How Credit Scores Still Matter in Retirement - Vermont Maturity (2024)

How Credit Scores Still Matter in Retirement - Vermont Maturity (1)

Retirement doesn’t affect your credit scores directly, but how you manage your finances during retirement can impact your credit and borrowing power.

Does Retirement Show on Your Credit Report?

Credit reports used to calculate your scores do not contain any information about employment status or income level. (Likewise, credit reports contain no information about your age, marital status, ethnicity, religion or race.)

What your credit reportsdo track is your personal history of borrowing and repaying money, including loans and credit card accounts. Credit reports reflect your history of making payments on loans and accounts that have been active in the past 10 years, even if the loans are now paid off in full or the accounts have been closed. They also record major negative financial events including foreclosures, repossessions and bankruptcies. These entries in your credit report are the raw material credit scoring systems analyze to generate your credit scores.

RetirementCanAffect Your Borrowing Power

While your credit scores won’t change just because you retire, your ability to borrow money could decline somewhat because your income is likely to drop at least incrementally as you shift from collecting paychecks to drawing Social Security and tapping retirement savings.

Lenders often want to see evidence of steady income when considering loan applications, and the concern over having a smaller income is its role in increasing yourdebt-to-income (DTI) ratio. DTI ratio, which you can calculate by dividing your monthly bill payments by your monthly income, is a measure lenders often consider (along with credit score, employment history and other assets you may have) when deciding whether to lend you money.

People often dial back credit usage as retirement approaches—mortgages may be paid off, cars accumulate fewer miles and get replaced less frequently, and household spending winds down as the nest empties—so odds are good the debt portion of your DTI ratio has shrunken. But unless you have zero debt, any drop in income will mean an increase in DTI ratio. Lenders typically look for DTI ratios below 43% when considering loan applications, so as long as you’re below that level, you probably don’t have much to worry about.

Why Credit Scores Still Matter When You’re Retired

Cutting back on borrowing as retirement nears is far from a universal situation (lots of retirees take out new mortgages on condos or vacation homes), and some retirees whose days of big-ticket financing are behind them make the mistake of concluding they can forget about their credit scores. But your credit scores can affect your finances even if you’re done applying for loans and credit cards. Here are a few ways low credit scores can cost retirees money:

Higher Interest Rates on Existing Debts

Many credit card issuers routinely monitor your credit scores for purposes known in the industry as “account management.” This practice gives card issuers a heads-up of changes in your creditworthiness, and many issuers reserve the right to change the terms of your cardholder agreement if your credit score declines significantly. They may lower your borrowing limit, increase the interest rate they charge or even close your account.

Lower Rates on Insurance

Auto and homeowners insurance companies often use information in your credit report to generate a type of specialized insurance score, which helps them decide what rates to charge you. Reductions in your credit score could mean higher insurance premiums.

Security Deposits

If you want to rent construction gear or other equipment for a DIY project, or if you just want to get a Wi-Fi router or DVR from the cable company serving your new retirement community, you’ll likely be subjected to a credit check. Afair to good credit scoremight not prevent you from getting the rental, but it might mean you’ll need to put down a higher security deposit than you would if your score were higher.

How to Keep Your Credit Score High During Retirement

So how do youmaintain a high credit score(or build up a score that could stand to be higher) once you’ve entered retirement? The same way you keep up your score at any other phase of life: Understandthe factors that promote strong credit scoresand avoid decisions that can bring your score down.

The most important steps you can take to avoid hurting your credit score are:

How Credit Scores Still Matter in Retirement - Vermont Maturity (2)

Pay Bills on Time

Do this every month without fail. If your retirement will include a lot of travel, or if you’ll be dividing time between two homes during the year, this may take some extra care. Schedule automatic payments for as many services as you can, and consider working with creditors, utilities and other vendors to keep all your payment due dates around the same time of the month to make it easier to organize your payments. Plus, you can get credit for paying cell phone and utility bills on time by adding these accounts to your Experian credit report. Once they’re in your report, your on-time payments may improve your credit history and increase your credit scores.

Avoid Excessive Credit Balances

Pay your credit card balances in full as often as possible (this also saves you from paying interest charges). When you must carry a balance from month to month, do your best to keep it below 30% of your borrowing limit. Experts agree that utilization rates in excess of 30% tend to lower your credit scores.

Resist the Urge to Close Older Credit Card Accounts

Even if you’re not using How Credit Scores Still Matter in Retirement - Vermont Maturity (3)the cards regularly, unless you’re paying fees for them, hang on to cards you’ve had a long time, particularly if you maintained a record of on-time payments for them. Why? Longstanding accounts help boost a credit scoring factor known asage of accounts.

Stay Active

It won’t mean any major credit score increase, but active credit card accounts—those you use regularly—tend to elevate credit scores slightly more than disused cards. So consider using an idle card to make a small payment each month—for your video streaming service, perhaps. If you set up an automatic payment through your checking account to pay the credit card bill, this will keep the card account active without adding to your monthly activity.

Be Vigilant

Identity thieves can wreak havoc on your credit by hijacking your credit cards or opening new cards in your name, and senior citizens and children are among the most frequent targets. Review all your bank and credit statements carefully each month, check your credit reports at least annually, and report any unauthorized activity immediately. Consider using acredit monitoringoridentity protection service.

Retirement is the time to relax, savor your free time, and enjoy the fruits of your life’s labors and savings. Making just a little effort to keep up your credit scores can help ensure you have the flexibility to get the goods and services you want when you want them, make big or small purchases whenever the time is right, and pay for it all in whatever way is most convenient. You’ve earned that privilege.

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How Credit Scores Still Matter in Retirement - Vermont Maturity (2024)


How Credit Scores Still Matter in Retirement - Vermont Maturity? ›

Reductions in your credit score could mean higher insurance premiums. If you want to rent construction gear or other equipment for a DIY project, or if you just want to get a Wi-Fi router or DVR from the cable company serving your new retirement community, you'll likely be subjected to a credit check.

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Unfortunately, this matters for retirees. Low credit may make moving, buying a new car or even opening a new credit card more challenging. But there are retirement-specific implications, as well.

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No, retirement does not appear on your credit report, and so it is not reported to the three main credit bureaus—Experian™, Equifax® and TransUnion®. Other important information, however, does appear on your credit report—such as borrowing history, credit card accounts and payment history.

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You need 40 credits to be eligible for retirement.

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But about four out of every 10 older U.S. households are falling into the trap of having too much debt, a new study finds. These high-risk households, mostly retirees, tend to be burdened by low incomes or large balances on unsecured debt like credit cards, which accumulate interest at a rapid pace.

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In addition, if you don't use a credit card, the issuer may close it because of inactivity. “Retirees' credit scores often go down because they're not using credit as actively as when they were younger,” he says.

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It's important to always protect it. Even later in life, having good credit is important. It can help you get a loan, rent an apartment, or buy a home. freeze on your credit report can help protect against fraud.

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You can get free weekly credit reports from the three nationwide credit reporting agencies — TransUnion, Equifax and Experian — from When reading your credit report, be on the lookout for accounts you don't recognize.

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How rare is an 800 credit score? An 800 credit score is not as rare as most people think, considering that roughly 23% of adults have a credit score in the 800-850 range, according to data from FICO. A score in this range allows consumers to access the best credit card offers and loans with the most favorable terms.

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The average FICO credit score in the US is 717, according to the latest FICO data. The average VantageScore is 701 as of January 2024. Credit scores, which are like a grade for your borrowing history, fall in the range of 300 to 850.

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Average credit scores by state in 2021

Minnesota had the highest credit score in the country as of 2021, the latest state data available from Experian, with an average score of 742. Minnesota is the only state in the country with an average credit score above 740.

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Membership in the 800+ credit score club is quite exclusive, with fewer than 1 in 6 people boasting a score that high, according to WalletHub data.

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Highlights: While older models of credit scores used to go as high as 900, you can no longer achieve a 900 credit score. The highest score you can receive today is 850. Anything above 800 is considered an excellent credit score.

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Your score falls in the range of scores, from 800 to 850, that is considered Exceptional. Your FICO® Score and is well above the average credit score. Consumers with scores in this range may expect easy approvals when applying for new credit. 21% of all consumers have FICO® Scores in the Exceptional range.

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Does Your Credit Score Impact the Amount That You Receive From Social Security? Your credit score has no direct bearing on the amount of money that you receive from Social Security.

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Though total elimination isn't necessarily necessary, some debts like those from credit cards should be taken care of prior to retiring due to their high-interest rates – conversely, holding a mortgage or other low-interest rate type loans are likely better options for long-term investments when managed carefully ...

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If your employer provides a 401(k) retirement savings plan, it may choose to allow participants to borrow against their accounts — though not every plan will let you do so. Borrowing from your own 401(k) doesn't require a credit check, so it shouldn't affect your credit.

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28%—An industry rule of thumb suggests that no more than 28 percent of your pretax household income should go to servicing home debt (principal, interest, taxes, and insurance). 36%—No more than 36 percent of your pretax income should go to all debt: your home debt plus credit card debt and auto loans.

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