How to break up a dog fight (2024)

by Ed Boks, Executive Director

What is the tool of choice when breaking up a serious dog fight? First, let’s review the ineffective tools commonly used.

Contrary to popular opinion, pepper spray and Mace are seldom effective. In fact, these agents are known to actually provoke dogs into redirecting their aggression. Because these agents must be accurately directed at close range the person applying the agent is often the target of this redirection – and if the person is affected or overcome by the agent (which depends on which way the wind is blowing) the consequences to the person can be severe.

Tasers are virtually useless against fur-covered animals; and tranquilizer darts must be placed accurately to be effective, which is difficult when a dog is in attack mode; and the tranquilizer takes several minutes to work during which time the animal can do significant damage.

What then is the best way to break up a dog fight without injuring the animals or putting yourself at unnecessary risk? Consider a fire-extinguisher. How to break up a dog fight (1)

With a fire-extinguisher, an intervener does not have to closely approach the dogs or have an accurate aim to deter an attack. Fire-extinguishers don’t quickly run out of “ammunition” or produce an erratic ricochet; and they are non-lethal. If the fire-extinguisher is exhausted while the dog attack continues the empty cylinder can be used as a shield or a bite stick.

Fire-extinguisher contents tend to make animals short of breath without lasting harm; and most dogs retreat from the snake-like hiss of a discharging fire-extinguisher.

Fire-extinguishers can be found in most every kitchen, near every fireplace, and in every car, bus, truck, taxi, and patrol car, and they are prominently located in every public building and place of business.

Should the unfortunate happen and you are bitten it’s best to push against the biter instead of pulling away; this forces most dogs to open their mouths, and enables the victim to avoid the ripping injuries that result from pulling away from a dog’s serrated teeth. However, this strategy may not be universally applicable to all dog bites.

In fatal and disfiguring attacks, the first bite often disables the victim preventing them from pushing against the bite, or protecting themselves, or doing any of the other things conventionally advised. The only effective defense against this type of an attack is preventing the attack from occurring in the first place.

When attacked by a dog it is important to understand dogs tend to attack whatever part of a person is closest to them, so putting an object, any object, between you and the dog will likely redirect the attack towards the object in your hand and away from you.

It’s important to keep your balance. Fending off a dog attack by swinging an object, such as a baseball bat or a golf club, is dangerous; the dog may dodge the blow and take advantage while theHow to break up a dog fight (2) person is off-balance to inflict serious injury. The correct way to use a bat or golf club is as a bite-stick held out to keep the dog at maximum distance from oneself.

Most dog-on-dog and dog-on-person attacks can be prevented by properly training and socializing your pet. It is never too late to invest in your canine companion by teaching him “good citizenship” skills.

Lastly, remember to keep your dog on a leash six feet or less in length in public places. Not only is this the law (yes, retractable dog leashes are illegal in public places), but a short leash gives you better control to either prevent or save your dog from an attack.

How to break up a dog fight (2024)


What is a safe way to break up a dog fight? ›

One of the most successful methods of breaking up fighting dogs is the “wheelbarrow method.” It's done by two people grabbing onto the back legs of their respective dogs and pulling the dogs away from one another, essentially making it impossible to keep fighting.

How do you separate dogs in a dog fight? ›

Like you'd lift a wheelbarrow, lift your dog's back end so that the back legs are lifted off the ground. Then move backwards, away from the other dog. As soon as you're a few steps away, do a 180-degree turn, spinning your dog around so they are facing the opposite direction and can no longer see the other dog.

What spray breaks up dog fights? ›

Use Spray Shield™ (Premier Pet Products, formally called Direct Stop). Spray Shield™ is a citronella spray that can be used to interrupt attacks by surprising/distracting animals with a powerful, unpleasant scent, and has been found to be as effective as pepper spray without the harmful effects on animals and people.

Should I let my dogs fight or break it up? ›

The bottom line on dog fights is that unless you are trained, it is best to never step into the middle of them. In the worst case, let them fight. It may result in death or severe injury to one of the dogs, but it's not worth the damage it could cause to you if you make a mistake trying to end the fight.

How to tell if a dog fight is serious? ›

Here are the signs that the fight is serious.
  1. Dogs will bite one another with intent to cause injury.
  2. Their approach becomes more confident. ...
  3. Their growls and snarls will become deeper.
  4. Movements will be intensely focused, rather than playful.
May 6, 2022

Will vinegar break up a dog fight? ›

* Some dogs will stop fighting if you squirt them with a water bottle filled with vinegar, which breaks their concentration. Some folks use water cannons, citronella spray, pepper spray (note: pepper spray, or mace, can cause injury and worsen the situation), airhorns or even stun guns.

Should you pepper spray an attacking dog? ›

Spraying an aggressive dog will irritate the nose, eyes and skin, temporarily incapacitating it, without causing long-term damage if used correctly. Make sure to use pepper spray specially formulated for dogs. These have lower concentrations of pepper than sprays made for deterring human or bear attacks.

Will a spray bottle break up a dog fight? ›

Spray Them With Water

A bucket or spray bottle filled with water may be less effective but is worth a try if you don't have access to a hose. A pet-safe spray made with vinegar may break up a less-intense fight, but it usually won't affect intense dogfights.

What not to do after a dog fight? ›

Place the leash around neck of dog who is “locked” and when he takes a breath in you can firmly touch him on his side which can create a release. When they release they may turn to bite whatever touched them so the leash is helpful. Don't: Don't hit, punch, or yell. It usually makes it worse.

What to do if a dog attacks you? ›

"Try to hold something like a briefcase, bag or coat between you and the dog. Very few dogs press home a serious attack and after a snap-bite they will be content that you are leaving," its guidance states. If you know there are people within hearing distance, call to them for help, but do not scream or yell, it says.

How to disengage a dog bite? ›

95% of the dogs will release a bite grip when flipped on the back. It is very important that this is done correctly so that the action is safe and effective. Firmly grab one back leg with your opposite hand, while positioning the other hand on his croup.

Does water break up a dog fight? ›

This can even be from your own dog because a dog cannot distinguish you, their beloved owner, from the other animal; or, out of pain from injury or illness. Our vets recommend using water to break up a dog fight.

What to do immediately after a dog fight? ›

Anytime a dog has been in a fight they should see a veterinarian to look for pain/wounds or signs of serious internal injury. If you are unable to see a vet the same day, you can clean small wounds with mild soap to keep it clean until you get vet care.

Will spraying dogs with water stop them from fighting? ›

Spray water at them – try spraying the dogs with a hose or pouring water over them. The water may distract them enough to stop the fighting. Blocked vision – try throwing a towel, blanket or jacket over both dogs. They may stop fighting if they cannot see each other anymore.

Can you use a Taser to break up a dog fight? ›

If the dog continues to approach, drastic measures may be needed. Katz suggests owners carry a stun gun, which they should aim into the air, not at the dog. The stun gun hits sound frequencies that dogs hear, which can stop a dog from fighting.

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