How can I get more space? (2024)

9. How can I get more space?

There are several ways to get more space for your pCloud account.

Earn free space:

  • Complete the beginner's tutorial in
  • Invite friends to join pCloud and earn 1 GB for each successful registration

Upgrade your account:

If you're on a basic plan, you can upgrade to a plan with more storage and premium features:

  • pCloud Premium - 500 GB storage
  • pCloud Premium Plus - 2 TB storage

You can also consider upgrading to a Lifetime, Business or Family plan.

*Keep in mind that pricing depends on your billing country. Prices apply in USD for most countries, GBP for the UK (United Kingdom) and EUR for countries in the EU (European Union).

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How can I get more space? (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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