How to build a cryptocurrency mining rig? | OWNR Wallet (2024)

How to build a cryptocurrency mining rig? | OWNR Wallet (1)

Despite the steady growth of Bitcoin cryptocurrency and other altcoins in the beginning of 2024, there is still a lot of space for making profit. One of the ways to capitalize on crypto is mining. Need guidance? This step-by-step mining rig setup tutorial will help you choose the right components and build a mining rig successfully.

How Does a Cryptocurrency Mining Rig Work?

A crypto mining rig is a customized computer system that serves to perform calculations and mine crypto tokens like Bitcoin using graphics processing units (GPUs) and ASICs. Mining cryptocurrency is the process of utilizing computers to verify transactions on a blockchain. Miners receive rewards when they validate transactions and add to the current supply of any coin. The total price of a mining rig, hashing power, and electricity are some of the variables that affect how profitable mining is.

The following steps are part of the mining process:

  1. Confirming the legitimacy of the transactions.
  2. Avoiding double spending.
  3. Performing the cryptographic technique of hashing, which generates a 64-digit hexadecimal number (which is a part of the task miners try to solve) by processing block data.

The Bitcoin blockchain is one of the decentralized networks that work according to this principle. It is powered by the Proof-of-Work decentralized consensus mechanism. Some blockchains (for example, Ethereum) do not support mining, because they work on the Proof-of-Stake mechanism or other algorithms.

What to Consider Before Building a Mining Rig

Here are the crucial factors to take into consideration if you want to build a mining rig:

  1. Cryptocurrency to mine. This is what will define the hashing algorithm, block reward, and your returns. Don’t forget to check the price of the coin and the level of competition. Note that ASICs are the only device that can mine large cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin profitably. GPUs and CPUs are used for minor altcoins.
  2. The mining operation's profitability. Electrical bills are other factors that impact profitability. These computations are essential before purchasing the necessary tools. Additional considerations include those pertaining to the equipment itself, such as mobility, cost, noise level, heating and cooling systems, troubleshooting, etc.
  3. Blockchain algorithm. Better algorithms are replacing Proof-of-Work in some networks, so you should plan ahead for the switch before it occurs. To be prepared for the transition, purchase or construct a mining setup that is reusable for different cryptocurrencies.
  4. Connectivity and dependability. A steady power supply and a stable Internet connection are must-haves for owning and operating a cryptocurrency mining setup.

Essential Components for Building a Crypto Mining Rig

To build a mining rig from scratch, you need a whole gamut of items:

  • CPU
  • GPUs
  • Motherboard
  • RAM
  • PSU
  • Risers
  • Storage
  • Mining frame
  • OS and mining software

Let’s take a closer look at the components each crypto mining rig requires, and provide model recommendations.

Graphics Cards (GPUs)

The essential part of every GPU mining rig are the Graphic Processing Units (GPUs). The desired hash rate and preferred algorithms will determine how many GPUs are required. Nearly all GPUs are compatible with all processors. Since the processor's speed has no impact on the GPU's speed, it is also irrelevant. A CPU that is compatible with the chosen motherboard is all that you need.

Any motherboard that includes PCI Express (e) ports, to which you can attach a USB-to-PCIe riser, which subsequently connects to the GPU via USB cables, will also support any GPU. There are slots on the majority of current motherboards.

Top recommendations for GPU mining rigs are:

  • AMD RX 580 8GB
  • NVIDIA RTX 3060 Ti
  • Intel Celeron G5905


For the mining setup to accommodate several GPUs and other components, you need to attach them to a motherboard. Search for a model that is able to accommodate four to eight GPUs. Compatibility tests will aid in the prevention of issues such as GPU misidentification.

If your CPU is not built into the motherboard, choose a motherboard that is compatible with it (it should have a PCE socket). Make sure there are enough PCIe slots and connectors for the planned amount of GPUs.

As for recommended models, you can opt for any solution by AMD and Intel for building your own mining rig.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

If you want to operate the rig faultlessly and without any serious mistakes or defects, a robust processor will be essential. It's also possible to mine with CPU power only; however, CPU mining rigs should be advanced enough to satisfy mining demands. If you want to deploy GPUs, such a crypto mining rig requires a budget mid-range CPU for basic tasks, like an 8th or 9th generation Intel. Don’t forget to check the motherboard socket for compatibility.


Any computer needs random access memory to temporarily store data – this is a must for mining software to run. It's critical for a mining setup to have adequate RAM to hold the data from all the GPUs that the device uses. If you don't use a CPU, use a DDR4 memory stick with a minimum capacity of 8GB to 16GB. For Windows you need 8 GB at a minimum, while ethOS can handle 4 GB.

Purchase a RAM module and install it in the RAM slots on the motherboard. Depending on the available slots and the amount of RAM you wish to install, you can amp up your rig with additional modules. Verify if it is compatible with your motherboard.

Power Supply Unit (PSU)

All of the rig's components must receive enough power from the PSU. It’s a smart idea to purchase a PSU that provides at least twice as much power as your equipment will require. To find a suitable model, check your GPU power draw and the PSU’s efficiency rating. A PSU with a 1200 wattage rating is typically enough.

USB Risers

You can plug the GPUs directly into lengthy PCIe x16 connections; however, PCIe x1 USB risers link and divide the GPUs, which are inserted into the motherboard slots. The GPU risers are manually inserted into the motherboard's USB-to-PCIe x1 slots for connection. Make sure there is enough space between them because proper airflow will prevent overheating.

Storage Drive

Basically, you build a mining rig with SSDs or HDDs. A drive with 240 GB or more is enough.

SSDs offer faster speeds, greater durability, and lower power consumption, but they tend to be more expensive per gigabyte of storage capacity. HDDs, on the other hand, provide higher storage capacities at a lower cost, but may have slower speeds and higher power consumption.

While SSDs have a limited number of write cycles before they may fail, modern models are more durable compared to older generations. Finally, SSDs generally consume less power than HDDs because they lack moving parts.

Cryptocurrency Wallet

To store your mined coins, you need a reliable crypto wallet. Before picking a solution, check out the security practices of the provider. Unless you plan to trade actively, opt for a cold wallet – that way you will own private keys, so no one will be able to access your funds. However, if you want to perform trades without compromising security, consider OWNRwallet, an all-in-one cryptocurrency wallet that allows you to manage a wide range of digital assets, and comes with a prepaid Visa card.

Mining Rig Frame

The foundation of your device will be a mining rig frame. On Amazon, you can order a 12-GPU mining system for less than $100, but make sure to utilize something robust to keep the entire construction together. Also keep in mind that it may get dusty. Pay attention to the gaps between GPU racks – you need to provide enough space for ventilation, so opt for adjustable racking. Also, think how to organize cable management with the frame you choose. Because they increase heat, GPUs are not installed in standard computer casings.

Operating System and Software

There are basically two widespread OS options for mining – Windows and Linux:

  1. Windows typically has a more user-friendly interface, making it easier for beginners to set up and manage crypto mining rigs. Many mining software applications are developed primarily for this OS, and GPU manufacturers prioritize this operating system. However, Windows licenses can add to the overall cost of setting up a mining rig.
  2. Linux is known for its stability and reliability, which can lead to uninterrupted mining operations. It typically consumes fewer system resources compared to Windows, allowing for better mining performance on lower-end hardware. Finally, Linux is open-source software, providing more flexibility for customization and optimization.

Once you’ve decided on the OS, proceed to mining software optimization:

  • Ensure that BIOS settings such as enabling 4G decoding, setting PCIe speed to Gen1 or Gen2, and disabling unnecessary peripherals are optimized for mining.
  • Choose mining software optimized for your specific hardware and cryptocurrency mining algorithm. Popular options include Claymore, Ethminer, and PhoenixMiner for Ethereum mining.
  • Carefully overclock GPUs to maximize hash rates while maintaining stability and preventing overheating. Use tools like MSI Afterburner or AMD/NVIDIA control panels.
  • Consider using remote management tools like SSH (Secure Shell) or web-based interfaces for easier monitoring and management of crypto mining rigs, especially in headless setups.

Step-by-Step Construction Guide

Now that your parts are ready, let us explain how to assemble a rig, connect its components, and perform troubleshooting. Follow these step-by-step instructions to build a mining rig.

Stage 1: Assembling the Frame and Motherboard

Assemble the mining rig frame:

  1. Select a frame that will fit six or eight GPUs, giving you adequate room for all the parts and the right ventilation for cooling.
  2. Attach all the components in their proper location, being sure to secure every screw.
  3. Make sure the motherboard is fastened firmly.
  4. Verify that you positioned your motherboard outside of the mining frame if it has six GPUs or more.

Experts advise placing an anti-static bag or foam below the shipment box. Ensure that the lever holding down the CPU socket protection has been removed before moving on to the next step.

Stage 2: Connecting Power and Risers

A power supply unit (PSU) should be installed near the motherboard. Then proceed to installing the power cables: attach an 8-pin cable to power the CPU and a 24-pin cable to the motherboard.

Make sure the processor’s socket lever is released, then insert the CPU into the socket. Find the arrow indicating the CPU's orientation in the slot. It's crucial to handle the CPU with utmost caution to avoid bending the pins. After carefully inserting the CPU into the socket, lock the lever.

After installing the CPU, you should coat its upper surface with thermal paste. Then, the heat sink and fan may be installed on top of the CPU. The fan's wire may now be connected to the motherboard.

Next, install the PCIe risers – they will allow you to provide GPU power. Mount them on top of the motherboard, which will improve airflow.

Stage 3: Mounting the Graphics Cards

If you plan to run a GPU mining rig, install your GPU by means of a PCIe riser:

  1. Place the PCIe riser above the GPU's graphics card.
  2. Attach your GPU to one end of the USB cord and the PCIe x1 adapter to the other. By doing this, the motherboard and GPU will be connected.
  3. Attach the USB-to-PCIe adapter to the motherboard's corresponding USB-to-PCIe slot.

The best possible connection between the multiple GPUs and the motherboard is established by properly configuring PCIe risers and GPUs, which increases mining capacity and possible profitability. Additionally, power connectors improve ventilation and reduce heat accumulation in the system, maintaining the mining hardware's stability and functionality.

Stage 4: Completing Connections

Finally, check whether all the components (GPU, storage, etc.) are connected correctly. Your display should be linked to the graphics card, which is attached to the primary PCIe slot.

Turn on your rig after connecting the peripherals (keyboard and mouse). To accomplish this, attach the power switch to the motherboard's power pins. Check the motherboard manual if something does not work properly – it will help you troubleshoot your construction. Verify that everything operates correctly: if the rig boots, you did it right.

Configuring and Operating the Rig

Once everything has been installed successfully, the BIOS notification will appear on your screen (or press F2 for the menu to appear). Stick to the following settings:

  • PCIe Gen speed
  • Mining mode
  • Boot Priority
  • Video Output

These modifications will guarantee the mining rig operates steadily. Once the BIOS settings have been adjusted, use the F10 key to save the changes and the ESC key to leave the BIOS settings. Now you can proceed to software installation and optimization, and then connect to a mining pool.

Software Installation and Configuration

To start mining the cryptocurrency of your choice and join a mining pool, you need to install mining software. CGMiner and EasyMiner are among the most widely spread mining software options. Make sure you get the right mining software for your device drivers and your preferred coin, as various cryptocurrencies may require different programs.

To configure the mining program, enter the login, password, mining pool address, the cryptocurrency to mine, and the number of GPUs you are using. After the mining program has been configured, click the "Start Mining" button to start mining your chosen cryptocurrency.

Joining a Mining Pool

After configuring software, consider consensus methods, economics, and personal preferences before choosing a cryptocurrency to mine. You canfind out which cryptocurrency is the most profitable to mine with the use of profitability calculators such as WhatToMine, minerstat, and 2CryptoCalc. Participating in a mining pool can help you boost mining productivity and optimize earnings.

To join a mining pool after selecting your coin, take the following actions:

  • Sign up for a mining pool account.
  • Set up the mining program.
  • Link your wallet to the pool of miners.
  • Start the mining operation.

Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance

The longevity and functionality of your cryptocurrency mining rig depend on routine maintenance. Clean your equipment once or twice a month to avoid overheating and guarantee excellent performance.

Here are some essentials for mining rig maintenance:

  • Typical dust management cleaning equipment.
  • Equipment for cooling and thermal throttling.
  • Electrical tools and power supplies.
  • Software for troubleshooting and monitoring the state of your device.
  • Hardware upgrades (when needed).

Your crypto mining rig needs proper ventilation and cooling in addition to routine cleaning. Your mining gear will remain stable and long-lasting with the support of effective ventilation and cooling systems, which assist to maintain ideal operating temperatures.

Understanding Profitability and Getting Help

A number of factors (mining difficulty, power usage, equipment expenses, etc.) should be taken into account when estimating the profitability of a mining rig. Use tools like NiceHash QuickMiner, minerstat's profitability calculator, and spreadsheets for specialized computations. Study community experience in Reddit threads and support forums to estimate the efficiency of a configuration. Also, watch YouTube tutorials to figure out the most powerful rig components within your budget.


It is still not too late to build a mining rig and start earning – you just need to choose a profitable cryptocurrency and figure out an optimal device configuration. Hopefully, this guide will help you find the right mining rig components and assemble them successfully. Make sure to follow all the steps attentively and enjoy your passive income.


How much does it cost to build a mining rig?

Depending on the components, it may cost from $1,000 to $4,000 on average to build a mining rig.

How do you start a crypto mining rig?

Once you build a mining rig by assembling all the hardware components and connecting peripherals, set up your BIOS, install mining software, connect it to your device, and then connect to a mining pool, unless you want to work solo.

How long does it take to mine 1 BTC?

The shortest amount of time it can take is 10 minutes, but it usually takes more hours for an average cryptocurrency mining rig to mine 1 BTC.

How much money can a crypto mining rig make?

It depends on the rig’s configuration, the cryptocurrency mined, and its price.

Are crypto mining rigs still profitable?

While mining Ethereum has become significantly less profitable, mining Bitcoin still pays off well. The cost of a cryptocurrency is another crucial factor that determines earnings – altcoins with growing capitalization are worth the crypto mining effort.

What is the most profitable crypto to mine?

Bitcoin is still a top choice for miners, but if you’re looking for something less competitive, build a mining rig for XMR and LTC.

Is crypto mining illegal?

Cryptocurrency mining rigs are not allowed in all countries. For example, mining rigs are strictly prohibited in China, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and a few more countries. Operating and building a mining rig is legal in the USA, many European countries, Canada, and Australia.

How much electricity does Bitcoin mining use?

In 2024, it takes about 801.93 kWh of energy to perform a single Bitcoin transaction. A typical crypto mining rig consumes 1,400 to 1,800 Watts of electricity on average.

DISCLAIMER: None of the authors, contributors, administrators, or editors connected to OWNR Wallet encourage readers to invest in cryptocurrency without doing proper research on their own. This article is purely for educational purposes only.

How to build a cryptocurrency mining rig? | OWNR Wallet (2024)
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