How does a VPN work? Advantages of using a VPN (2024)

How Does a VPN Work?

A VPN works by routing a device's internet connection through a private service rather than the user's regular internet service provider (ISP). The VPN acts as an intermediary between the user getting online and connecting to the internet by hiding their IP address.

Using a VPN creates a private, encrypted tunnel through which a user’s device can access the internet while hiding their personal information, location, and other data. All network traffic is sent through a secure connection via the VPN. This means that any data transmitted to the internet is redirected to the VPN rather than from the user’s computer.

When the user connects to the web using their VPN, their computer submits information to websites through the encrypted connection created by the VPN. The VPN then forwards that request and sends a response from the requested website back to the connection.

How Does a VPN Work in Practice?

A VPN masks a user’s true location to the one they set their VPN to. This enables them to access content or websites typically restricted to that region. For example, a user in the U.S. can set their location to the United Kingdom and watch content from streaming websites aimed at British audiences. A U.S. citizen can also continue streaming their favorite shows even when they are away from the country on holiday.

Let us take a look at some of the common uses of VPNs.

1. Protecting browsing history

ISPs and web browsers can track everything a user does while connected to the internet. They also keep a history of the websites users visit and tie that information to the IP address used, then often issue targeted advertisem*nts related to that search information or even sell users’ browsing data. Keeping these details secret can be really important to people, especially if they are using a shared device or web browser.

A VPN enables users to keep search information—such as medical conditions, required surgery or treatment, travel plans, or even gift idea research—private and prevents their ISP and web browser from serving related ads.

2. Securing IP address and location data

An IP address is the internet’s equivalent of the return address on a handwritten letter. Therefore, anyone that knows a user’s IP address can access the information they have searched for on the internet and where they were when they searched for it. Furthermore, a user’s search history can be viewed if they connect to a web browser on a public or work computer.

VPNs use IP addresses that do not belong to a user, which enables them to connect to and browse the web anonymously while maintaining their privacy online. Using a VPN also enables users to prevent their search history data from being collected, viewed, and sold.

3. Hiding streaming location

Streaming services like Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, and Netflix offer different content to users located in different countries. Using a VPN enables a streaming customer to access the content intended for people living in different countries regardless of their actual location.

It can also enable a user to access a streaming subscription they have in their home country while traveling. For example, a user on holiday in another country could use a VPN to set their location to the U.S. and stream their favorite sports team’s live game.

4. Protecting devices

A VPN is also crucial to protecting users’ devices, such as computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets, from being intercepted by cyber criminals. Bad actors often target devices that connect to the internet on specific networks, such as a public Wi-Fi network. A VPN helps a user mask their device’s location and protect the data on it from being seen by a potential hacker.

5. Ensuring internet freedom

A VPN enables people to protect themselves from government surveillance by hiding their browsing history. As long as their VPN provider does not log browsing history, which some do, users can rest assured that their freedom on the internet is protected.

How does a VPN work?  Advantages of using a VPN (2024)
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