How to get a trident from a Drowned Zombie in Minecraft (2024)

Tridents are one of the rarest weapons in Minecraft. It is a special type of weapon which can't be crafted by any means. Tridents are unique weapons that give certain powers to the player if used correctly. Due to its rarity, players are always eager to get a hold of one.

Minecraft is filled with various types of tools and weapons. Out of all of them, the trident is the only weapon that the player cannot craft by any means. However, players can increase their chances of getting the rare trident with the proper enchantment and a bit of effort.

How to get a trident from a Drowned Zombie in Minecraft (1)

Tridents in Minecraft: Easiest way to get them

How to get a trident from a Drowned Zombie in Minecraft (2)

Tridents are so rare that there is only one way to obtain them, that is, by killing Drowned Zombies with a Looting 3 enchanted weapon.

Tridents are not only the rarest weapon but one of the rarest items in Minecraft. In Bedrock Edition, tridents can be obtained by killing any Drowned Zombie. Whereas, in Java Edition, tridents can be obtained by killing Drowned Zombies wielding a trident.

How to increase the chance of getting a Trident from a Drowned Zombie

How to get a trident from a Drowned Zombie in Minecraft (3)

Tridents have an 8.5% chance of dropping from a Drowned Zombie. Since this is the only way to get a trident, it can be tedious. But there is a trick by which players can increase their chances of getting one sooner.

Players can put Looting enchantment on the weapons they intend to kill Drowned zombies with. Looting enchantment increases the likelihood of items being dropped by a dead mob. With the highest level of Looting enchantment, players have a much better chance of getting a trident from a Drowned Zombie.

Remember, any thrown trident from a Drowned Zombie can't be picked up by a player, but it can be picked up if a player throws the trident.

Trident enchantments in Minecraft

Tridents are special weapons that can be used as a melee weapon and a ranged weapon. Certain enchantments are limited to a trident, like loyalty, impaling, riptide, and channeling. All these enchantments unlock the true potential of a trident in Minecraft.

Edited by Rupak Kumar Jha


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As a seasoned Minecraft enthusiast with extensive knowledge of the game mechanics, let me shed light on the concepts mentioned in the article about tridents in Minecraft.

Tridents in Minecraft: Rarity and Acquisition: Tridents are indeed one of the rarest weapons in Minecraft, and their uniqueness lies in the fact that players cannot craft them. To obtain a trident, players must resort to defeating Drowned Zombies, which is the only means of acquiring this exceptional weapon.

Enhancing Trident Acquisition: The article rightly points out that players can improve their chances of obtaining a trident by applying the Looting enchantment to their weapons. Looting enchantment, with its varying levels, increases the likelihood of valuable items dropping from mobs. In this case, using a weapon with Looting 3 enchantment significantly enhances the probability of getting a trident from a Drowned Zombie.

Trident Drop Rate and Tactics: The article provides a precise drop rate of tridents from Drowned Zombies, indicating an 8.5% chance. This emphasizes the rarity of tridents and the potential tediousness of acquiring them. The suggestion to use the Looting enchantment acts as a strategic approach for players looking to expedite the process of obtaining this elusive weapon.

Trident Enchantments: Tridents, being versatile weapons, can serve as both melee and ranged tools. The article mentions specific enchantments exclusive to tridents, unlocking their full potential. These enchantments include Loyalty, Impaling, Riptide, and Channeling. Each enchantment caters to different aspects of the trident's functionality, providing players with a range of strategic options.

Differences in Editions: The article appropriately notes the distinction between the Bedrock Edition and Java Edition regarding trident acquisition. In Bedrock Edition, tridents can be obtained by killing any Drowned Zombie, while in Java Edition, players must target Drowned Zombies wielding tridents.

In conclusion, the article provides comprehensive insights into the rarity, acquisition, and enhancement of tridents in Minecraft, offering valuable tips and tactics for players seeking to wield this extraordinary weapon in their adventures.

How to get a trident from a Drowned Zombie in Minecraft (2024)
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