How Does Blockchain Help Your Business to Boost Revenue (2024)

Blockchain has been one of the most influential technologies, transforming businesses around the world. Even though blockchain has significantly gained popularity in the cryptocurrency or bitcoin space, many individuals mistakenly use the terms blockchain and bitcoin interchangeably. Thus, people automatically associate each blockchain development company they come across with the term "cryptocurrency company."

When a business decides to integrate blockchain technology, there are endless possibilities for businesses to introduce new thoughts and ideas while incorporating pre-existing ones. Blockchain development, for instance, is revolutionizing the real estate sector by removing the need for middlemen and enabling stakeholders to execute transactions securely. As a result, several forecasts regarding its potential and industrial demand have already been made.

  • Global data expenditure on blockchain solutions is expected to reach $19 billion annually by the end of 2024, according to an IDC projection.
  • Blockchain integration to businesses is expected to generate income of US$ 39 Billion by the end of 2025, according to Statista.
  • Similarly, Gartner has speculated that the yearly economic value of blockchain technology is expected to reach around USD 3.1 trillion by 2030.

After learning about the potential applications of blockchain technology, you will aspire to hire blockchain developer to grow your business.

How Does Blockchain Help Your Business to Boost Revenue (1)

Ultimate Advantages of Blockchain for Your Businesses

Blockchain technology provides businesses with several advantages and presents fresh ideas for re-evaluating established business strategies. There are multiple aspects of businesses get profit from blockchain technology:

1. Payment Convenience

The intersection between blockchain and digital payment systems is one of the most obvious applications for distributed ledger technology. Because blockchain eliminates the need for middlemen and physical records like invoices and receipts, financial flow has become simpler for companies of all sizes.

2. Robust Security

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Blockchain contributes significantly to the corporate sphere as well by introducing innovative, highly efficient security measures. The decentralized nature of blockchains sets them apart from traditional database systems. A company's risk of cyberattacks is reduced when it utilizes a blockchain network because of its high security and complexity. Users now can protect their digital identities and keep an eye on how their data is being utilized.

3. Supply Chain Management

It is crucial to remember that small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) may utilize blockchain technology to track their products and services from start to finish. Blockchain gives the process the capacity to be transparent and unchangeable, which may be used to combat fraud, security lapses, or delivery delays.

4. Successful Advertisem*nt Efforts

Blockchain technology helps to transform and improve your promotional practices. Because blockchain-based business models are capable of real-time monitoring of client data and behavior for more focused marketing. Therefore, it improves return on investment by enabling companies to authenticate inbound traffic originating from the real world.

5. Financial Management

Businesses must invest a significant amount of money to upgrade and maintain their present systems. They are eager to invest in anything that will enable them to save money or improve the effectiveness of their current processes because of this.

By using blockchain technology across industries, businesses may reduce their reliance on middlemen and save money because there is no central entity and no vendor fees. Furthermore, the traditional mentors of authenticating a transaction are eliminated, which reduces the expenditure of funds or time required to do basic tasks.

6. Interaction With Customers

Blockchain is important for business too, as it opens up new ways to connect with more people. Combining blockchain technology with customer interaction has a lot of potential benefits.

7. Improving Speed and Efficiency

Blockchain technology maximizes efficiency by automating time-consuming procedures. By automation, the human mistake is also eliminated. Blockchain can process a transaction in a few seconds or less in some situations.

For instance, Walmart tracked the provenance of mangoes sold in the United States and stored them in 2.2 seconds using a food traceability system built on Hyperledger Fabric, a procedure that had previously taken seven days.

8. Smart Contract

Smart contracts are self-executing agreements wherein all stated terms and conditions are automatically carried out through coding. These codes become immutable as soon as they are stored on the blockchain, a distributed ledger system.

Therefore, anytime the codes are satisfied, the requirements are fulfilled. The services or goods are returned to the other party if one violates the agreement. Blockchain might thereby reduce the need for conflict resolution to be handled by attorneys, public servants, or other parties that charge a fee.

9. Bringing innovation

To address difficult issues and ineffective procedures, executives from a variety of sectors are researching and putting into practice blockchain-based solutions. One such example of innovation is the use of blockchain technology to validate resumes submitted by job seekers.

10. Immutability

Transactions are immutable if they are recorded on a blockchain and cannot be altered or removed. Since every transaction is time- and date-stamped, information can be tracked over time using a permanent record, providing safe and trustworthy information audits. On the other hand, outdated computer systems and paper-based filing are more prone to errors and are easier to retire or corrupt.

Final Thoughts

Healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, information technology, transportation, and many more industries may all benefit from blockchain technology. Concerning blockchain technology's future, it possesses an unparalleled capacity to provide fresh and creative ideas while merging pre-existing ones.

To become a game changer in your industry and incorporate blockchain technology into your mobile application, your firm needs a mobile app development company in Dubai. You want to be a part of this blockchain revolution as well.

How Does Blockchain Help Your Business to Boost Revenue (5)

RichestSoft is a top-rated blockchain-based mobile application development company that serves its clients with superlative Blockchain development solutions. Our specialty is providing our clients with the services they deserve, just as they wish, to please them. Our blockchain specialists begin working on the relevant project after thoroughly understanding your needs. We aim to fulfill the client's needs while maintaining operating procedures that are clear and effective. Together, let's move your company toward digital transformation.

How Does Blockchain Help Your Business to Boost Revenue (2024)


How Does Blockchain Help Your Business to Boost Revenue? ›

Because blockchain-based business models are capable of real-time monitoring of client data and behavior for more focused marketing. Therefore, it improves return on investment by enabling companies to authenticate inbound traffic originating from the real world.

How can businesses benefit by using blockchain? ›

Reduced Costs: By streamlining processes and eliminating intermediaries, blockchain reduces transaction costs for businesses. Financial institutions benefit from cost savings in clearing and settlement processes, while other industries cut expenses by removing middlemen.

How can blockchain help my business? ›

Here are ten ways businesses can incorporate blockchain to transform their businesses.
  1. Building trust. ...
  2. Improving security and privacy. ...
  3. Reducing costs. ...
  4. Improving speed and efficiency. ...
  5. Bringing innovation. ...
  6. Streamlining supply chain management. ...
  7. Finanancial processes. ...
  8. Creating smart contracts.

How do blockchain businesses make money? ›

There are many ways that blockchain startups can make money. One way is to create a dApp and sell it through the blockchain network. Another way is to create a cryptocurrency and offer it for sale through the blockchain network. Another way is to mine cryptocurrencies and sell them through the blockchain network.

How much revenue does blockchain generate? ›

What Is the Blockchain Market Size? According to MarketsandMarkets the global blockchain market was around $7.4 billion in 2022 and is set to generate revenue over $94 billion by the end of 2027 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 66.2%.

What are the three major benefits of blockchain? ›

Experts identify the following as the top blockchain benefits:
  • Trust. Blockchain creates trust between different entities where trust is either nonexistent or unproven. ...
  • Decentralized structure. ...
  • Improved security and privacy. ...
  • Reduced costs. ...
  • Speed. ...
  • Visibility and traceability. ...
  • Immutability. ...
  • Individual control of data.
Sep 13, 2023

What are the benefits of blockchain in finance? ›

Blockchain in Finance & FinTech

Within the Finance industry, this technology would allow for the transfer of currency with high security and reliability. It also helps to increase security and reduce the risk of fraud, while also making financial transactions faster and more efficient.

Which of the following are benefits of blockchain for business? ›

  • Enhanced security. Your data is sensitive and crucial, and blockchain can significantly change how you view your critical information. ...
  • Greater transparency. Without blockchain, each organization has to keep a separate database. ...
  • Instant traceability. ...
  • Increased efficiency and speed. ...
  • Automation.

What is the main purpose of blockchain? ›

The purpose of the blockchain is to share information amongst all parties that access it via an application. Access to this ledger in terms of reading and writing may be unrestricted ('permissionless'), or restricted ('permissioned').

How does blockchain help the economy? ›

In other words, blockchain technology built economic system runs without people, thus making a transaction “trust-free”. This technology provides a viable alternative to eliminate middle-mans, thereby lowering operational costs and increasing the efficiency of a sharing service.

How does blockchain affect businesses? ›

Blockchain's decentralized and secure nature enhances transparency, trust, and efficiency in business operations. Smart contracts automate processes, reducing costs and minimizing errors. The immutability of blockchain ensures data integrity, fostering greater accountability and security.

How much does blockchain cost for a business? ›

Blockchain Development Cost

The options for blockchain networks when creating blockchain apps are extensive. The costs associated with creating dApps for different platforms might range widely. The cost of blockchain development (including Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Ripple, and EOS) ranges from $6,000 to $400,000.

Why is blockchain profitable? ›

Blockchain has enabled the decentralization and tokenization of nearly anything that has value. For example, a company that wants to raise money can create digital investment instruments using a blockchain, similar to how non-fungible tokens are created.

Which industry uses blockchain the most? ›

Here are what we believe to be the most pertinent blockchain use cases for enterprises, institutions, and governments.
  • Healthcare and the Life Sciences. ...
  • Insurance. ...
  • Law. ...
  • Media and Entertainment. ...
  • Real Estate. ...
  • Retail Fashion and Luxury. ...
  • Sports and Esports. ...
  • Supply Chain Management.

Why are blockchains worth money? ›

Collaborative technology, such as blockchain, proclaims the ability to improve the business processes that occur between companies, radically lowering the “cost of trust.” For this reason, it may offer significantly higher returns for each investment dollar spent than most traditional internal investments.

Does blockchain create value? ›

Blockchain is driven by the demand for reliable supply chains with end-to-end visibility. Global sustainability in value chains can be attained with the aid of blockchain innovation. Supply chains can be changed by blockchain technology to increase value in GVCs (Global Value Chains).

What is an expected benefit of blockchain technology? ›

The blockchain allows for the secure sharing of sensitive data. Blockchain's transformative power lies in its decentralized structure, distributing updates among participants known as nodes. These nodes operate within public or private networks, ensuring the security and authenticity of the data on the blockchain.

What are the benefits of blockchain in marketing? ›

Furthermore, Blockchain improves transparency and trust in marketing environments, enabling consumers and brands to collaborate in a secure ecosystem. This technology also provides better security for digital marketing campaigns, reducing privacy concerns and enhancing the reliability of online transactions.

How does blockchain technology help organizations? ›

With blockchain technology, all parties involved can have access to real-time updates on the movement of goods, from production to delivery. This ensures transparency and trust among stakeholders, resulting in increased efficiency and cost reduction.

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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