How do you choose the right storage capacity for your iPhone? - Coolblue (2024)

How do you choose the right storage capacity for your iPhone? - Coolblue (1)

Written by Dewy

If you're looking for a new iPhone, you also have to decide on the storage capacity. We recommend the 256GB version, but there are even devices with 1TB. Such a high storage capacity isn't important for everyone. An iPhone with such a high storage capacity also means it's more expensive. We're happy to help you choose the right storage capacity for you.

  1. Choose iPhone storage capacity
  2. Your operating system also takes up storage
  3. 64GB
  4. 128GB
  5. 256GB
  6. 512GB
  7. 1TB

Choose iPhone storage capacity

How do you choose the right storage capacity for your iPhone? - Coolblue (2)

You've finally found the perfect iPhone. But how much storage capacity do you need? Here, you'll find a brief explanation about the different storage capacities:

  • 64GB: limited storage space
  • 128GB: enough for basic use
  • 256GB: enough for the average user
  • 512GB: store your entire photo, video, and movie collection
  • 1TB: never worry about storage space and store photos in Apple ProRAW

Your operating system also takes up storage

How do you choose the right storage capacity for your iPhone? - Coolblue (3)

With a 256GB storage capacity, you never actually have 256GB of storage space. The operating system on your device and standard apps already take up quite a bit of storage capacity. Calculating in advance how much storage you need for your device? Add about 20% to that. That way, you know for sure you're making the right choice. It's best to think about this before placing your order, because you can't expand the storage of your iPhone later on. You can of course always use cloud services to store all your files.

64GB: limited storage space

How do you choose the right storage capacity for your iPhone? - Coolblue (4)

With 64GB, you'll have enough if you use your iPhone for WhatsApp and calls. In addition, you have space for some social media apps and light games. You can use streaming services such as Netflix and Spotify and you don't record 4K videos. You can quickly remove unnecessary apps and store photos in your iCloud photo library. Was 64GB just enough on your previous device? Choose an iPhone with more storage space.

128GB: enough for basic use

How do you choose the right storage capacity for your iPhone? - Coolblue (5)

An iPhone with 128GB storage capacity is suitable for basic use. With the new iPhone 15 models, this is the minimum storage capacity. With 128GB, you have enough space to store some photos, music, and videos locally on you iPhone. As a result, you don't have to exclusively use iCloud storage. Want to download a movie for on the go? Not a problem. Simply delete it from your device afterwards so you can download a new one.

256GB: enough for the average user

How do you choose the right storage capacity for your iPhone? - Coolblue (6)

You can download the latest apps and games without having to worry about how much space you have left. You have plenty of storage space for photos, videos, and music. You don't necessarily have to use iCloud. You also like taking photos in portrait mode recording 4K videos. You can even download a few episodes of your series for on the plane. Cleaning up isn't your thing. Perhaps you do it once a year, just to see if you have some unnecessary apps on your device.

512GB: store your entire photo, video, and movie collection

How do you choose the right storage capacity for your iPhone? - Coolblue (7)

Do you want 512GB of storage? Your options are the iPhone 15 Pro (Max), iPhone 15 (Plus), iPhone 14 Pro (Max), iPhone 14 (Plus), iPhone 13 Pro (Max), and iPhone 13 (Mini). You do everything on your device, whether it's for business or private use. Cleaning up isn't in your vocabulary and you're always testing the latest apps. You store a lot locally and you don't use cloud services for storage. You also want to access all your series and music offline regularly, for example while traveling.

1TB: never worry about storage and store photos in Apple ProRaw

How do you choose the right storage capacity for your iPhone? - Coolblue (8)

Are you an avid photographer? With 1TB, you can easily store all your photos in Apple ProRAW. Thanks to this file format, you can adjust your photos the way you want to afterwards. You can store movies and series from streaming services like Netflix and Apple TV+ in the highest quality. That way, you can watch all your favorites in places without an internet connection. We recommend 1TB if you don't or hardly use cloud services and like to store photos and videos in the highest quality. The 1TB storage is only available for the iPhone 15 Pro (Max), iPhone 14 Pro (Max), and iPhone 13 Pro (Max).

I am an expert in mobile technology and iPhone specifications, with a comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence the selection of the appropriate storage capacity for iPhones. My knowledge is grounded in both technical details and practical user experiences, allowing me to guide users effectively in making informed decisions.

In the article by Dewy dated 10 November 2023, the focus is on helping readers choose the right storage capacity when purchasing a new iPhone. The key concepts covered include various storage options available for iPhones, the impact of the operating system on usable storage, and recommendations based on different user needs.

Here's a breakdown of the concepts covered in the article:

  1. iPhone Storage Capacities:

    • 64GB: Suitable for basic use, including WhatsApp, calls, social media apps, light games, and streaming services. Not ideal for recording 4K videos or storing a large number of apps and media files.

    • 128GB: Considered the minimum storage capacity for basic use. Offers enough space for photos, music, and videos, allowing users to download content for offline use without relying solely on iCloud storage.

    • 256GB: Recommended for the average user. Provides ample storage space for apps, games, photos, videos, and music. Suitable for users who enjoy taking photos in portrait mode and recording 4K videos. Users don't necessarily need to rely on iCloud storage.

    • 512GB: Geared towards users who want to store their entire photo, video, and movie collection locally on the device. Ideal for those who do not prefer cloud services for storage and want offline access to a vast amount of content.

    • 1TB: Specifically designed for avid photographers and users who prioritize storing photos in Apple ProRAW. Offers the highest storage capacity, allowing users to store a significant number of photos, movies, and series in the highest quality. Recommended for those who do not heavily use cloud services.

  2. Operating System Impact:

    • The article emphasizes that the stated storage capacity does not equate to the actual usable space on the device. The operating system and standard apps consume a portion of the storage capacity. Users are advised to factor in an additional 20% when calculating their storage needs to ensure they make the right choice.
  3. Considerations for Choosing Storage:

    • Users are encouraged to think about their storage needs before placing an order, as iPhone storage cannot be expanded later on. The article also suggests the option of using cloud services to store files.

In summary, the article provides a detailed overview of iPhone storage capacities, taking into account user preferences, habits, and the impact of the operating system on available storage. This information is valuable for individuals looking to make an informed decision when choosing the storage capacity for their new iPhone.

How do you choose the right storage capacity for your iPhone? - Coolblue (2024)
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