How To Create a Truly Holistic Financial Plan (2024)

How To Create a Truly Holistic Financial Plan (1)

Natalia Lavrenkova /

We hear the terms “financial planning” and “financial plan” thrown around a lot in the world of personal finance, but it’s not always clear what exactly this should entail. And oftentimes, it’s easy to focus only on one aspect of your finances at a time, such as setting a monthly budget or saving for retirement. But the truth is that a sound financial plan is holistic, accounting for your current and future self. In this “Financially Savvy Female”column, we’re chatting with Kate Redden, managing partner at Merit Financial Advisors, about how to create a truly holistic financial plan.

What are the different elements you should consider when creating a financial plan?

A comprehensive financial plan should always begin with your goals. What is it that you are hoping to accomplish or achieve? And not just with regards to money.

I’ll use retirement as an example, as that is probably the biggest question mark for most people. When would you like to retire? Age 65? Never? As soon as possible? Everyone’s perspective on retirement is different, and you should spend some time thinking about your own personal goal — not what your parents did or what society tells you is “normal.” And more importantly, what will retirement look like for you? Is it the chance to travel the world and do all the things you never took the time to do before? Or is it the time to slow down, rest, garden, read?

Investing for Everyone

It’s important to get as much clarity as possible about your goals so that you can then begin to determine how much money will be required to meet your goals. I firmly believe that money, and the accumulation of money, should not be the goal in itself. Money is simply a tool to help you reach your goals.

Investing is often a part of a holistic financial plan. How can you create an appropriate strategy for each of your goals?

Contrary to popular belief, investment strategy is not necessarily determined by your age. Rather, it should be based more on the timeframe for the money invested. Everyone should imagine three investment “buckets,” or timeframes that help to determine their investment strategy.

Your “short-term bucket” should include the money that you will need over the next one to two years. For some people, especially those in retirement, that may be money to supplement their income. For others, it may be a car purchase later this year or college tuition in the fall. These dollars should be kept very conservative no matter your age or risk tolerance. If you know the expense is coming, you can’t risk the volatility of most investments.

The second bucket is the “intermediate-term bucket” and should include the money you may need over the next two to eight years or so. These dollars can afford some volatility as they aren’t needed right away, but the volatility should be moderate as well as the expectation for growth. You may not have much in this bucket if you have good income and no big expenses on the horizon, and that’s OK.

Investing for Everyone

Everything else can be in your “long-term bucket” and invested more aggressively. Even if the investments were to be volatile or go through a period of decline, you have time for them to recover before you need them.

What long- and short-term outcomes should you keep in mind when creating a holistic plan?

Each goal has its own timeframe that should be considered when creating a financial plan. Often, we get so focused on the long-term goal, like retirement, that we don’t give enough attention to the shorter-term goals, like taking that family vacation and making memories while the kids are still young. A holistic plan can help you determine a “finish line” and answer the question, “How much is enough?” Once you know that you are on track for the longer-term goals, you often feel the freedom to reconsider how you allocate your time and money in the short term, which can result in a more balanced life.

GOBankingRates wants to empower women to take control of their finances. According to the latest stats, women hold $72 billion in private wealth — but fewer women than men consider themselves to be in “good” or “excellent” financial shape. Women are less likely to be investing and are more likely to have debt, and women are still being paid less than men overall. Our“Financially Savvy Female”column will explore the reasons behind these inequities and provide solutions to change them. We believe financial equality begins with financial literacy, so we’re providing tools and tips for women, by women to take control of their money and help them live a richer life.

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How To Create a Truly Holistic Financial Plan (2024)


What is a holistic financial plan? ›

A holistic financial plan is a comprehensive approach to financial planning. The process includes building a tailored strategy that finds the balance between your risk tolerance, current needs, and long-term goals.

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A financial plan is a comprehensive picture of your current finances, your financial goals and any strategies you've set to achieve those goals. Good financial planning should include details about your cash flow, savings, debt, investments, insurance and any other elements of your financial life.

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Holistic planning takes into consideration every financial and personal need from managing your money to accumulating wealth to leaving a legacy. Advisors that take this approach, understand your background, wealth accumulation goals and personal values.

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1. Define your short- and long-term goals. Financial planning is always based around the financial goals you want to achieve. Though these goals may change over time, it's important to establish some preliminary goals to help guide your saving strategy.

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While traditional financial planning focuses on helping investors pursue a specific goal for a particular life stage, holistic financial planning takes into consideration an investor's values, short- and long-term goals, and experiences with money to create a plan that coordinates each individual aspect of their ...

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The plan should include details about your income, expenses, savings, debt management, insurance, taxes, investments, retirement, and estate planning.

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The 80/20 budget is a simpler version of it. Using the 80/20 budgeting method, 80% of your income goes toward monthly expenses and spending, while the other 20% goes toward savings and investments.

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The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

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Who is Dave Ramsey? Baby Step 1: Ramsey's first step is to save $1,000 for your starter emergency fund. Baby Step 2: Ramsey's second step is to pay off all debt (except your mortgage) using the debt snowball method. Baby Step 3: Ramsey's third step is to save three to six months of expenses in an emergency fund.

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Holistic wellness is an approach where we view our lives from a 360-degree view encompassing five key dimensions – mental & emotional, physical, social, occupational and financial wellness. Each of these elements have the potential to impact our wellbeing in varying degrees.

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Dove's real beauty campaign is one of the powerful examples of a successful holistic marketing strategy. With this marketing strategy, the skincare company represents cultural and racial inclusivity across the globe.

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The word “holistic” simply means addressing the whole person. This includes a person's physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and financial health. Addressing the whole person in mind-body-spirit can bring out the healthiest, happiest version of ourselves.

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The Three S's
  • Saving. The methods for teaching money lessons have certainly changed. ...
  • Spending. A budget is an important financial tool that can teach children how to manage money responsibly. ...
  • Sharing.
Nov 18, 2022

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The Financial Planning Process
  1. Step 1: Set Goals. While this seems pretty basic, this step often gets overlooked. ...
  2. Step 2: Gather facts. ...
  3. Step 3: Identify challenges and opportunities. ...
  4. Step 4: Develop your plan. ...
  5. Step 5: Implement your plan. ...
  6. Step 6: Follow up and review yearly.

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Plan your financial future in 5 steps
  1. Step 1: Assess your financial foothold. ...
  2. Step 2: Define your financial goals. ...
  3. Step 3: Research financial strategies. ...
  4. Step 4: Put your financial plan into action. ...
  5. Step 5: Monitor and evolve your financial plan.

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It's a more comprehensive approach that considers the whole person, not just their money. A holistic financial planning service can benefit your clients in many ways, such as: Help them clarify and focus on short and long-term goals in order to develop a tailored strategy to reach them.

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Holistic wealth management – or holistic financial planning – is a type of financial planning that creates a plan based on your preferences and what life stage you're in. It goes beyond just investment management, or even just money management.

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The Holistic Approach: A New Paradigm

It's about looking at your financial life as an interconnected ecosystem where each decision impacts the other. For affluent individuals, this approach not only maximizes wealth but also aligns financial decisions with personal values and family dynamics.

What is the meaning of holistic wealth management? ›

Enter, holistic wealth management, an approach that goes beyond financial services, and recognizes that financial health is closely intertwined with physical, emotional, mental, and social wellbeing.

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