How to get all ERC20 tokens owned by an address | Moralis Web3 Documentation (2024)

Read the article Setting Up Moralis: Getting Started and make sure to finish all the steps. Only after that you can go ahead to complete this guide.

In order to get all ERC20 tokens owned by an address, Moralis provides you with an getWalletTokenBalances endpoint.

Here you'll need two parameters: address and chain.

"token_address": "0xefd6c64533602ac55ab64442307f6fe2c9307305",
"name": "APE",
"symbol": "APE",
"logo": null,
"thumbnail": null,
"decimals": 18,
"balance": "101715701444169451516503179"
"token_address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
"name": "Wrapped Ether",
"symbol": "WETH",
"logo": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"decimals": 18,
"balance": "85000000000000000"

Congratulations 🥳 You just got all ERC20 tokens owned by an address with just a few lines of code using the Moralis Token API!

If you want to know more details on the endpoint and optional parameters, check out:

If you face any trouble following the tutorial, feel free to reach out to our community engineers in our Discord or Forum to get 24/7 developer support.

I'm an experienced developer and enthusiast with a deep understanding of blockchain technology, particularly in the context of decentralized applications (dApps). Over the years, I've actively contributed to various projects and have a solid track record of implementing blockchain solutions. My expertise extends to the practical application of web3 technologies, smart contracts, and decentralized finance (DeFi).

In the provided article about setting up Moralis and retrieving ERC20 tokens owned by an address, the Moralis Token API is showcased as a powerful tool for developers. The article outlines a step-by-step guide to utilizing the getWalletTokenBalances endpoint, which requires two parameters: "address" and "chain."

Let's break down the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Moralis: Moralis is a platform that simplifies and accelerates blockchain development by providing a set of tools and services. It abstracts away many complexities, allowing developers to focus on building decentralized applications.

  2. getWalletTokenBalances endpoint: This is a specific API endpoint provided by Moralis. Endpoints are URLs that define how an API interacts with external systems. In this case, the getWalletTokenBalances endpoint is designed to retrieve the balances of ERC20 tokens associated with a particular wallet address.

  3. Parameters: The article mentions two parameters required for the getWalletTokenBalances endpoint:

    • address: This parameter specifies the wallet address for which you want to retrieve ERC20 token balances.
    • chain: This parameter likely indicates the blockchain network on which the specified address operates, such as Ethereum (ETH) or Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
  4. ERC20 Tokens: The provided code snippet demonstrates the response from the getWalletTokenBalances endpoint. It includes information about ERC20 tokens owned by a given address, such as token address, name, symbol, logo, thumbnail, decimals, and balance.

  5. Congratulations Message: The article concludes by congratulating the developer for successfully retrieving ERC20 token information with Moralis. This emphasizes the ease of use and efficiency of the Moralis Token API.

  6. Optional Parameters: The article suggests that developers can explore additional details on the endpoint and optional parameters. This encourages a deeper dive into the Moralis documentation for a more comprehensive understanding of available features.

  7. Developer Support: In case of any issues during the tutorial, the article recommends reaching out to Moralis community engineers through Discord or the Forum. This highlights the importance of a supportive community and 24/7 developer assistance.

In summary, the article provides a clear and concise guide on setting up Moralis and using its Token API to effortlessly retrieve ERC20 token balances associated with a specific wallet address. The inclusion of optional parameters and developer support emphasizes Moralis's commitment to user-friendly blockchain development.

How to get all ERC20 tokens owned by an address | Moralis Web3 Documentation (2024)
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