How to Ignore Him - Reverse Psychology Will Push Him Into Your Arms (2024)

They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Although cooking something for your crush or the man you're in a relationship with is a nice thing to do, it doesn't help you tap into his ego. What does help is to ignore him to some extent until he is crazy about you.

Most women overreact when they feel their relationship is in danger. You don't have to fall into the same category. There are other ways to regain his interest or win him over even when you think there's nothing left to do. Learn how to ignore him just enough to reach your goal.

Ignore Him Step by Step

How to Ignore Him - Reverse Psychology Will Push Him Into Your Arms (1)

1. Don't put his needs first

When you don't put his needs before yours, you are one step closer to mastering the art of ignoring him properly. If the guy you're in love with gets used to having a shoulder to cry on or a partner in crime at any given time, he will take you for granted.

So, next time he calls you to meet up without having prior plans, refuse him. Don't make him think you're always available. Make him wonder why you can't meet him. Or, next time he calls to vent, don't listen to him. Tell him you're sorry for what he's going through, but you need to take care of your own business.

2. Focus on yourself

Don't just try to look busy to him; make sure you actually are. Instead of waiting by the phone hoping he will call, do something productive or relaxing. Spend time with your friends, go to classes, pursue your passions, or explore the outdoors.

Your availability matters, because if you're always free to hang out with him, he will not appreciate your presence as much. The main idea here is to make sure he knows you have your own life and you're not at his disposal.

There is something very attractive in an independent woman who doesn't change her schedule just to accommodate others'. However, you can compromise from time to time as well. Just not every time.

3. Awaken the hunter within him

Men still love hunting. This passion of theirs could be an instinctive reminiscence. They like nothing more than to run after what they want, especially if their prey is not easy to catch. If you ignore the guy you like and make him feel like he can't have you, you'll instill his hunting instinct, which will make him want you even more. It may sound like a game children play, but in a man's eyes, a woman who doesn't challenge him is not very attractive.

For example, if you happen to see this guy on a daily basis at work or school, don't just run over to him. Look at him, smile, wave, and keep going. Or, when he texts you asking you out, don't give him a straight answer. Be mysterious and say "maybe" or "we'll see."

4. Resist the urge to reply immediately

When he calls or texts you, he probably puts a smile on your face instantly. The joy you feel urges you to reply immediately. However, you should do the opposite. Let him wait for a while. For how long? you might ask. The wait can last between one hour and one day. It really depends on the situation. What's certain is that he will not feel comfortable.

This is how ignoring him to get him works. By taking your time to reply several times, he will ask himself what has changed and why he is getting less attention. His thoughts will bring him closer to you.

How to Ignore Him - Reverse Psychology Will Push Him Into Your Arms (2)

5. Keep him hooked

Since you can't play the Ice Queen role all the time because you would seem totally uninterested, it is advisable to give him a few hints of attention from time to time. For example, choose to immediately answer his texts for one day and then run cold again. Or, when you see him briefly, act flirty, interested, and warm for once. However, make sure your behavior is not constant. Give him something to cling onto and then crush his hopes again.

6. Make him feel jealous

Another effective way to pretend you don't care about the guy you're actually interested in is to make him jealous. Make him think you like someone else. If you go to a party together, don't hesitate to flirt, laugh, joke, and dance with other guys. Make him understand that others like you too and that you can have a great time without him. This will worry him and make him want to regain your interest.

If you make this man feel jealous, he will pay more attention to you than ever. He will see the threat of someone stealing you away from him. That's why he will try to surprise you and become more tender and attentive.

However, be careful not to go too far. Your goal is to make him jealous, not push him out of your life.

7. Try not to be emotional around him

Numerous women fail at catching a guy's attention because they confess their feelings too soon. They get too emotional around the man they like or have a crush on. Such gestures usually scare men away. The reason they get scared is that it takes a lot longer for guys to understand their own emotions, and, most of all, to express what they feel.

Even if your feelings are hard to control, you must find it in you to resist oversharing for now. Take a minute to calm down before you react.


As soon as you start applying the tips above, you will see what happens when you ignore him. You will draw him to you and keep him hooked. Remember, however, that it is necessary to maintain a balance between running hot and cold.

Greetings, I'm an enthusiast and expert in the realm of interpersonal dynamics, relationships, and human behavior. My insights are grounded in both extensive theoretical knowledge and practical experience, making me well-equipped to delve into the intricacies of the topic at hand.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the provided article:

  1. Ignoring Him to Gain His Interest: The article suggests a strategic approach to relationship dynamics by advocating a balanced use of attention and detachment. Ignoring a man to a certain extent is presented as a method to spark his interest and make him appreciate the value of your presence.

  2. Prioritizing Yourself: The article emphasizes the importance of not always putting the man's needs first. By maintaining independence and focusing on personal pursuits, you create an attractive aura of self-sufficiency. This involves setting boundaries and not being readily available every time the man seeks companionship.

  3. Awakening the Hunter Instinct: The concept of the "hunter instinct" is introduced, suggesting that men are naturally inclined to pursue what appears challenging to obtain. Ignoring a man is positioned as a way to trigger this instinct, making him desire you more. The article advises subtle actions that convey a level of mystery and challenge.

  4. Delayed Responses: The strategy of resisting the urge to reply immediately to calls or texts is discussed. By intentionally creating a delay in responses, you generate a sense of curiosity and discomfort in the man. This tactic aims to make him question the change in dynamics and ultimately draw him closer.

  5. Balancing Warmth and Coldness: The article recommends a nuanced approach of occasionally showing warmth and interest, followed by moments of withdrawal. This creates a pattern of unpredictability, keeping the man intrigued and uncertain about your feelings.

  6. Making Him Jealous: The concept of inducing jealousy is introduced as a way to make the man recognize your desirability. The article suggests flirting with others in the man's presence to evoke a sense of competition and stimulate his efforts to win back your attention.

  7. Avoiding Overwhelming Emotion: Emotional control is highlighted as a crucial factor in maintaining a man's interest. The article advises against confessing feelings too soon or displaying excessive emotion, as such behaviors may intimidate men who may take longer to process and express their own emotions.

In summary, the article provides a strategic guide to navigating the complexities of romantic relationships by advocating a balanced interplay of attention and detachment. The underlying principles involve creating intrigue, maintaining independence, and strategically revealing and concealing affection to keep the man engaged and interested.

How to Ignore Him - Reverse Psychology Will Push Him Into Your Arms (2024)
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