How Fast Do You Fall When Skydiving Tandem? (2024)

The short answer: jolly fast.

The longer answer is a glorious trip back through the physics lab and maths class. Prepare for your first time skydiving by unpacking one of the most exhilarating word problems ever. (And you thought you’d “never need to know this stuff” once you left school.)

Calculating Freefall Time

As the term suggests, freefall is the portion of your skydive that takes place between exiting the plane and opening your parachute.

Once you and your tandem instructor leap into the big blue, gravity takes you on the ride of your life as you fall belly to earth at an average of 61 meters (200 feet) every second.

The amount of time you spend in freefall depends on how long it takes you to reach terminal velocity and the altitude from which you jump.

Terminal Velocity

Terminal velocity is the fastest you’ll fall during your jump; typically around 200 kph (120 mph). Your first few seconds in freefall will be a wee bit slower, so you’ll cover a little less distance at first, but then you’ll accelerate to full speed.

The first 300 or so meters (1,000 feet) will take about 10 seconds to fly through. Then 5 seconds for each 300 meters after that. Translation: WooooHOOOOOOO!

How Fast Do You Fall When Skydiving Tandem? (1)

Altitude is Everything

At Ramblers, we jump from 14,000 feet up – a wee higher than the average tandem skydive – which means that you’ll be in freefall for about 60 seconds. Awesome.

We also offer tandem skydiving at night – a rare treat, especially for those who are dipping their first toes in the sport. Available when conditions are just right, night jumps exit at 12,000 feet. There’s no better cherry on top to a spectacular day of adventure.

Freefall is Good for You

Freefall is a chemically-rich recipe for your brain that nourishes your mental health, emotional and spiritual well being.

Adrenaline pumps you up, putting you in direct touch with your strength, power and capability.

Serotonin inspires positivity, reinforcing your significance and helping you to regain perspective.

Dopamine is empowering, flooding you with a enriching sense of motivation, exhilaration and excitement.

When you’re in freefall, you can only focus on your bliss. You are, literally, in Peter Pan mode, thinking “of all the joy you find when you leave the world behind and bid your cares goodbye” as you fly, Fly, FLY!!

Playground in the Sky

Falling freely doesn’t mean only falling exclusively belly-to-the-ground. A minute of freefall offers a fair bit of time to experiment with the principles of aerodynamics.

Tilt one arm up and the other down and you can turn around. Straighten your legs and propel yourself forward. First-time skydivers can experience this level of play – just let your instructor know if you’re up for trying it.

Experienced skydivers get up to all sorts of exciting antics whilst sky high. Flying vertically, in a seated position or even upside down is common once you have your confidence.

Competitive skydiving features numerous events, including several that take place during freefall.

Experience Freefall from the Ground

At Ramblers, we offer the amazing opportunity of artificial freefall through our Wind Tunnel Option.

With wind forces of up to 180 kph (112 mph), your ground-level experience is pretty darn close to the real deal – and doesn’t rely on blue skies.

Whether you’re gearing up for your first time skydiving or you’re on your way to your A license, we’re ready for you. Come and jump with us.

How Fast Do You Fall When Skydiving Tandem? (2)

How Fast Do You Fall When Skydiving Tandem? (2024)


How Fast Do You Fall When Skydiving Tandem? ›

On average, the terminal velocity

terminal velocity
Terminal velocity is the maximum velocity (speed) attainable by an object as it falls through a fluid (air is the most common example). It occurs when the sum of the drag force (Fd) and the buoyancy is equal to the downward force of gravity (FG) acting on the object. › wiki › Terminal_velocity
for a tandem skydiver or a solo belly-to-earth experienced skydiver is 120 mph, and it takes about 12 seconds to reach that speed.

How fast do you fall when skydiving tandem? ›

Thanks to the invention of the drogue, the standard speed reached during a modern tandem skydive is 120 mph.

What speed do you free fall at? ›

The speed achieved by a human body in freefall is slowed down by air resistance and body orientation. In a stable, belly-to-earth position, terminal velocity of the human body is about 200 km/h (about 120mph). A stable, freefly, head-down position produces a speed of around 240-290 km/h (around 150-180 mph).

What speed is reached during skydiving? ›

In stable, belly-to-earth position, terminal velocity is about 200 km/h (120 mph). Stable freefall head down position has a terminal speed of 240–290 km/h (around 150–180 mph). Further minimization of drag by streamlining the body allows for speeds over 500 km/h (310 mph).

How long does it take to fall from 8000 feet? ›

Here, let's break down the average freefall times from different altitudes: 8,000 feet: About 30 seconds of freefall time. 13,000 feet: 45 to 60 seconds of freefall time. 15,000 feet: 60 to 70 seconds of freefall time.

Do you lose your stomach skydiving? ›

Because the delta between your horizontal and vertical speed does not increase drastically, you do not experience a stomach drop when you skydive. Furthermore, the freefall portion of a skydive doesn't feel much like falling at all. Rather, it feels like you are resting, supported on a column of air.

Do tandem skydivers fall faster? ›

Tandem skydivers are connected front to back, so you have twice the mass but the same wind resistance. To prevent the resulting increase in terminal velocity, tandem master's deploy a drogue chute that functions to match the pair's fall rate with that of an individual skydiver.

How hard do you hit the ground when skydiving? ›

How fast do you hit the ground when skydiving? A. If the deployment is normal, you'll experience a couple of seconds of high-speed deceleration, in the realm of 3 to 4 g. This happens as the parachute slows the descent from 120 mph to around 17 mph.

Why do tandem skydivers fall faster? ›

Because tandems are heavier than solo skydivers, they do go faster in the downwards direction. They go so fast, in fact, that there's a special system (called a “drogue”) to slow the pair down enough that they'll experience a safe, comfortable opening.

How long does it take to fall from 10,000 feet? ›

Freefall from 10,000 feet: Approximately 30 seconds. Freefall from 13,500 feet: 45 to 60 seconds.

How high is the chance of dying skydiving? ›

Injuries were most commonly reported during the landing sequence. With modern equipment and training methods, fatalities occur in less than 1 per 100,000 cases, and serious injuries requiring hospitalization in less than 2 per 10,000 cases. This puts the assessment of skydiving as a high-risk sport into perspective.

How fast is a 15000 ft skydive? ›

Skydiving from 15,000ft is the highest you can go in the UK, giving you almost a full minute of high adrenaline freefall, reaching speeds of 125mph. It doesn't get better than this for action junkies.

Why don't you keep accelerating when falling? ›

As an object falls, it picks up speed. The increase in speed leads to an increase in the amount of air resistance. Eventually, the force of air resistance becomes large enough to balances the force of gravity. At this instant in time, the net force is 0 Newton; the object will stop accelerating.

Can you breathe while skydiving? ›

You absolutely can breathe while skydiving! You should be able to take normal breaths in freefall and under the parachute just like you would on the ground. There is plenty of oxygen available to you for the entirety of your jump – in unlimited supply, in fact!

Can a person survive a 1000 foot fall? ›

Hiker who survived 1,000-foot fall, being stranded for 3 days at Hawaii waterfall: 'It's a miracle' Ian Snyder, a 34-year-old travel blogger, thanked rescuers for finding him last week and ending his harrowing ordeal below Oahu's Koolau Summit Trail.

Can you skydive from 35,000 feet? ›

HALO (high altitude, low opening) and HAHO (high altitude, high opening) jumps have been performed by military special forces for decades as a way to covertly infiltrate hostile regions for specific tactical operations. These jumps can range from 15,000 feet to 35,000 feet in altitude!

Is Tandem Sky Diving Risky? ›

Tandem skydiving has the strongest safety statistics of any type of jump, with only 0.003 fatalities per thousand jumps over the past 10 years. You're more likely to be struck by lightning or win the lottery than to die on a tandem skydive. In fact, the most dangerous part of skydiving is driving to the dropzone.

Is it awkward to tandem skydive? ›

You might imagine being strapped to another human being for your first tandem skydive will be a bit awkward. If you're exceptionally small, or particularly tall, you might worry that the whole thing will look downright comical. Thankfully, you're wrong!

What is the most common injury in tandem skydiving? ›

Tandem students are the safest fliers in the sky.

The only reports we've seen are dings taken to those pesky ankles–which is the number one cause of injury in tandem skydiving, so it's unsurprising.

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.