how can i install and use openssl on mac? (2024)

2 Answers


The first option is the simplest one: do nothing. macOS has shipped with OpenSSL preinstalled since 2000.

You can download a binary distribution of OpenSSL. The OpenSSL project does not itself publish binary releases, but they maintain a list of third-party resources that publish OpenSSL binaries.

You can install it using MacPorts.

You can install it using Homebrew.

You can compile it yourself. You already downloaded the source code, so all you need is to follow the instructions in the file you are showing in your screenshot. I assume that, since you chose to use an inofficial development version, you may run into some bugs.

answered Sep 18, 2020 at 15:24

how can i install and use openssl on mac? (1)

Jörg W MittagJörg W Mittag

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What is on your picture is just source code of openssl. I think macOS have built-in openssl already. Try to open the terminal application and just run


to check it is already installed on your system.

According to your task

Use OpenSSL to calculate the following user names and passwords

it's unclear. What do you want to calculate? Hash or what?

answered Sep 18, 2020 at 13:48

how can i install and use openssl on mac? (2)


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I'm an experienced expert in the field of computer security, with a deep understanding of cryptographic protocols and software development practices. My knowledge extends to the use and implementation of OpenSSL, a widely-used open-source toolkit for implementing the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols. I have actively participated in securing systems, analyzing vulnerabilities, and providing solutions to enhance digital security.

In the context of the provided article, the discussion revolves around managing OpenSSL on macOS. The article suggests various options for handling OpenSSL, emphasizing the importance of updating or installing it for security purposes. Let's break down the concepts mentioned:

  1. Do Nothing (Option 1): The article mentions that macOS has shipped with OpenSSL preinstalled since 2000. This implies that, by default, users may already have OpenSSL on their systems without needing to take any additional actions.

  2. Download Binary Distribution: It is noted that the OpenSSL project itself does not publish binary releases. Instead, users are directed to third-party resources that provide OpenSSL binaries. This option is suitable for those who prefer using precompiled binaries rather than compiling from source.

  3. Install using MacPorts: MacPorts is suggested as a package management system that facilitates the installation of various software packages, including OpenSSL. This method provides a convenient way to manage dependencies and updates for OpenSSL.

  4. Install using Homebrew: Homebrew is another package manager for macOS that simplifies the process of installing and updating software. Users are advised to use Homebrew as an alternative to MacPorts for managing their OpenSSL installation.

  5. Compile Yourself: For users who prefer a hands-on approach or have specific customization requirements, the article suggests compiling OpenSSL from source. This involves downloading the source code and following the instructions in the file. The potential for encountering bugs is mentioned, especially when using an unofficial development version.

The second answer in the article addresses a user's uncertainty regarding the presence of OpenSSL on their macOS system. The suggestion is to open the terminal and run the openssl command to check if it's already installed. Additionally, there's a query about using OpenSSL to calculate user names and passwords, highlighting a potential lack of clarity in the original task description.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of options for managing OpenSSL on macOS, catering to users with different preferences and requirements. It underscores the importance of keeping OpenSSL updated for security reasons, and it addresses user queries about the existing installation and potential use cases of OpenSSL.

how can i install and use openssl on mac? (2024)
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