
  7. Use Your Signing Bonus.
Aug 17, 2023

How quickly do doctors pay off their student loans? ›

Depending on various factors, paying off medical school loans might take 10 to 30 years. According to a study from Weatherby Healthcare, 25% of doctors expect to take six to 10 years to pay off their student loan debt, while 34% expect to take at least 10 years to pay off their student loans.

What is the doctors loophole for PSLF? ›

The Doctor's Loophole

The combination of PSLF and several of the income driven repayment options creates a nice “loophole” for doctors. Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and Income Based Repayment (IBR) calculate your minimum monthly payments based on a percentage of your discretionary income.

What disqualifies you from PSLF? ›

You must be a direct employee of a qualifying employer for your employment to qualify. This means that employees of contracted organizations, that are not themselves a qualifying employer, won't qualify for PSLF including government contractors and for-profit organizations.

Do people get denied PSLF? ›

Breaking: 99% of People Who Apply for Student Loan Forgiveness Get Denied. If you're banking on student loan forgiveness, we have some seriously bad news: Your chances of getting your loans forgiven through Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) are slim.

How to graduate med school debt free? ›

6 ways to pay for medical school
  1. Look for scholarships and grants.
  2. Enroll in a service program.
  3. Find a free medical school.
  4. Apply for federal financial aid.
  5. Consider private student loans.
  6. Get a part-time job.

How hard is it to pay off med school debt? ›

Between the cost of your mortgage or rent, car payments, utilities, insurances, taxes, and daily expenses, it can take years for borrowers to pay down $200,000 worth of debt on a $313,000 salary. But it can be done. Here are ten strategies for paying down your medical school loans.

What is the average student debt of a doctor? ›

The average medical school debt is over $200,000, a hefty amount of debt to carry at the start of your career. The expected payoff schedule is over 20 years, and during that time, you'll be paying the equivalent of an extra mortgage payment to make progress on the loan.

Can you buy a house with medical school debt? ›

Student loans don't affect your ability to get a mortgage any differently than other types of debt you may have, including auto loans and credit card debt.

How bad is medical school debt? ›

The average medical school debt is $202,453, excluding premedical undergraduate and other educational debt. The average medical school graduate owes $250,995 in total student loan debt. 73% of medical school graduates have educational debt. 31% of indebted medical school graduates have premedical educational debt.

What happens if you don't pay medical school debt? ›

If you default on your student loan, that status will be reported to national credit reporting agencies. This reporting may damage your credit rating and future borrowing ability. Also, the government can collect on your loans by taking funds from your wages, tax refunds, and other government payments.

Do hospitals pay off doctors' student loans? ›

Sources of repayment assistance

Some hospitals and other employers will offer student-loan repayment in an effort to recruit physicians.

How much do doctors pay in student loans per month? ›

Medical school graduates also have other debts, including a median of $5,000 on credit cards and a median of $10,000 in residency and relocation loans. With a starting salary of $200,000, the average monthly repayment cost is $330-$370 during residency practice and $1,600-$2,300 post-residency.

Do doctors get student loan forgiveness? ›

If you work as a physician in the government or non-profit sector for ten years, you may get your loans forgiven thanks to PSLF. The key is to make sure they are Direct loans and make 120 (10 years) payments. Once you make the required payments, you may qualify for PSLF to forgive the remaining balance on your loans.

How much does the average doctor owe in student loans? ›

The average medical school debt is $202,453, excluding premedical undergraduate and other educational debt. The average medical school graduate owes $250,995 in total student loan debt. 73% of medical school graduates have educational debt. 31% of indebted medical school graduates have premedical educational debt.

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