How I Made a Profit Mining Ethereum on AWS (2024)

Is the game really worth playing?

How I Made a Profit Mining Ethereum on AWS (1)

I just wanted to put it out there that:

  • It is possible
  • AWS doesn’t ban you for mining on their servers
  • It’s only profitable at certain times

It is certainly possible, and I managed it with fluky timing and a bit of tweaking. I didn’t expect it to be profitable at all. I was only experimenting to learn more about mining and try something new. Michael Ludvig published an excellent article documenting a setup for running ethminer on AWS GPU spot instances (temporary cheap servers) and I wanted to just give it a go and learn a few things.

I happened to run this on the 8th May 2021 which (I later learned) was the start of the best few days for Ethereum mining profitability in history. I launched the CloudFormation template (that Michael Ludvig had created) in the Ohio AWS region using the recommended g4dn.xlarge instance type.

The steps to do this are roughly:

  • Create an AWS account
  • Create an Ethereum wallet
  • Upload the CloudFormation template
  • Enter your Ethereum wallet public address (to receive all that Ether)

By the way, creating an Ethereum wallet is a lot simpler than a lot of websites make it out to be. You don’t need to sign up to CryptoWalletExchangeBase and upload your identity and wave on webcam to a robot. A “wallet” can be boiled down to just a public address and private key like this:

public address:
You can give this out to anybody. Ether can be sent to this address.

private key: cb1b8e05e47f4d88de19ad4cc7abe16abba67c3c85586158de0266c6b4a99
(Never share your private key)
This can be used to access the Ether held in the wallet. So you probably want to keep this one to yourself.

…and you can generate these yourself. For example:

The important things are to make sure you don’t lose them and to make sure no one else knows what the private key is. So run that code on a non-internet-connected Palm Pilot, store them on an encrypted floppy disk and then burn the evidence.

On the first mining attempt, I had the system running for a while and the AWS EC2 Spot Instances (cheap servers) ran for a combined total of 134.658 hours and I racked up 0.00485 Ether which (at the time) was worth about $19.

You can see how much you’ve earned by looking up your public wallet address on Ethermine:

How I Made a Profit Mining Ethereum on AWS (2)

Here’s a snapshot of my AWS bill at the time:

How I Made a Profit Mining Ethereum on AWS (3)

So no profit yet, but not as far off as I was expecting.

I was concerned there might be additional cost for the AutoScalingGroup that is used in the CloudFormation template, but that is free; you only have to pay for the AWS resources needed to run the application. But what I did notice was that several of the instances either crashed, were stuck at 0 MH/s, or just 10–20MH/s rather than running at the optimal 25.43 MH/s that others managed.

Maybe the system would do better if there was something in place to automatically terminate instances that were not performing adequately.

I checked a profit calculator. If these AWS EC2 Spot Instances run at 0.1578 per hour, and I was achieving the 25.43 MH/s that most of them were achieved, then all the lights were green.

How I Made a Profit Mining Ethereum on AWS (4)

Working out exactly why some instances failed and some didn’t did not fit into the scope of this “pissing about with Ethereum” so I hacked something together. I decided to write some code to SSH into the EC2 Spot Instances to check for errors or a low hash rate. I created a KeyPair in AWS, downloaded it, and added a parameter to the CloudFormation template so that I could specify the name of this KeyPair and ensure it gets used by the spot instance Launch Template.

Description: Name of EC2 key pair assigned to instances.
Type: String
Type: AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate
KeyName: !Ref KeyPairName

This meant I could now SSH directly into any of the spot instances to see how they were doing. I wrote a simple Node.js script to access all of my running instances and check the CPU rate and the hash rate.

Running a command on a remote system and getting the result with NodeJS can be done like this:

So to get the CPU utilisation…

Or the hashrate (as reported in the ethminer.log file)…

I know, these are fragile bits of script and I’ve taken out the catch blocks, but you get the idea.

Using the AWS SDK we can get a list of all the spot instances that are running…

… and when one of these instances doesn’t cut it anymore, we can terminate it:

So using these parts I wrote some code that could run every 20 seconds to grab the CPU/hashrate for all of the spot instances and terminate them if they had a low hashrate or a low CPU usage level for 3 checks in a row. The AutoScalingGroup would then automatically create new spot instances to replace our dead ones. Things were improved.

By now I had been running spot instances for just over 24 hours on my second round of generating Ethereum.

My current unpaid balance: 0.01012 Ether, which means 0.00535 Ether has been earned in the last 24 hours.

Cost for spot instances = 24 hours * $0.1578 * 5 instances = $18.94

EBS gp2 volumes are 0.10 per GB per month, and we have 100GB per instance. That’s 0.000137 per GB per hour.
Cost for EBS volumes = 100 * 0.000137 * 24 * 5 = $1.64

Total cost = $20.58
Value of Ether mined = $22.10

Well that’s good.

Up until now, I hadn’t taken into consideration tax. In the UK, we pay a tax (VAT) of 20% on AWS services (unless we are a company selling our own services and can deduct it) so my actual costs were $24.70. Not so good.

But then the next day (12th May 2021) after another 24 hours of running 5 instances I had earned 0.0079 Ether which had a value of $33.96 at a cost to me of $24.70 (including VAT). OK, this is better, but why such a massive difference?

For now, I didn’t question it too much. I applied to AWS to raise my Spot Instance quota/limits in the cheap regions (Ohio, N. Virginia, and Oregon) and checked if there was anything else I could tweak.

I could see that we were paying for 100GB of gp2 storage for each one of these spot instances. They were all using the “Deep Learning AMI (Ubuntu 18.04) Version 36.0” that comes with all the necessary NVIDIA drivers preconfigured. For starters, if I removed the Anaconda Python platform (~/anaconda3) from the image then the necessary disk size is reduced to ~36GB so we could get away with a 40GB drive (saving 60% of that EBS storage cost). Also, the newer gp3 storage ($0.08 per GB) is cheaper than gp2 storage ($0.10 per GB). You have to pay extra for gp3 based on how much you use it, but overall it was cheaper for our purpose.

On the 14th of May, by the time I had reached 0.1 Ether (the minimum at the time to get a payout from Ethermine — the Ethereum mining pool we were using) I was running 40–60 spot instances, dependent on their availability. I had spent just under $320.70 (including tax) over the last few days to receive 0.1 Ether ($387.73).

How I Made a Profit Mining Ethereum on AWS (5)

It was at this point I learned about mining profitability:

How I Made a Profit Mining Ethereum on AWS (6)

Things were starting to look less exciting:

How I Made a Profit Mining Ethereum on AWS (7)

Basically, things were changing. Not only did Elon Musk reply to a tweet with the word “Indeed” to drop the price of Ethereum back down again, but the dollar-to-hashrate was beginning to normalize again. At the peak of it, I was mining at a cost of ~$183 for 24 hours at 1 GH/s and profitability was at $282 per day. Since May, profitability has only reached $111 per GH/s/day (as of 23rd Oct 2021) making this all unprofitable. I pulled the plug at the right time.

The profitability would have to be greater than $183 per GH/s/day. The profitability is based how many transactions are placed on the network at any given time, and how many miners out there are mining and thereby running the network. The spike in May was put down to a maelstrom of Elon, DeFi and NFTs giving miners a lot of work to do. We can calculate the profitability by looking at the time it is taking each block to be mined, and the current hashrate for all the miners on the network, and the current block reward. We can then plug our own hashrate into that and see what size share we are eligible for…

We can get these values from as well as the current price per Ether in USD.

From that we can calculate the dollar value of mining at 1GH/s/day…

Today (23rd October 2021) the userDollarPerDay = $73.44. Much less than our $183 cost.

Even though my 0.1 Ether was worth more than what I’d paid for it at the time, the price of Ether is also clearly very volatile for the foreseeable future. So even if you do mine it whilst it is “profitable” you are gambling that the Ether you are accumulating is going to stay valuable, or at least until you sell it. I managed to sell my Ether at the right price, but not long after it would have been worth much less than I paid for it. All the while burning energy for hours, keeping this big maths game in the sky running, just to break even or throw money to Bezos. It is really not a game worth playing.


How I Made a Profit Mining Ethereum on AWS (2024)


Is mining on AWS profitable? ›

In fact it's so fast and cheap that it is profitable. To make sure that I'm not dreaming I ran 5 of these instances for just over 2 days and mined into a new Ethereum wallet to have a clean picture of the results. That means ca $108 in ETH for $100 spent on AWS costs! That.

Can we mine Ethereum using AWS? ›

Ethereum Classic mining in AWS and GCP

MetaMask users can use the same address for both ETH and ETC, easy. Ledger users should create a new ETC address but there are ways to move the funds sent to your ETH Ledger address over to the ETC one, so no big deal if you make a mistake.

Is it profitable to mine Ethereum in cloud? ›

Paid Ethereum cloud mining offers the following advantages: High profitability because of high hash power. Instant and daily withdrawals. Access to more and better mining and learning resources.

Can AWS be used for crypto mining? ›

AWS IoT Device Defender custom metrics are metrics you define that are unique to your devices and use case. In this cryptocurrency mining cyber security use case, you can monitor for anomalies using two custom metrics – CPU/GPU usage metric and average ML at the edge inference time metric.

Is it illegal to mine on AWS? ›

Amazon's AWS also prohibits crypto mining for its 12-month free trial. Customers could be charged a fee if they chose to mine on AWS and may have their accounts suspended.

Is AWS mining legit? ›

AWS MINING does not have a Mining farm; it is all a lie intended to buy them cheap credibility. These people are not regular scammers; they are professionals and have been in the game for years.

Can I mine Ethereum on EC2? ›

Surprisingly, all you need is an AWS EC2 instance to start mining Ethereum. I'm sure you've already heard of the cryptocurrency craze way before reading this post. Cryptocurrencies are slowly and quietly revolutionizing the way financial systems and transactions work (and should work in my opinion).

What is the most profitable way to mine Ethereum? ›

The most straightforward way to mine ETH is by joining one of many Ethereum mining pools like SparkPool, Nanopool, F2Pool and many others. These allow miners to have a constant stream of income instead of a random chance of finding a whole block once in a while.

How many ETH nodes run on AWS? ›

The majority of 4,653 active Ethereum nodes are in the hands of centralized web providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), which could “expose Ethereum to central points of failure,” according to crypto analytics platform Messari.

What are the risks of cloud mining? ›

Common Issues. Another issue with cloud mining is that it is frequently unprofitable due to the high costs of operating a remote data center. The costs of energy, hardware, and maintenance are frequently much higher than the potential profits from cryptocurrency mining.

Is it worth investing in cloud mining? ›

Investing in cloud mining has numerous advantages that make it a popular choice for those looking to earn passive income. There is no need to worry about expensive electricity bills or the maintenance of hardware, as these tasks are taken care of by the mining provider.

Can you mine 1 Ethereum in a day? ›

How many Ethereum can you mine a day? Based the mining hardware inputs provided, 1,036,800,000,000,000.00000000 Ethereum can be mined per day with a Ethereum mining hashrate of 6,000.00 MH/s, a block reward of 2 ETH, and a Ethereum difficulty of 1.00.

Who owns AWS mining? ›

Alexandre Campos (hereinafter referred to as "Respondent Campos") is the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Respondent AWS Mining.

Can you make money mining crypto in the cloud? ›

The cloud mining of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies is one of the most profitable sources of passive income.

Can I mine crypto on a cloud server? ›

Bitcoin cloud mining services allow anybody to start mining bitcoin without needing to purchase expensive equipment or possess technical knowledge. The concept is straightforward, similar to that of any other kind of cloud mining, involving a remote data center with pooled computing power – hashing power.

Can I bring my own license to AWS? ›

Can I bring in my own SQL Server licenses for use on AWS? Yes. You can bring your own SQL Server licenses to AWS. You can bring your SQL Server licenses with active Software Assurance to default (shared) tenant Amazon EC2 through License Mobility benefits.

Is cloud mining legal in US? ›

According to TheStreet, reporting on a November 2021 Law Library of Congress report, bitcoin mining is banned in various countries, such as Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Iraq, Morocco, Nepal, Qatar, and more. However, it is legal in the US, and most countries, but not all US states allow the same.

What is the easiest crypto to mine? ›

If you're looking for the easiest crypto to mine, check out Monero (XMR), which is one of the best cryptos to mine at home. Other options are Ethereum Classic (ETC), Vertcoin (VTC), and Ravencoin (RVN). Bitcoin Gold (BTG) is also worth mentioning here as one of the best GPU-mined coins.

Is cloud mining fake? ›

Bitcoin-cloud mining scam. Scammers are pretending to offer users tens of thousands of dollars, supposedly accumulated in an account on an “automated cloud-mining platform”. Despite some instability over the past six months, the cryptocurrency market is still seen by many as a get-rich-quick scheme.

Is ETH cloud mining legit? ›

Answer: The answer is yes. Cloud mining Ethereum can be done with or without mining equipment like a PC, GPU, and ASIC. One alternative is to search for legit companies that sell legit cloud mining Ethereum contracts that you can purchase and watch your passive income grow.

Is cloud mining guaranteed? ›

Always remember that you are not guaranteed profit and cloud mining carries some level of risk. You do not own the mining equipment and therefore have no control over how it is used.

How much of ETH is run on AWS? ›

Aside from the 69 percent of modes hosted on the Ethereum mainnet, Amazon Web Services (AWS) hosts more than 50 percent of modes. Furthermore, over 15 percent of nodes are hosted by Hetzner, while 4.1 percent are hosted by OVH. Solana is in a similar predicament. Hetzner hosts 42 percent of the Solana nodes.

How many days does it take to mine 1 Ethereum? ›

However, it takes around 7.5 days to mine Ethereum using an NVIDIA GTX 3090 with a hash rate of 500 mh/s. It should take significantly longer with a GPU that hashes at about 28.2 MH/S. The amount of Ethereum returned does not equal the profit.

Is it profitable to mine Ethereum with PC? ›

Despite the risks, mining Ethereum can be profitable. If the price of Ethereum goes up, or if the difficulty of mining goes down, you could make a lot of money. Just make sure to do your research and invest in a good mining rig.

Why Ethereum mining is not profitable? ›

This is due to the implementation of “Ethereum 2.0,” which altered Ethereum's proof-of-work consensus method to proof-of-stake. As a result, mining is no longer used by the network. The only people who will be able to invest their tokens and become “validators” are those who possess significant amounts of ETH.

Can you be a millionaire with Ethereum? ›

The conservative model assumes Ethereum hits 50% of Bitcoin's market capitalization, and the aggressive case uses a ratio of 1ETH=0.1BTC. Assuming these numbers, to be a millionaire you will need: Worst case scenario: 39 ETH or $82,000 at current prices. Conservative Model: 29 ETH or $61,355 at current prices.

Can Ethereum make me a millionaire? ›

Despite its drawbacks, though, Ethereum still has plenty of long-term potential. While it may not make you a millionaire in the coming months, by staying invested for the long haul, it could potentially be a lucrative investment.

Will Ethereum be bigger than AWS? ›

It will be “the global computer.” It will be bigger than AWS, Azure, and Google combined.” The YeFi CEO added: “Ethereum's biggest change on the recent EIP (Ethereum Improvement Proposal) 1559 was the change on “the economical model” which will make ETH deflationary in the longer run.”

How do I set up an Ethereum node on AWS? ›

To create an Ethereum node using the AWS Management Console
  1. Choose Join public network.
  2. Select the Blockchain network for the node to join according to the preceding guidelines.
  3. Select the Blockchain instance type suitable for your application. ...
  4. Select the Ethereum node type, choose Full node (Geth).

How much money can you make running an ETH node? ›

Compare the percentage returns available: running a validator node offers an average annualised return of around 14.2%. Staking ETH through a third-party pooled service like a staking pool can earn an average of 13%, while through an exchange is more likely to earn in the region of 12%.

Can you lose money on cloud mining? ›

Additionally, even with reputable and trusted parties, there is a chance you can lose money. This is because cloud mining usually requires you to commit to a fixed contract where you pay for hash rate and electricity over a set period of time.

Is cloud mining taxable? ›

Regardless of the scale you're mining at, you'll pay Income Tax on new coins you receive through mining. You'll pay Income Tax based on the fair market value of the coin in USD on the day you received it.

What are three risks to miners? ›

The top five risks to a worker in the mining industry are:
  • Lung Damage. ...
  • Hearing Damage. ...
  • Stress and Fatigue. ...
  • Radioactive Materials. ...
  • Lifting Injuries.
Apr 20, 2020

How do cloud miners make profit? ›

Similar to pool mining where you can either buy additional resources for your CPU or share your own, cloud mining is all about buying hash power. You pay for a hash rate you want and leave the rest to the miners. At the end of a certain period, you earn a portion of whatever they made based on the hashes you purchased.

What is the best cloud miner? ›

Answer: The best cloud mining software for Bitcoin is Genesis Mining, given its experience and customer base. However, there are multiple options in our list including ScryptCube, Hashnest, and others.

Is it profitable to mine on Azure? ›

At current market rates, this would result in a payout of around 4.8 MonaCoins/month, or about $66/month – far below the $1004/month for the Azure VM. Comparatively, a single NVIDIA GTX 1080 TI GPU would mine MonaCoin at around 63MH/s.

How many Ethereum are left? ›

Ethereum Supply is at a current level of 120.29M, down from 120.30M yesterday and up from 119.01M one year ago.

How long will Ethereum mining last? ›

Staking is the most sustainable for mining Ethereum. Proof of work mining will end by December 2021.

Which crypto is most profitable to mine? ›

Monero (XMR), which has a market cap close to $3 billion, is still one of the most lucrative coins you can seek to mine. Mining The present payout for mining Monero is 2.15 XMR per block, and 2,272,762 blocks are anticipated to be produced.

Is AWS owned by Google? ›

(AWS) is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered, pay-as-you-go basis.

Who owns Amazon ETH? ›

The domain name is verified as official by ENS and is owned by anonymous OpenSea user 4761BF. ENS is a blockchain naming protocol that allows users to store avatars and profile images for use across devices and send or receive crypto and nonfungible tokens (NFTs).

What mines are in Amazon? ›

Several large, open-pit mining operations for iron ore, bauxite, and other minerals have been developed in the Brazilian Amazon biome. For both minerals, the Eastern Amazon and specifically the state Pará plays an important role. Brazil is also an important producer of gold, nickel, tin, and zinc.

How much can you make a week mining crypto? ›

As of May 6, 2023, the average annual pay for a Crypto Mining in the United States is $86,748 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $41.71 an hour. This is the equivalent of $1,668/week or $7,229/month.

How much can you make per month mining crypto? ›

Generally speaking, if you're mining Bitcoin at home, you can make anywhere from $30 to $450 per mining machine each month. (Wondering why it's such a large range?

Is crypto mining a good passive income? ›

Passive income through crypto is easy to earn and an interesting opportunity to diversify your investments and earnings. With high rates that far outpace what you get from a bank, you may be drawn to the excitement of the cryptocurrency world.

How do I withdraw money from cloud mining? ›

To make a withdrawal, hit the 'Withdraw' button, and whatever you've mined will be credited to your account within 72 hours on weekdays, excluding Saturday and Sunday! The mining profit will be credited to your Stormgain trading account in USDT.

How long does it take to mine 1 Bitcoin on cloud mining? ›

It takes around 10 minutes to mine just one Bitcoin, though this is with ideal hardware and software, which isn't always affordable and only a few users can boast the luxury of. More commonly and reasonably, most users can mine a Bitcoin in 30 days.

Can you mine Ethereum on Google cloud? ›

Setting up mining using the GCP Ethereum Miner is really easy. Let's start with some prerequisites: Obviously you need a GCP account with a “Project” set up, and that “Project” must have high enough Quotas for NVidia GPUs. The former is easy, anyone can open a new account and create a new project.

Is cloud mining actually profitable? ›

It is possible for cloud mining to be profitable, depending on the provider and the state of mining profitability. Consistent profitability can be difficult, as mining is a very competitive business where operators aim to pay minimal energy prices.

Is cloud mining even profitable? ›

The cloud mining of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies is one of the most profitable sources of passive income. Based on the recommendations of our analysts, let's select a cloud mining platform that is both dependable and profitable.

Is it profitable to buy cloud mining? ›

Most people do not consider cloud mining to be a profitable investment opportunity because of the high costs associated with running a remote data center and the possibility of low returns on investment due to increased competition and the difficulty in mining cryptocurrencies.

Can you lose money cloud mining? ›

Lose Lose Situation

The main model of legit cloud mining companies use is a “lose lose” paradigm. If Bitcoin goes up in price you'll earn less than if you just bought it. If it goes down – you won't earn anything and you'll probably lose the money you've invested.

Which mining is most profitable? ›

Monero (XMR), which has a market cap close to $3 billion, is still one of the most lucrative coins you can seek to mine. Mining The present payout for mining Monero is 2.15 XMR per block, and 2,272,762 blocks are anticipated to be produced.

Is cloud mining profitable 2023? ›

Cryptocurrency mining is still profitable in 2023, but it may not be as rewarding as in the past. That's accurate for a variety of factors, including the fact that cryptocurrency prices were significantly lower than their peaks for the majority of 2022 and into early 2023.

How long does it take to mine 1 bitcoin on cloud mining? ›

It takes around 10 minutes to mine just one Bitcoin, though this is with ideal hardware and software, which isn't always affordable and only a few users can boast the luxury of. More commonly and reasonably, most users can mine a Bitcoin in 30 days.

How much can we earn with cloud mining? ›

For Bitcoin, the block reward is currently 6.25 BTC, plus whatever transaction fees were included in the block. Blocks in the Bitcoin network are created, on average, every ten minutes. This basically means that every ten minutes, one miner in the network is earning themselves 6.25 BTC, plus transaction fees.

How much does a mining rig make per day? ›

Most Bitcoin mining rigs make at least 2000 USD every day on average. Some can make up to as high as 5000 USD daily. We recommend buying more efficient and robust mining equipment to maximize your daily income from Bitcoin mining.

Which website is best for cloud mining? ›

Top Cloud Crypto Mining Websites (Trusted & Legit): Free/Paid
NameFounding YearSupported Coins
Binance2017Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin
Hashing242015ZCash, Dash, Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin (BTC)
Hashshiny2016Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Litecoin, etc.
2 more rows

Are there any legit cloud miners? ›

ECOS is the only legit cloud mining company. It was established in 2017 in Armenia in the Free Economic Zone. ECOS has more than 100 000 users from all over the world. You can easily use a convenient mining calculator to estimate mining returns and choose the best option for you.

Is Dogecoin cloud mining profitable? ›

Is Dogecoin Mining Profitable? According to most mining calculators, Dogecoin is profitable to mine. Whattomine and other mining calculators can be used to determine how profitable it is to mine Dogecoin with various miners. Since September 2021, mining the Dogecoin has been profitable.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.