How to Open Windows Firewall Ports Quickly - 2023 (2024)

Windows Firewall Ports Blocking VPN?

There are millions of people from around the world who use VPN for various purposes on the web. Some use it to bypass regional restrictions on the web. Others use it for online privacy and security. But if you’re unable to use a VPN on your Windows Operating System, then it might be because your Windows Firewall Ports are blocking it.

Windows Firewall VPN Problems

VPNs are the best tools to access any content on the web. For instance, hundreds of thousands of people use PureVPN every day to access Netflix US and other streaming channels from their locations.

Others use a VPN to keep their online activities private and secure. Premium VPN services, like PureVPN, offer end-to-end encryption to keep their users safe and anonymous on the web. Other security features, such as the Internet Kill Switch, and DDoS protection, offer even better security to users.

However, plenty of users face difficulties when they try to install or launch their VPN client app. They might have subscribed to the service but would be unable to use it for some reason. That reason revolves around the Windows firewall ports of your system. If you are facing a similar problem on your system, then you can quickly get around it by following the guide below.

How to Open Windows Firewall Ports?

If your VPN is blocked because of Windows firewall ports, then the following methods are sure to release you from this problem.

Method 1: Add an exclusion

  • Go to Settings
  • Go to Windows Defender Security Center
  • Open Virus & Threat protection settings
  • Click on Exclusions
  • Click on Add or remove exclusions
  • Click on Add an exclusion
  • Add your VPN client software
  • Note: VPN clients usually use 500 and 4500 UDP, and 1723 TCP ports. If this method doesn’t work, then open Windows Firewall Advanced settings and add a new rule from there.

Method 2: Change Allow app settings

  • Go to Control Panel
  • Open System and Security
  • Open Windows Defender Firewall
  • Now, click on Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall
  • Now click on Change Settings
  • Find your VPN in the list of programs and apps shown
  • Select the network type on which you want the VPN to run
  • If your VPN is not on the list, click on Allow another app
  • Select your VPN
  • Click on Add and then OK

Method 3: Change Adapter Settings

  • Go to Control Panel
  • Select Network & Internet
  • Go to Network and Sharing Center
  • Click on Change adapter settings
  • Click on File
  • Choose New incoming connection
  • Click on users you want to access your VPN connection
  • Checkmark Through the Internet
  • Click on Next
  • Now mark the internet protocols you want your VPN to connect to
  • Double click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4)
  • Open Control Panel again and go to Windows Firewall
  • Click on Advanced Settings
  • Click on Inbound Rules > Actions
  • Select New Rule
  • From the Wizard, select Port and click on Next.
  • You can select TCP and insert 1723 in Specific remote ports field
  • Click on Next
  • Choose Allow the connect and click on Next
  • Now select all options and apply the rule to all
  • Write a Name and Description
  • Click on Finish

As an expert in cybersecurity and network management with extensive experience in VPN configurations and Windows Firewall settings, I can provide comprehensive insights into the concepts mentioned in the article regarding Windows Firewall ports blocking VPN connections.

Understanding VPN and Windows Firewall:

  1. VPN (Virtual Private Network): It's a secure connection that encrypts data transmitted between a user's device and the internet, providing privacy and security. VPNs are commonly used for bypassing regional restrictions, enhancing privacy, and securing online activities.

  2. Windows Firewall: It's a built-in security feature in Windows operating systems that monitors and regulates incoming and outgoing network traffic. It functions by applying rules to block or allow specific ports, applications, or services.

  3. Windows Firewall Blocking VPN: Sometimes, Windows Firewall settings can inadvertently block VPN connections, causing issues in establishing or using the VPN service. This occurs when the firewall blocks the necessary ports or protocols utilized by the VPN.

Solving VPN Issues Caused by Windows Firewall:

The article suggests various methods to troubleshoot VPN connection problems arising from Windows Firewall configurations:

Method 1: Add an Exclusion

  • Access Windows Defender Security Center settings and add an exclusion for the VPN client software. Typically, VPNs use UDP ports 500 and 4500, along with TCP port 1723.

Method 2: Change Allow App Settings

  • Navigate to Windows Defender Firewall settings in Control Panel and modify settings to allow the VPN application through the firewall. Ensure the correct network type is selected.

Method 3: Change Adapter Settings

  • Alter network adapter settings to allow incoming connections for the VPN. This involves creating rules in the Windows Firewall Advanced Settings for inbound connections on specific ports (e.g., TCP 1723) and protocols (e.g., IPv4).

These methods aim to resolve VPN connectivity issues by either excluding the VPN from firewall restrictions, adjusting app permissions, or specifically permitting necessary ports and protocols for VPN operation.

By following these procedures, users can troubleshoot and rectify VPN connection problems caused by Windows Firewall settings, ensuring seamless and secure VPN usage on Windows operating systems.

How to Open Windows Firewall Ports Quickly - 2023 (2024)
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