How to Make Money Helping Others (2024)

If you’re reading this article, the world needs more people like you! You are after a noble pursuit, helping others. But you want to be paid for it, as well you should.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Sarah and I’m a single mom. Several years ago I was poor and homeless after my ex-husband left our 14 year marriage. Refusing to let someone else raise my kids, I began doing more of what I was already doing, making money from home. In fact, I’ve been making money from home for 18 years now. After he left, I began full-time and saw full-time results.

I was a reseller online. I sold on eBay and Craigslist. But it wasn’t fulfilling. While I was good at it, and it did pay the bills, something was missing. A purpose, my joy. God led me to the blogging community and it went very quickly for me. Within a year of my blogging career, I went from 0 to an inspiring $10k/month income. By my second year blogging, I was at $23k/month income and quickly hit over $100k/year.

Blogging for me is a dream come true. I had no clue I could make good money using what I already had, knowledge. Everybody is knowledgeable in SOMETHING. Therefore, everybody should start a blog and help people. But blogging isn’t for everyone. Some people like to help bloggers.

Now that I make a decent living in blogging, I need help running the blog as my growth expands. Things like setting up posts and social media. I can’t do everything by myself. After all, I’m still a single mama and the whole point of working from home is to BE with my kids. If I’m not actually doing that, I’m defeating the whole purpose.

Bloggers like me need help. We can’t do everything ourselves; we are only one person. That’s where virtual assistants come in.

A virtual assistant is someone who helps bloggers with tasks and they get paid for it. Sometimes it’s an hourly rate like $10+/hour, sometimes it’s paid by the task. Whatever the rate is or however you chose to be paid, paid you can be…and paid well.

For me, my virtual personal assistant, Katie Dettra (who is amazing, by the way!) used to be a school teacher. Since working for me, she was able to quit her job and be home with her own kids, while helping support me in my endeavors of helping you. By her helping me, she’s not only able to be with her kids, but she is the backbone of a lot of this blog. She sets up posts for me and does a lot of the leg-work. She is very valuable to me and I to her and it’s a beautiful relationship of helping all around. If you’re reading this post, you get the fruit of all that. 🙂

If you want to make money helping others, it’s very simple, become a blogger or a virtual assistant.

Becoming a virtual assistant, is by far, the quickest way to make money. I was a virtual assistant myself when I first started blogging in order to pay for my own blog. As a single mom, I wouldn’t have had the money to start and maintain this blog without being a virtual assistant first. And I want to help you in that endeavor too.

If helping other people sounds like a great fit for you, you might consider helping others blog and get paid for it. If you’re already on social media for yourself, that’s half the battle right there. You already know social media, especially if you know the newer social media platforms as they change all the time and bloggers don’t have a lot of time to figure it all out and keep up.

I’ve spelled out absolutely everything you need to know about being a virtual assistant in my new book, How to Make Real Money as a Virtual Assistant.

Each chapter of the book is designed to teach you EXACTLY how to get started in the virtual assistant world including:

  • What kind of jobs you can do as a VA
  • Where to find work as a VA
  • How to build your portfolio
  • How to get clients
  • How to set your rates
  • …and so much more!

If you’ve been wondering how to get enter in this underground world as a virtual assistant, this is your golden ticket! And don’t worry, I’m not going to charge you $100, or even $60, or even $20. I think you’ll be very pleasantly surprised at the cost of this book. It’s less than 5 bucks, but don’t let the low price fool you.

The only reason I price so low is BECAUSE I’m a single mom. I know what it’s like to struggle, believe me. And if you’re looking to make money, most likely you don’t have gobs and gobs of it laying around, am I right?

So, don’t let this book pass you by. It’s something that can literally change your life!!!

How to Make Money Helping Others (1)

Being a virtual assistant not your thing? No problem. Here’s 10 more of my favorite, easiest ways to make money from home!

How to Make Money Helping Others (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.