HOW TO GRIND | Fandom (2024)


How to grind blooket guys, i have been grind soo hard and still have 1 legendary :(

  • Find any set you want. For most efficient, make a set with one question and all the choices are correct.

  • Host a racing game. (Because racing is the most efficient in my opinion.) (and set to 70 question game.)

  • Join the racing game and start it. You don't need anyone else to join, so treat it as a solo game.

  • Just blow through all 70 questions. Once you finish the game, get the coin multiplier as usual.

  • Go back to the host tab and where it asks you if you want to play again, click "Yes."

  • Go back to the player tab, and also click "Yes."

  • Now, on your browser tab, whatever it is, you should have a back and forward arrow. Click the "back" arrow.

  • It will take you back to the screen where they ask you if you want to play again. Click "Yes again."

  • Get the coin multiplier again, and now, click the "forward" arrow on your browser.

  • Click "back" again.

  • Repeat Steps 6-11 until you reach the 500 daily coin limit.

  • Do this every day, be patient, and you'll get thousands.

  • Bruh.

    Just get to almost reaching ur daily limit, than play factory for 10 mins, keep spamming the answers (make it all correct and keep pressing immediately when you have 10 of them in factory spam it on where the skip button is upon choosing a blook to put in ur factory and upgrade a few of ur blooks) i got more than 500 doing that

    PARTHPRO i have a better idea do all those steps and open many man tabs i opened about 8 and to not worry about naming them just put 1, 1st alt of 1, 2nd alt of 1 and so on and answer the questions for each alt until you get to 1 last question then go to the next alt and for the power ups just try to aim for 1 alt i got about 150-300 with one game with all 8 alts also because of multiplier

    • Uhhhh if you want to grind, then follow these steps.First, you go to discover then search easy easy then pick any quiz of it since all of them are just grinding quizes. Second, you host it then choose racing gamemode since its the fastest way to grind the coins and you need to choose 70 questions. Then, use autoclicker if you want to be faster(Optional). Lastly, host the game and click copy link when the code is showed and then you put the link on a new tab the join it. Finally, you start the game then start playing then press f6 and the autoclicker will start then you start autoclicking the question options and done!

    (edited by OOFINGSOBADLY)

    HOW TO GRIND | Fandom (2024)


    What is the easiest way to grind in King legacy? ›

    Try getting a rare fruit. Legendary's might be more powerful but rares are just as good. Even common fruits can be pretty good for grinding and pvp. Examples of this come from common fruits such as Spike, Leopard or Giraffe and E.t.c. Also, don't waste all your time spinning a fruit.

    Can you grind too fine? ›

    Grinds too fine can settle and pack together in the basket of the espresso machine, clogging an otherwise even mesh and stymieing water's journey through. As a result, some cups end up bitter, while others end up sour; a few taste strong, a few taste weak.

    How long should you grind for? ›

    It depends on the size of the beans you want to grind and how long it takes to get the perfect amount. Fine grinding takes 15-20 seconds, medium grinding takes 10-15 seconds, and coarse grinding takes 8-10 seconds. It is best to grind in small groups of few seconds at a time to achieve the ideal grind size.

    What is the easiest grind? ›

    Therefore Frontside 50-50's are a bit easier to learn because you have the obstacle in front of you. This is the most essential Grind and an absolute basic trick, every Skateboarder should have on lock.

    What angle do you grind at? ›

    For surface grinding, use the flat part of the wheel, maintaining a 20°-30° angle between the tool and the work surface. Position the blade guard at the back toward your body. Use a smooth back-and-forth motion to guide the flap disc over the material.

    Is Op good for grinding in King legacy? ›

    The Ope-Ope no Mi is a fruit that can be used for PvP but it is not really that good for grinding. Not only does it do good damage but the refresh to throw the bubble is low, and on top of that the bubble is very large. As such, you can somewhat make up for its limited range.

    What is the easiest grind to learn? ›

    The simplest and generally easiest grind to learn is the Boardslide. This grind is the simplest to balance and only requires a simple turn of the board to start the grind. Once you can Ollie and do a Frontside 180, then you can learn Boardslides. Boardslides are most often done on grind rails and handrails.

    How do I get into the grind mentality? ›

    How To Hustle and Improve Your Grind
    1. Get clear on what you want, and NOT just what you think you can have. ...
    2. Define your “WHY”. ...
    3. Create a solid, measurable, action plan to track your process. ...
    4. Spend consistent time training your mind, body and spirit.
    May 19, 2021

    How do I pick the right grind? ›

    Start with a medium-fine grind, and adjust it based on your preferences. For example, if your brew turns out sour (under extracted), use a finer grind next time, and/or increase your brew time slightly. If your brew ends up bitter (over extracted), use a coarser grind next time and/or decrease your brew time.

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