How Long Does it Take To Reset A PC? [ANSWERED] - Tech4Gamers (2024)

When my PC’s storage is almost full, or if it’s infected with malware that refuses to go away, I often turn to the ultimate solution: resetting Windows. But just how long does it take to reset a PC? Many factors influence the duration, such as the amount of storage, the status of the OS, and more.

Key Takeaways

  • The duration of a PC reset depends on the chosen method and the computer’s specifications. Simple resets can take 30 minutes to a few hours, while more comprehensive ones may take several hours.
  • Many factors are responsible for increasing the duration, such as software glitches, overheating, hardware problems, and malware.
  • Back up important data to an external drive or the cloud before resetting so you won’t lose essential files.

Based on several factors, PC reset times can vary from 30 minutes to 3 hours. These include your storage device, the volume of data, and the files you wish to preserve. In some cases, particularly on sluggish computers, a reset can extend to an entireday.

There are two ways to reset a Windows PC to remove corrupt data or persistent bugs. You can either choose Keep My Files or Remove Everything. When I chose to keep my data and files, the process took about 30 to 45 minutes.

On the other hand, if you go with removing everything, it may take anywhere from 2.5 to 3 hours for a complete reset. This is because the PC takes time to clean all the files and data on the hard drive.

WARNING: Make sure to backup your important data before resetting the PC, as there is no way to recover it after the process is over.

Factors Affecting PC Reset Duration

Numerous factors affect the time it takes to reset a PC:

  • CPU Speed: A faster processor can handle data processing tasks more quickly.
  • RAM Size: Sufficient RAM allows for smoother multitasking and data handling during reset.
  • HDD vs SSD: Solid-state drives (SSDs) generally offer faster read and write speeds than traditional hard disk drives (HDDs). Upgrading to an SSD can significantly reduce reset times.
  • Amount Of Data: The total amount of data on the computer affects the time it takes to reset. If there’s a large amount of data to be processed, the reset will take longer.

  • Condition Of Operating System: The overall health and condition of the existing operating system can influence the reset time. A system with many errors or corruption may take longer to reset.

Important: Never turn off your PC during the reset process.


Taking proactive measures, such as ensuring software compatibility and monitoring system health, helps me minimize the need for frequent resets, which allows computer stability and longevity. In addition, I always back up my critical data to an external USB drive before a reset to be on the safe side; hence, I suggest you do the same.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does A Typical Windows PC Reset Take?

A typical Windows PC reset can take 30 minutes to 3 hours or more.

What Factors Influence The Duration Of A PC Reset?

The duration of a PC reset is influenced by factors such as the storage device, data volume, and the reset options selected.

Can I Speed Up The PC Reset Process?

While waiting is often the best approach, you can try rebooting or opt for a clean installation with file backup to expedite the process.

More About PCs:

  • How To Clear PC Cache?
  • How To Change IP Address?
  • How To Remove Malware And Viruses From PC?

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How Long Does it Take To Reset A PC? [ANSWERED] - Tech4Gamers (3)

Abdul Hadi

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Haddi has been in the Gaming and tech Space for over 10 Years Now; he has worked on notable websites like eXputer, Gamepur, Gear Siege, Gearnuke, and plenty more. He is an expert at Games & PC Hardware; you can expect him to solve any problem. People often joke, that if there is any problem anyone can solve, Haddi can solve it faster. Currently, Haddi writes and manages a Team of Experts at Tech4Gamers.


How Long Does it Take To Reset A PC? [ANSWERED] - Tech4Gamers (2024)


How long does a full PC reset take? ›

As a factory reset takes away all your data, it is essential to Backup before the process. It usually takes around 30 minutes to 3 hours to reset, depending on your device configuration.

How long does it take to factory reset? ›

You can usually perform a factory reset in Settings, but it can take up to an hour to complete. Make sure your phone is plugged in while you're going through the process.

Why is my PC taking so long to reset? ›

To be specific, the greater the number of files, settings, folders, configurations, and programs on your PC, the longer time it takes to reset. The age of your operating system: Older PCs take longer to reset as they usually have older components or incompatible software and hardware.

How long does a software reset take? ›

Generally speaking, most resets should take between 30 minutes and an hour.

Is it OK to hard reset PC? ›

This is a safe way to resolve software issues without losing important files. A hard reset means rebooting a device. It doesn't delete or reinstall anything but may help a slow or frozen device start working again.

Does resetting a PC fix problems? ›

Reinstalling the operating system can restore your system to its original configuration and help you fix many software issues on your device, such as slow system performance or malware infections.

How long should I wait for my PC to reset? ›

In general, resetting a PC will cost about 30 minutes to 3 hours. However, some Windows users said resetting a PC always stuck at special part, such as 1%, 8%, 62%, 99%, etc.

Does resetting a PC remove Windows? ›

This reset option will reinstall the Windows operating system and preserve your personal files, such as photos, music, videos, and personal documents. It will remove installed applications and drivers, as well as revert any changes you made to the settings.

Can I interrupt PC reset? ›

Windows create different restore points during the System Restore to fix the device issues. Therefore, interrupting the System Restore in Windows 10 can cause: The registry backup or the system files may be incomplete: The device can't run with incomplete Windows registry entries.

Can you cancel a PC reset? ›

Can I cancel Windows reset? If the PC reset is stuck, it's generally not advisable to cancel it abruptly. Instead, wait for a reasonable amount of time, and if there's no progress, try restarting the process. Canceling abruptly may lead to data corruption.

Does factory reset remove viruses? ›

Factory resets remove most viruses

Performing a hard reset will get rid of most viruses on your device because it wipes everything away. When you return your phone to its original state, the process removes all programs and system files from your device and leaves your phone with a clean slate.

What happens if you turn off your computer during system reset? ›

But if you turnoff your computer late during the process then your system files will be corrupted and you need a bootable pen drive to repair your pc. It is suggested to not turn off your computer during reset process...

What does factory reset do on a PC? ›

A factory reset is a process that restores your computer or device to its original factory settings. This means that all of your data, apps, and personal settings will be erased from the device, and it will be restored to the same condition as when it was first purchased.

How to fix resetting this PC stuck? ›

Press the Windows logo key +L to get to the sign-in screen, and then hold the Shift key while you select Power > Restart in the lower-right corner of the screen. After your PC restarts, select Troubleshoot > Reset this PC. Then choose the option Remove everything.

How to do a full hard reset on PC? ›

Click Settings > Update & security > Recovery > under Reset this PC, click Get started. Select either Keep my files to repair the PC, or Remove everything to prepare the PC for a new user. Note If the device is not responsive, try restarting it first.

What happens if you factory reset your PC too much? ›

Nope, other than losing the data and secondary installed programs, the computer itself gets no extra detrimental affect. It's the same as just using the computer, same amount of “damage” caused - which means nearly nothing. It's just wasting time.

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