How Much Time Does It Take To Learn React JS | The Answer: It Depends (2024)

So, how much time does it take to learn React js? As with everything in software development, it depends. Particularly, it depends greatly on your prior HTML, CSS, and JavaScript experience, programming experience, learning methods, hours spent coding and your own cognitive abilities.

In this article, we are going to break down exactly how much time it takes to learn React js and what you need to know first to really understand the library and learn faster.

Luckily for you, the time it takes to learn React is much faster than the time it takes to learn C.

What Should You Know Before Learning React js?

HTML, CSS, & JavaScript Knowledge

How Much Time Does It Take To Learn React JS | The Answer: It Depends (1)

React, or any JavaScript framework is a natural progression to learn after solidifying your knowledge in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. However, I highly recommend you do not learn React before you have a really solid understanding of JavaScript.

Be honest with yourself. Do you truly understand JavaScript? Do you know what prototype chaining is? What about ES6/ES7/ES8 syntax? Do you know the map, filter, and reduce functions?

If you answered no to any of those questions, you probably are not ready to move on to learning React.

I highly recommend checking out rithmn school. They have some great free beginner to advanced JavaScript courses that really helped my JavaScript understanding when I was first learning the language.

The reason you need to have a deep JavaScript understanding is that you want to be able to distinguish what is React and what is native JavaScript. If you don’t, React becomes much more complicated to understand than it needs to be.

Having deep JavaScript knowledge also allows you to build much more complex React applications. Since the majority of React apps are actually pure JS, a strong understanding of JavaScript will drastically decrease the amount of time it takes to learn React js and to write complex applications.

Functional Programming

In addition to a strong JavaScript knowledge, how much time it takes to learn React js depends on your functional programming knowledge as well. You should understand the big concepts in this paradigm, such as pure, immutable, curried, and higher-order functions.

I personally learned a lot about functional programming from this free 3 part course. However, that is probably overkill for learning React. Having a good understanding of the concepts in this blog post is likely enough to give you the knowledge you need for React.

The reason this is so important is that React takes a lot of inspiration from functional programming, especially React Hooks. Which is the modern way to write React applications.

In order to understand how things are working in React, basic functional programming knowledge is a must.

How Much Time Does It Take To Learn React JS?

If you have a strong grasp of the concepts I mentioned above, you should be able to learn the basics of React in 1-2 months. It is a pretty simple library and easy to get started with.

If you continue to work with the language, you should be able to write enterprise-ready UIs in 4-6 months. The reason for this is that it takes time to learn good React patterns to use and anti-patterns to avoid.

You will also get more comfortable with the concepts like separation of concerns in React. The process of separating the presentational components, business logic, and implementation logic. Which is necessary to write scalable applications.

I would also give it about one or two more months to learn Redux and TTD with Jest and Enzyme. The most popular state management and testing libraries for React, respectively.

I can tell you that when I built this algorithm visualizer I had already been using React for close to a year. I certainly wouldn’t have been able to build it in my first month!

How Much Time Does It Take To Learn React JS | The Answer: It Depends (2)

Ultimately, the number of days mentioned to learn React is irrelevant. It is just a loose guideline to understanding roughly how long it will take. It might take you much less time or it might take you much more.

If you want to learn React quickly, practice every day and build as many projects as you can. Only through practice and reading can you become a great React developer!

Can I Learn React In A Week?

If you have a good understanding of JavaScript and functional programming, and you are in a rush to learn React, you can probably learn the basics in a week. You may not be able to build very complex and scalable apps but you should be able to build simple ones.


So, how much time does it take to learn React js? Well, if you have a strong foundation in JavaScript and functional programming, how much time it takes to learn React would be around 1-6 months. With an additional 1-2 months to learn the state management library Redux and testing libraries Jest and Enzyme.

However, ultimately it depends on how often you practice, whether you are continuously challenging yourself or not, and if you are learning about scalability and optimization techniques in React applications.

That’s pretty much it! Happy coding.

If you are new to web development and want to know exactly what to study to become a web developer, start here.

If you are a self-taught developer and want to know the steps to get your first job, check out this resource.

How Much Time Does It Take To Learn React JS | The Answer: It Depends (2024)


How Much Time Does It Take To Learn React JS | The Answer: It Depends? ›

Most people take one to six months to learn React. How fast you learn React will depend on your prior experience with programming—specifically with JavaScript.

How much time is required to learn ReactJS? ›

How Much Time Is Needed to Learn React JS? It will take you between one and six months to become proficient with the fundamentals of React. How quickly you learn React depends on your prior software development experience and how much time you are willing to put into learning.

Can I learn React in 10 days? ›

Getting into React and securing a job in just 10 days may seem like a steep challenge, but with dedication and focus, it's absolutely attainable. React, as one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks, is used by tech giants like Facebook(Meta) , Instagram, and Netflix and many more.

How to learn React in 7 days? ›

To Learn React within a week
  1. Day 1: The first day I understood react. ...
  2. Day 2: Learn how to set up the React environment and try to know the file structure of react. ...
  3. Day 3: I try to learn the most useful and easy-to-learn concepts.
Feb 25, 2024

Can I learn React in 3 months? ›

The exact amount of time will vary depending on your experience level, but most people can learn React in between two and four months if they dedicate several hours a week to studying the library.

Can I learn React in 5 days? ›

In just five days, you will acquire the fundamental skills to start developing exceptional applications using this revolutionary technology. Whether you prefer to follow the book independently or alongside other online resources, it will provide you with a solid foundation to harness the full potential of React.

Can you learn React in 3 days? ›

The expected learning period for React ranges from one to six months, depending on your individual circ*mstances and existing programming knowledge. Having prior experience with JavaScript significantly speeds up the learning process because it's the programming language used to code React.

Is React very difficult? ›

You might want to learn React but worry that it could be too hard. Thankfully, React is easy to learn, but only once you have foundational knowledge in JavaScript. Of course, the difficulty that comes with learning anything new is somewhat subjective.

Can I learn React in 2 weeks? ›

ReactJS Basics

If you are a beginner or already have some programming experience, it will take you one to four weeks to completely master the basics. Rendering components based on conditions. The Life cycle of components.

Is React harder to learn than JS? ›

React Js Vs Javascript: Learning Curve. React has a steeper learning curve than vanilla javascript as it embraces component-based architecture and JSX syntax. Furthermore, React documentation and community support make it easier to learn and build complex applications once the basics are grasped.

Can I learn ReactJS in one day? ›

For a programmer who is already familiar with HTML and at least one other programming language, learning React will take no more than a single day. React may be learned by a novice programmer in a matter of days. There are more libraries and technologies that may be used with React, such as Redux or Relay.

Can we learn React in 1 week? ›

Learning React. js in a week is a challenging goal, but it is possible with dedication and consistent effort. Here are some tips to help you get started: Focus on the basics: Start by understanding the core concepts of React, including components, state, and props.

Can I learn React by myself? ›

First and foremost: make sure you know JavaScript well! Having a solid foundation in JavaScript (especially ES6+) will really making learning React a lot easier. Get super comfortable with objects and arrays… and with the map, filter, and reduce methods - and then you'll have very little trouble with React.

Is ReactJS worth learning in 2024? ›

There's never been a better time to learn React than in 2024. In this comprehensive guide, I'll show you how I would go from knowing nothing about React to becoming a job-ready, junior React developer in 3 to 6 months. Keep in mind that becoming a skilled developer is not a race.

Is it worth to learn ReactJS in 2024? ›

js is a good choice for your career in 2024: Current Popularity and Demand:React. js has consistently been in high demand among employers, and its popularity is likely to persist in the coming years. Many companies use React.

Is React still relevant in 2024? ›

Also, 2024 promises to be a big year: React is due to receive some upgrades, more frameworks are starting to adopt React Server Components (RSC), and there is now a consensus that useEffect should be avoided like the plague.

Is ReactJS hard to learn? ›

In conclusion, while React. js does introduce some new concepts that may be challenging for beginners, it's not overwhelmingly difficult to learn. With the right resources and dedicated practice, anyone can master React. js.

Is React very difficult to learn? ›

You might want to learn React but worry that it could be too hard. Thankfully, React is easy to learn, but only once you have foundational knowledge in JavaScript. Of course, the difficulty that comes with learning anything new is somewhat subjective.

Can I learn ReactJS in 1 week? ›

It can be possible but you should have prior programming language experience. Most of the concepts will be the same but you have to remember the syntax of the new programming languages. ReactJS is a JavaScript library if you want to master ReactJS you should have some expertise in JavaScript.

Can I learn ReactJS in one month? ›

You can easily learn React JS within a month. You won't become an expert, but you'll be able to build applications that are working. After all, learning is absorbing information, and then using that information to make something work.

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.