How to Mint an Unstoppable Domain (2024)

  • Wirex have partnered with Unstoppable Domains for Wirex Wallet users
  • Unstoppable Domains use NFT technology to revolutionise domain ownership and make it easier to send and receiving crypto
  • Find out how to mint an Unstoppable Domain and transfer it to the Wirex Wallet

Last week, we announced that we’d partnered with Unstoppable Domains (UD) to make it easier for Wirex Wallet users to send and receive crypto. You can now personalise your wallet address with a domain, so instead of sending crypto to 0xF2f5C73fa04406b1995e397B55c24aB1f3eA726C, with UD you’ll send crypto to PavelWirex.crypto (for example).

How to Mint an Unstoppable Domain (1)

We want our users to have the ultimate Web3 experience with Wirex, so it’s great that it’s pretty straightforward to mint a domain and transfer it to your Wirex Wallet. We’ve broken this down into a simple how-to below. To create a UD for your wallet:

Step 1: Connect Wirex Wallet to Unstoppable Domains

  • Make sure you have Ethereum and Polygon wallets set up with the same address on Wirex Wallet.
  • Go to the Unstoppable Domains website on your desktop
  • Click ‘Sign Up / Log In’ at the top right corner of the webpage
  • Choose ‘Connect Wallet’, expand to show ‘more options’ and click on Wirex Wallet. This shows the Wallet Connect QR Code
  • Go to the Wirex Wallet app on your phone, select ‘Actions’ at the bottom and choose ‘Wallet Connect’ and ‘Connect now’
  • Scan the QR code on your desktop browser and approve it
  • It will now take you through email verification using the 4-digit code

You’ve now linked your Wirex Wallet to UD.

Step 2: Mint an Unstoppable Domain to your Wirex Wallet

  • Make sure you're signed into your UD account and go to the Unstoppable Domains Home Page on your desktop
  • Choose a domain name i.e. pavelwirex.crypto
  • Add it to your basket and pay (by card, Paypal, or crypto). NOTE : if you choose a crypto payment, you’ll have to send the payment from your Wirex Wallet -> choose the crypto wallet you want to send the payment from -> press SEND -> input the UD crypto address & the amount in ETH that is shown in the menu. NOTE: paying by crypto involves an on-chain transaction so there will be a gas fee included
  • Now the domain is being minted on the Polygon blockchain and will be automatically linked to your Polygon address on the Wirex Wallet, once the minting procedure has been complete. This process can take up to 1 hour. NOTE: The UD domain will not be visible in the blockchain address section of your Wirex Wallet – it will still show the 26-35 character address from before. The only place you can view the domain is within the NFT section of your Wirex Wallet or by connecting your wallet via Wallet Connect to any NFT marketplace.
  • If you want to link your UD to multiple blockchains on your Wirex Wallet (that are supported by UD), read more here.

Now you own that domain and can use it access the Web3 world by sending money to yourself or requesting payments.*

How to Mint an Unstoppable Domain (2)

To find out more:

* NOTE: Unstoppable Domain addresses can only be used for wallets that support and are partnered with Unstoppable Domains. The transfer, upgrading, or connecting of Web3 domains to other services thereafter does not need Unstoppable Domains to be engaged.

How to Mint an Unstoppable Domain (2024)


What do I do with my Unstoppable Domain? ›

Using an Unstoppable Domain allows you to create a blockchain-connected web address similar to a URL — such as Samplename. crypto or Samplename. zil for example — that translates a cryptocurrency wallet's addresses into a far simpler human-readable name that connects with decentralized apps (dApps) and exchanges.

How to claim Unstoppable Domains? ›

Claiming a Domain to Ledger
  1. Go to the My Domains page and click on Claim / Unstoppable Vault next to the Web3 domain. ...
  2. Click on the MetaMask plugin then click on Connect under the Ledger wallet.
  3. Now that the Ledger wallet is connected to MetaMask, you can add the Ledger wallet address by clicking on Add New Wallet.
Nov 6, 2023

On which blockchain are Unstoppable Domains minted? ›

Step 2: Mint an Unstoppable Domain to your Wirex Wallet

Now the domain is being minted on the Polygon blockchain and will be automatically linked to your Polygon address on the Wirex Wallet, once the minting procedure has been complete.

How do I sell my Unstoppable Domain? ›

To do so, go to the My Domains page and click on Manage next to the domain you want to set up for sale. Click on the Sell Domain tab and add your email address. Once published this email can be removed from your domain but not from the history of the blockchain.

Are Unstoppable Domains worth anything? ›

Unstoppable Domains are a terrific investment possibility if your individual Unstoppable Domain is a highly sought-after Web3 domain or if you plan to use the domain to develop your own website in the future.

Are Unstoppable Domains a good investment? ›

As the world shifts to web3, it'll be more important than ever to own your part of the new internet. By owning an Unstoppable Domain, you'll not only help progress the digital world, you'll ensure your identity is secured for the next wave of technology.

Are Unstoppable Domains real domains? ›

Unstoppable Domains is a crypto (NFT) domain name and wallet address registrar. The platform offers its clients the ability to purchase custom crypto domain names that can then be used as a substitute for their wallet addresses, with some specific services and marketplaces.

Can you build a website on Unstoppable Domains? ›

Unstoppable Domains can be used with DNS CNAME records like traditional domain names, meaning you can use an Unstoppable Domain as a domain name for a personal website or blog. Read below to learn how to create a decentralized website using Unstoppable Domains and IPFS folders on Filebase.

How do you send crypto using Unstoppable Domains? ›

Once your domain is set up, all the sender needs to do is:
  1. Open up a crypto wallet.
  2. Enter in your domain name instead of the wallet address.
  3. Select the crypto and the amount.
  4. Hit send.

What wallets work with Unstoppable Domains? ›

Unstoppable Domains is compatible with top cryptocurrency wallets such as Trust Wallet,, and MyEtherWallet, and NFT marketplaces like OpenSea.

Who runs Unstoppable Domains? ›

Matthew Gould is the founder and CEO of Unstoppable Domains. Unstoppable Domains is a service that facilitates the creation of blockchain based domains that users own to build and verify their digital identity, log in to applications, games, metaverses, and much more.

Who owns Unstoppable Domains? ›

Matt Gould, Co-Founder and CEO of Unstoppable Domains states, “There is going to be a massive development around the amount of property and around the amount of stuff people own online over the next few decades.”

Why buy unstoppable domains? ›

We bring unity and standardization to the domain purchase and management process, saving you time simplifying your digital journey. Web2 domains are compatible with most Internet services and infrastructure. Domains that do not currently work in traditional DNS but conform to ICANN standards for future gTLDs.

How much does an Unstoppable Domain cost? ›

Pricing Tiers for Regular Domains
TLDTier 2Tier 6
.unstoppable$40 - 100$10
.pudgy$200 - 500$50
.austin$200 - $500$50
.pog$200 - $500$50
11 more rows
Apr 3, 2024

What is unstoppable domains most expensive? ›

business. crypto” is the most expensive crypto domain by Unstoppable Domains, after it was sold for $0.12 million in 2022.

What can you do with a crypto domain? ›

Similar to an email address, a blockchain domain is an easy-to-remember address for sending and receiving crypto. Instead of having to copy and paste long, complicated crypto addresses you can simply type in a blockchain domain like john. crypto, reducing the stress of sending your crypto to the wrong address.

Can I use Unstoppable Domain for my website? ›

Unstoppable Domains can be used with DNS CNAME records like traditional domain names, meaning you can use an Unstoppable Domain as a domain name for a personal website or blog.

How do I withdraw money from Unstoppable? ›

How can I withdraw my coin using Unstoppable Domains on OKX?
  1. Add crypto addresses to your domain:
  2. Use your domain to withdraw crypto from us: ...
  3. Enter your domain as the withdrawal address:
  4. To complete the BTC withdrawal, select Add new address in the BTC address field. ...
  5. Confirm your transaction details:
Mar 25, 2024

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