How Many Users can be connected (2024)

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  • Santosh Kumar Verma

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    I am little bit confused that if i am distributing my internal network in 200 employees then whats the possibility of collision or packet loss in my network.
    Is pfsense that much capable of handling 1gbps transfer rate ,and what will be the system configuration for pfsense.

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    • heper

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      Depends on what hardware you plan to run pfsense on.

      Any fairly recent system with supported NICs will be able to handle it without an issue.

      For example:
      Any core i5 cpu, coupled with Intel NICs should be fine.
      New-gen celeron with Intel NICs are probably ok as well.
      3rd gen or above core i3, with Intel NICs should be fine

      Not ok: pentium 4 with 256mb ram

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      • Thanks for your answer . :)
        If i use free version of pfsense ,then it will create any issue or just work fine as compared to licensed.
        For 200 employees and 50MBPS lease line.

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        • ikkuranus

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          The closest thing they have to a non-free version would be what is included with official hardware (specifically the sg devices that come preinstalled with pfsense) From what I understand the only difference is a few packages that aren't included with the community version and it's branded slightly different from the community edition. The community edition does not impose any artificial limits.

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          • Santosh Kumar Verma

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            IS there will be any problem in routing through pfsense, if i increase my strength from 200 to 300 hosts. :-\

          • moscato359

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            You can run 300 users a on pfsense just fine.

            You just need good hardware

            And there is no licensed versions

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            • @heper:

              Not ok: pentium 4 with 256mb ram

              Ha ;D

              The limit here is the throughput you need not the number of users behind the firewall. Unless you had such a small amount of RAM that the states were exhausted maybe but that's very unlikely.


              50MBPS lease line.

              I assume you mean 50Mbps (Mega bits per second) here rather than Bytes? You did mention Gigabit throughput earlier though.

              Any hardware will pass 50Mbps (even the P4!).


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              • whosmatt

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                I am little bit confused that if i am distributing my internal network in 200 employees then whats the possibility of collision or packet loss in my network.

                The design of your network, regardless of what firewall you choose, will be what prevents collision. Packet loss can be the result of many different factors, but shouldn't occur in any appreciable amount in a well designed and implemented LAN. If you're experiencing either issue now, I'd suggest addressing that first.

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                • vamsi118

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                  This post is deleted!

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                  • How Many Users can be connected (2024)
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