How to clone a git repository using the command line (2024)

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In a scenario where we want to download an existing Git repository to our local computer, we aim to create a clone or duplicate of the Git repository so that we can start working on it whenever convenient. Whether you’re fixing merge conflicts, adding or removing files, or making substantial commits on Git, cloning ensures you have a local copy to work with. In this Answer, we’ll explore how to clone a Git repository using the command line.

The git clone command

Git provides git clone command to clone a repository that is already present on GitHub.

git clone {repository URL}

This command cloned all of the folders, files, commits and branches of the specified repository. You just need to replace {repository URL} with your GitHub repository link.

Cloning a repository using the command line

Now we’ll focus on cloning a repository using a command line. Follow the directions below:

How to clone a git repository using the command line (1)How to clone a git repository using the command line (2)

Click "Code" and copy the URL

  • If we want to clone an empty repository, click the "copy icon" as shown in the given illustration:

How to clone a git repository using the command line (3)How to clone a git repository using the command line (4)

Clone an empty repository

  • Open “Git BashGit Bash is a command-line interface for Git.” and change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory.
  • Type “git clone” in the terminal, paste the URL you copied earlier, and press “enter” to create your local clone.

Hands-on practice

To gain hands-on experience, you can clone any repository using the following terminal. Simply specify the URL of your desired repository in the git clone command. To verify the cloned repository, use the ls command to view the contents of the directory where you cloned it.



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How to clone a git repository using the command line (2024)
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