How do Options Affect Stock Price? (2024)

When you purchase options contracts, you’re making an educated guess on how you expect the underlying stock in question to perform in the future.

Maybe you’ve purchased a call option and are hoping the stock in question rises in price so that you can then purchase it at a discount. On the other hand, perhaps you’ve bought a put option and are banking on stock price dropping – so you can then sell the stock at a premium.

Either way, you have questions about how your strategy – and the options market as a whole – influences stock prices. Do options affect stock price? And if so, how do options affect stock price?

While technically there is no direct correlation between your options contract and the price of that underlying stock in question, there is something to be said about market sentiment as it pertains to options. And in this quick article, we’ll explain what that relationship is and how you can use it to your advantage when trading options contracts. First – let’s go over the basics of stock option prices.

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Options Jumpstarter | Options Paycheck | The Efficient Options Buyer

The Basics of Stock Option Prices

If you haven’t already read our guide to trading options for beginners or our article on how stock options work, you may not have a full understanding of how stock options prices – or the strike price – work.

Essentially, your purchase of an options contract gives you the right to buy or sell an underlying asset (in this case, a stock) at a predetermined price before a pre-determined date. There are also pre-determined quantities of stock (or lots) to be aware of. But for the sake of this conversation, we want to focus on the strike price.

The strike price is the price you are able to either buy or sell the underlying stock at should you decide to exercise the stock option. It influences whether your contract ends up in the money or out of the money. And to illustrate just how important it is, let’s take a look at two examples below.

Say you purchase a call options contract with a strike price of $100. That means you are hoping the underlying stock in question will rise in price above $100 – the higher, the better. The reason being you’re able to then purchase the stock in question at the strike price. So if the stock jumps to $140 over the next six months and you purchased a contract for 100 shares, you can earn an impressive profit of $4,000.

On the other hand, say you purchase a put options contract for the exact same stock with the same timeline and lots. In this case, you’d want the stock price to fall under the strike price so you can purchase shares at a discount. If that stock were to fall $40 in price over the next six months instead of a rise in value, you still stand to gain that same $4,000 profit.

Now, determining the ideal strike price for your contract is key – as you can see from the examples demonstrated above. You want the strike price to be as close to the current value of the stock as possible so your likelihood of getting in the money is higher. There is also the time factor to consider – another moving part that makes options trading a bit more complicated than traditional swing trading for beginners. But we can teach you the best way to learn options trading later on. For now, let’s get to the real reason you came here. Do options affect stock price?

Do Options Affect Stock Price?

This is a hotly debated topic in the investment community. In theory, there should be no correlation between investors purchasing options contracts and the price of the underlying stock in question. That’s because options are a derivative – meaning their price is derived from the value of the underlying stock in question, not the other way around.

However, this is the point in our conversation where we need to discuss stock market sentiment. You can read our full guide for all the details, but essentially, here’s what you need to know:

Market sentiment is the belief that the way in which the key players within the stock market behave and think dictates the direction of the stock market as a whole. This includes investors like yourself, but also expert analysts, and even the companies themselves. Perception becomes reality. If everyone is sending signals that a recession is coming, then individuals and entities will behave accordingly. And even if there was really no logical explanation as to why a recession would occur, it will happen anyways – because people will it into existence.

And at a certain point, the options trading market can affect stock prices under the very same principle. So, how do options affect stock prices?

How do Options Affect Stock Price?

Despite the fact that some investors still maintain their stance that options have no affect on stock price, the logic is simple. If investors believe that a stock will increase in value, they will buy call options for that stock. The demand for call options can increase the price of the options contract, and this can lead to an increase in the demand for the underlying stock.

Moreover, when investors buy call options, they effectively create a new source of buying pressure for the stock. This buying pressure can cause the stock price to rise, as more investors compete to purchase the stock to meet the demand for the underlying shares.

On the other hand, if investors believe that a stock will decrease in value, they will buy put options. The demand for put options can increase the price of the options contract, and this can lead to a decrease in the demand for the underlying stock.

Furthermore, when investors buy put options, they create a new source of selling pressure for the stock. This selling pressure can cause the stock price to fall, as more investors compete to sell the stock to meet the demand for the underlying shares.

Overall, the actions of investors in the options market can affect the demand for a stock, which in turn can affect the stock price. If investors believe that a stock will rise in value and send signals through their behavior, such as buying call options, it is more likely that the stock will actually rise in value due to the increased demand.

Conversely, if investors believe that a stock will decrease in value and send signals through their behavior, such as buying put options, it is more likely that the stock will actually decrease in value due to the increased selling pressure.

Other Factors Affecting Stock Price Beyond Options Market Behavior

Of course, market sentiment is just one of the many factors that can drive a stock’s price up or down. We wrote a complete guide covering what affects stock prices. Here are a few factors worth noting:

  • Company Performance: Positive earnings reports, revenue growth, and other indicators of financial strength can lead to increased investor confidence and buying pressure, causing the stock price to rise. Conversely, weak financial performance or negative news can cause the stock price to fall.
  • Economic Indicators: Inflation, unemployment rates, interest rates, and GDP growth, can also impact stock prices. For instance, higher inflation rates can lead to higher interest rates, which can cause investors to sell stocks and buy bonds instead, putting downward pressure on the stock market
  • Industry Trends: If a particular industry is booming and attracting investors’ attention, stocks within that industry may experience increased demand and price appreciation.
  • Political and Geopolitical Events: Elections, trade agreements, and conflicts, can also impact stock prices. These events can cause uncertainty and volatility in the market, leading to price fluctuations

Wrapping Up Our Guide on How Options Affect Stock Price

So how do options affect stock price? As you can see, the sentiment surrounding a stock in the options trading market may drive the stock price up or down. Despite the stance some investors maintain that there is no relationship between options and stock price, it’s clear to see that a correlation exists – no matter how minor.

Ultimately, it’s important that you’re aware of the overall sentiment surrounding a stock – and the market as a whole – when purchasing options contracts to set yourself up for success. This is something the VectorVest stock analyzing software can help you with. Not only does it give you daily insights into market sentiment. But, it also helps you uncover winning opportunities on autopilot – telling you exactly what to buy, when to buy it, and when to sell it.

Knowing how to pick stock options for trading is key to coming out on the right side of options contracts, and with the help of VectorVest, you can effortlessly find the right stocks to purchase contracts for. The system saves you time and helps prevent costly errors. And you can even bring it on the go with our stock advisor app. To see the system in action, get a free stock analysis.

Or, if you want to read our other in-depth resources on how to buy and sell options, explore our blog. You can learn about the stock option expiration date, risk management options trading strategies, swing trading options, taxes on options, and a whole lot more.

We’re here to empower you along your journey to financial freedom – and whether you do swing trading or options trading, or anything in between, you can count on our software to help you succeed and earn high trading profits.

Featured Courses:

Options Jumpstarter | Options Paycheck | The Efficient Options Buyer

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How do Options Affect Stock Price? (1)

How do Options Affect Stock Price? (2024)


How do Options Affect Stock Price? ›

Options actually dilute the total shares in some circ*mstances and thus affect all of the metrics that use a per share calculation. Too many options can create the impression that earnings per share, for example, might be lower than reported.

How do options affect stock prices? ›

The demand for call options can increase the price of the options contract, and this can lead to an increase in the demand for the underlying stock. Moreover, when investors buy call options, they effectively create a new source of buying pressure for the stock.

How do options predict stock prices? ›

Options are priced using mathematical models (like the Black Scholes Model), which take into account the volatility of the underlying, among other values. Using available market prices of options, it is possible to reverse-engineer the valuation formula and arrive at a volatility value implied by these market prices.

What might affect the price of a stock? ›

If more people want to buy a stock (demand) than sell it (supply), then the price moves up. Conversely, if more people wanted to sell a stock than buy it, there would be greater supply than demand, and the price would fall.

How do options make more money than stocks? ›

If the stock price moves up significantly, buying a call option offers much better profits than owning the stock. To realize a net profit on the option, the stock has to move above the strike price, by enough to offset the premium paid to the call seller.

How do futures and options affect stock prices? ›

Future and option are two derivative instruments where the traders buy or sell an underlying asset at a pre-determined price. The trader makes a profit if the price rises. In case, he has a buy position and if he has a sell position, a fall in price is beneficial for him.

How does options expiration affect stock prices? ›

The expiration date affects the option's price or premium. Generally, options with later expiration dates are more expensive because of the increased time value. This gives the holder a longer period to benefit from favorable price movements in the underlying asset.

How do options work to buy stock at a lower price? ›

Investors use put options to achieve better buy prices on their stocks. They can sell puts on a stock that they'd like to own but that is too expensive currently. If the price falls below the put's strike, then they can buy the stock and take the premium as a discount on their purchase.

Do option prices predict stock returns? ›

Several influential studies show that transformations of implied volatilities calculated from options prices predict stock returns. This predictability is puzzling because market participants can readily observe options prices.

Why do options prices predict stock returns? ›

We show that option prices predict stock returns mostly because option prices are informative about the current and future conditions in the securities lending market. Put option prices, or the quotes of those options in absence of trading, internalize expected shorting costs.

What is the most important factor affecting stock prices? ›

Key Takeaways. Stock prices are driven by a variety of factors, but ultimately the price at any given moment is due to the supply and demand at that point in time in the market. Fundamental factors drive stock prices based on a company's earnings and profitability from producing and selling goods and services.

What are the four factors that affect price? ›

Four Major Market Factors That Affect Price
  • Costs and Expenses.
  • Supply and Demand.
  • Consumer Perceptions.
  • Competition.

What are some factors that can cause a stock price to drop? ›

In fact, there are five major reasons why a share price may unexpectedly decline.
  • Major Shareholder Selling. Some institutional shareholders set a target to sell their stock at a given price or if a certain event transpires. ...
  • Negative Research Notes. ...
  • Not Meeting the Whisper Number. ...
  • Faulty Numbers. ...
  • Change in Future Guidance.

Why buy options instead of stocks? ›

Options can be a better choice when you want to limit risk to a certain amount. Options can allow you to earn a stock-like return while investing less money, so they can be a way to limit your risk within certain bounds. Options can be a useful strategy when you're an advanced investor.

Which option is most profitable? ›

Buying (going long) a call is among the most basic option strategies. It is a relatively low-risk strategy since the maximum loss is restricted to the premium paid to buy the call, while the maximum reward is potentially limitless.

Why buy call options instead of stocks? ›

If you are bullish about a stock, buying calls versus buying the stock lets you control the same amount of shares with less money. If the stock does rise, your percentage gains may be much higher than if you simply bought and sold the stock. Of course, there are unique risks associated with trading options.

Do stocks go up when options expire? ›

For example, if many options contracts expire in the money (i.e., the stock price is above the strike price), the owners may exercise their options and buy the stock. This can increase the stock demand, potentially driving up the price.

Why do options go down when stock goes up? ›

Normally, if the stock price goes up and the other factors remain the same, then a call option goes higher. Therefore, if the call option has gone down, then one of the other factors must have changed. The passage of time can certainly push an option's value lower. A dividend payment may also have an impact.

Why do option prices predict stock returns? ›

In case of positive information, call buying pressure may push call IVs up, above put IVs. In case of negative information, the opposite may happen. If informed traders prefer the options market, the IV spread may then predict future stock returns.

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