How LuxOS Can Maximize Your ASIC Miner’s Power Consumption and Revenue (2024)

How LuxOS Can Maximize Your ASIC Miner’s Power Consumption and Revenue (1)

Here's how Luxor's LuxOS Antminer firmware can help miners boost their Bitcoin mining revenue.

ASIC miners are extremely sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Temperature is strongly correlated with power consumption, so increases in ambient temperature lead to increases in power consumption, which reduces machine efficiency. Conversely, decreases in temperature lead to decreases in power consumption, resulting in improvements to machine efficiency.

As temperatures fluctuate throughout the day and across seasons, miners often find themselves with varying levels of available power. During cooler periods, miners may have excess capacity, while in warmer conditions, power consumption rises, potentially limiting machine output.

How LuxOS Can Maximize Your ASIC Miner’s Power Consumption and Revenue (4)

Miners are consistently seeking ways to optimize their operations to maximize revenue. Periods of cool weather present a huge opportunity for miners to overclock their units to make use of excess power, as the cooler temperatures provide optimal operating conditions to increase power consumption without overheating their ASIC miners.

While developing LuxOS, we dedicated many hours to understand how temperature influences power consumption. We observed that power consumption can vary in excess of 10% throughout the day. Put differently, this means that 10% of a miner’s total power capacity should be unused when ambient temperature hits its lowest point of the day.

To put into perspective how load balancing can maximize mining revenues, we put together a hypothetical mining operation using the following assumptions:

  • Total Capacity: 100 MW
  • Cost per MWh: $50
  • Fleet Efficiency: 29.5 J/TH
  • Hashprice: $100/PH/day
  • BTC Price: $70,000

Additionally, we computed the hypothetical operation’s load factor as a percentage of its total capacity throughout the day and seasons. To be conservative, the maximum power savings due to decreased temperatures was set to 10.7% at night during winter season.

How LuxOS Can Maximize Your ASIC Miner’s Power Consumption and Revenue (5)

The example results in the hypothetical miner saving 50,370 MW of power throughout the year. Most of these power savings occur during the winter, followed by spring and autumn seasons. The summer months result in the least amount of power savings, as temperatures are their highest of the year during this season.

Assuming an average efficiency of 29.5 J/TH, 50,370 MW translates to 195 PH/s worth of hashrate if the miner is running their operations without interruption. This example assumes that, during high temperature environments, there’s little-to-no room for overclocking, while during cooler periods there’s ample room to increase load. This 100MW facility would operate over 3 EH/s worth of SHA-256 compute power. 195 PH/s would imply a 6.5% increase in their operating hashrate (and also revenue) throughout the year.

At the time of writing, Hashprice is $100/PH/s/Day. 195 PH/s would translate to $19,500 worth of revenue potential (0.2785 BTC) per day. The increased power consumption would result in $6,900 per day in additional power costs assuming $50 / MWh power cost. Thus, this miner would improve their operating margin by $12,592 per day.

If this 100MW miner follows this strategy throughout the entire year, they would realize more than $7 million (101.63 BTC) worth of additional revenue and boost their operating margin by $4,595,907 (65.66 BTC).


If they are not employing after-market firmware, Bitcoin miners are leaving revenue on the table. After-market Antminer firmware like LuxOS can help miners improve their ASIC miners’ power efficiency by taking advantage of cold temperatures to improve hashrate output at times when power draw is low, and they can also maximize their efficiency with automatic thermal management to adjust power draw to an optimal range when temperatures are high.

If you’re a Bitcoin miner and you want to get the most out of your hashrate, LuxOS can help you supercharge your operations. You can download LuxOS today and install it remotely by following this link.

Bitcoin Mining Concepts

How LuxOS Can Maximize Your ASIC Miner’s Power Consumption and Revenue (6)

How LuxOS Can Maximize Your ASIC Miner’s Power Consumption and Revenue (7)

Colin HarperTwitter

Head of Research and Content at Luxor Technology

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How LuxOS Can Maximize Your ASIC Miner’s Power Consumption and Revenue (2024)


How LuxOS Can Maximize Your ASIC Miner’s Power Consumption and Revenue? ›

After-market Antminer firmware like LuxOS can help miners improve their ASIC miners' power efficiency by taking advantage of cold temperatures to improve hashrate output at times when power draw is low, and they can also maximize their efficiency with automatic thermal management to adjust power draw to an optimal ...

How much electricity does ASIC miner consume? ›

Understanding Power Consumption: Every ASIC miner has a specific power consumption, usually measured in watts (W). For instance, the Bitmain Antminer S19 Pro consumes about 3250W. Calculating Daily Consumption: Convert the power consumption from watts to kilowatts (kW). For the S19 Pro, it's 3.25 kW (3250W = 3.25kW).

How long do ASIC miners stay profitable? ›

In general, you can expect the latest ASIC miners to last around 5 years to a decade depending on your operating conditions and maintenance. However, with technology advancements, if many new ASIC miners come in the future, the current ASIC may turn obsolete, impacting your profitability.

What is the most profitable ASIC mining rig? ›

ASIC Miner profitability ranking
ModelHashrate / PowerRevenue 24h
iBeLink S1 Max May 202212.00 Th/s @ 3150W Sia$11.81
Goldshell SC5 PRO Jan 202411.00 Th/s @ 2820W Sia$10.83
Bitmain Antminer S21 Hydro Apr 2024335.00 Th/s @ 5360W SHA-256$16.72
iPollo V1 Jun 20223.60 Gh/s @ 3100W Ethash4G$10.93
33 more rows

How efficient is the ASIC miner for Bitcoin? ›

Let's consider some of the leading ASIC models in the market: Bitmain Antminer S19 Pro: One of the most popular ASIC miners, the S19 Pro offers a hash rate of around 110 TH/s with a power efficiency of around 29.5 J/TH. This model represents a balance between high computational power and energy efficiency.

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For example, let's look at the Whatsminer M30S+, a machine which is closest to the Antminer S19 in terms of the ASIC performance. With a hashrate of 100 TH/s at a power consumption of 3400W, the Whatsminer M30S+ can mine about $430/month in profit at our low electricity price*.

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Popular ASIC Miners and Their Profitability

Bitmain Antminer KS3: With a hashrate of 9.4 Th/s and power consumption of 3550W, this miner can potentially generate about $155.88 per day. Iceriver KS3: This miner has a hashrate of 8.0 Th/s and consumes 3200W power, potentially generating around $132.24 per day.

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After-market Antminer firmware like LuxOS can help miners improve their ASIC miners' power efficiency by taking advantage of cold temperatures to improve hashrate output at times when power draw is low, and they can also maximize their efficiency with automatic thermal management to adjust power draw to an optimal ...

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Top ASIC Miners and Their Profitability

Here are examples of some top ASIC miners and their estimated daily profitability based on certain assumptions: Bitmain Antminer KS3: With a hashrate of 9.40 Th/s and power consumption of 3188W, this miner can generate approximately $160.24 per day mining Kaspa.

What is the future of ASIC mining? ›

Peering into the Future

Alterations in cryptocurrency algorithms, regulatory challenges, and market dynamics could influence the sector's trajectory. But one thing remains crystal clear: ASIC mining will undeniably be at the heart of the cryptocurrency realm for years to come.

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The two main profitable ASIC Miners by Goldshell under $1000 each are Mini Doge and CK Box.

Which is more profitable ASIC or GPU? ›

👌ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) miners are generally more profitable than GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) mining, but this depends on several factors, including the cryptocurrency being mined, the cost of electricity, and the initial investment cost.

Is it worth it to buy an ASIC miner? ›

ASIC miners are a must-have for anyone who wants to mine cryptocurrencies efficiently due to the highly competitive network. Thus, the demand for ASICs is high in the crypto market, as is the resale market.

Which miner is most profitable? ›

Currently, some of the most profitable cryptocurrencies to mine include Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Monero.

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The Bitmain Antminer S19 XP Hydro (255Th) is widely regarded as one of the most effective miners in the market. Combining serious hashing power with liquid cooling technology, this mining machine redefines effectiveness in virtual coin mining.

What is the most energy efficient Bitcoin miner? ›

What is the best Bitcoin miner? The best Bitcoin miner on the market right now is arguably the Bitmain Antminer S19j Pro+. It can output up to 122 TH/s with a power consumption of 3,355W, giving it one of the better energy efficiency ratios.

How much electricity does 1 Bitcoin miner use? ›

How Much Electricity is Needed to Mine 1 Bitcoin? As a solo miner, an average of 266,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity is required to mine a single Bitcoin (BTC). This process would take approximately seven years to complete, demanding a monthly electricity consumption of about 143 kWh.

How much energy does an Antminer use? ›

For the air-cooled Antminer S19 XP, the hashrate is 141 TH/s, and the power consumption is 3010W. For the hydro-cooled model, the hashrate is 255 TH/s, and the power consumption is 5304W.

How much power does a crypto miner use? ›

More specifically, “annual electricity use from cryptocurrency mining probably represents from 0.6% to 2.3% of U.S. electricity consumption.”

Do mining rigs use a lot of electricity? ›

Typically, a rig will need at least 600 Watts of power to run one or two GPUs and several fans needed to cool down the hardware. Some more advanced rigs can draw well over 1200 Watts in order to maximize efficiency in both mining capabilities and energy usage.

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