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The Mayor's Office Violence Reduction Dashboard shares real-time data on violence trends in Chicago and its inequitable impact across the city, as well as critical information about the City’s community-centered and trauma-informed response. This public dashboardis a critical component of the City's efforts to increase government transparency with the primary goal of supporting community-based violence reduction partners in their efforts.

The data on the Mayor's Office Violence Reduction Dashboard is updated daily with an approximately 48 hour lag. Due to the nature of CPD operations and often changing circ*mstances, some recorded data about incidents and victimizations may change once additional information arises and regularly updated datasets on the City's public portal may change to reflect new or corrected information.

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Violence and Victimization Trends

Chicago experiences devastating levels of violence, and this has been especially true since 2016. From January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2020, 3,276 people were killed. There have been 13,546 non-fatal shooting victims, and 101 domestic-related homicides. Serious victimizations, which are comprised of homicides and non-fatal shooting victimizations, represent the most severe forms of community violence, and serve as an important metric for the City's comprehensive violence reduction plan "Our City, Our Safety."

Please note a victimization is a unique event during which an individual becomes the victim of a crime. An individual may be victimized multiple times, and each of those events would be depicted in the data as distinct victimizations.


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Victims, Equity, and Demographics

Even though Chicago is split almost evenly among its Black, Latinx, and White populations, violence in Chicago disproportionately impacts people of color. In 2020, 79% of homicide or non-fatal shooting victimizations were Black and 15% were Latinx. In the majority of incidents in Chicago, the victims were male (84%) or between 20 and 39 years old (68%).

Data limitations:Victimization demographic data shown here is captured by CPD and limited to information included in the police report, which may not often be supported by individual self-identification including for sex/gender, disabilities, and sexual orientation for LGBTQ+ population. In particular, CPD has historically recorded a victim’s sex rather than gender although has added a field for collecting gender as of January 2021. Inclusive gender and racial recognition are priorities for the City of Chicago and we continue to incorporate equity principles across operations throughout City departments.

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The Safety Gap

The “safety gap" is the difference in rate of shootings and homicides in community areas with the highest and lowest levels. It is one of the primary outcome indicators listed in the City’s comprehensive violence reduction plan, “Our City, Our Safety,” to measure the disparities between the neighborhoods that experience relatively little violence and those that continue to bear the greatest burden. From 2018 through 2020, 63% of the city’s homicides and non-fatal shootings occurred within 15 community areas that comprise 24% of the city’s population. These communities are overwhelmingly African American and Latinx, and violence has persisted here for decades because the underlying causes—systemic racism, disinvestment, poverty, lack of social services—have gone unaddressed, and the use of policing as the primary solution has failed.

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Chicago Data Portal

The underlying data for the Mayor's Office Violence Reduction dashboard can be found on Chicago's Data Portal, along with many other public datasets.


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The Mayor's Office Violence Reduction Dashboard is made possible by data from the Chicago Police Department and the technical leadership and support of the University of Chicago Crime Lab.

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For any members of the media or other users who wish to reference the City's Dashboard, please cite as: "City of Chicago Violence Reduction Dashboard."

Home (2024)


What solutions do you find in your home answer? ›

Ten examples of solutions that you might find in your home are:
  • Salt water.
  • Acetone(nail paint remover)
  • Lemonade.
  • Coffee.
  • Tea.
  • Sugar dissolved in water or sugar solution.
  • Vinegar.
  • Soft drinks.

How is everyone at home answers? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

The answer to the given question is, "We are doing pretty great". Explanation: The given question asks about the well-being of everyone in the family. This may be a formal question or an informal one.

What is the best thing about my home? ›

I love my house very much. ii The best thing about my home is that it i feel secure when i am with my loved ones at my home. We all spend our time together caring and sharing with each other.

When Miss Havisham's home is called Satis House and Estella points out that Satis means enough? ›

Explanation: Irony refers to an expression that means the opposite of what is said. Considering that satis means enough, the fact that Miss Havisham's house is is called Satis is ironic because it is a house of poverty and indigence, so there is no abundance or enough.

What are 5 examples of solutions? ›

Examples of Solutions

Sugar-water, salt solution, brass, alloys, alcohol in water, aerosol, air, aerated drinks such as Coca-Cola etc. are examples of solutions.

What are two solutions you see everyday? ›

Some examples of solutions are salt water, rubbing alcohol, and sugar dissolved in water.

Who lives in a home answer? ›

A family is a group of people including parents and siblings who live together and make a unit. Family is the unit of society.

What is the home short answer? ›

Home means to or at the place where you live.

How to answer how is home question? ›

The short answer is true. It is good to be home. It is amazing to see our family and friends. It is good to take a hot shower.

What makes your home a happy home? ›

Keep sentimental items on display

Display objects around your home that evoke positive emotions and remind you of the people, things, and places you love. These could be framed family photos on a gallery wall, souvenirs from your travels, or even your favourite books that tell a story about who you are.

What is special in my home? ›

Things that are special about my house are that I have close family and friends who live near me. We always look after each other. We also have a bunch of security cameras. What it feels like to have a home is to be loyal and anywhere could be your home.

Why is your home special to you? ›

It provides us with a sense of belonging, comfort, security, and stability. It is where we create memories with our loved ones, learn important life skills, and express our style. The importance of home in our lives cannot be overstated. It is an essential aspect of our well-being and a source of comfort and joy.

Why does Pip feel uncomfortable when he and Joe visit Satis house? ›

Miss Havisham asks to see Joe to discuss Pip's future. Pip feels uncomfortable at taking Joe into Satis House because Joe appears so ill-at-ease in his best clothes and interacts weirdly with his 'betters'. When Joe is questioned by Miss Havisham he directs the response at Pip.

When Pip went to Satis house what did he find? ›

Pip then goes to Satis House and finds that it is no longer standing. In a silvery mist, Pip walks through the overgrown, ruined garden and thinks of Estella. He has heard that she was unhappy with Drummle but that Drummle has recently died. As the moon rises, Pip finds Estella wandering through the old garden.

Why is Pip surprised that Estella has gone to Satis house? ›

Told at Richmond that Estella has gone back to Satis House, Pip feels disconcerted—he has always chaperoned her trip in the past. The fact that Estella travelled without him could suggest she has a new travelling chaperone.

What is an example of a solution that can be found at home? ›

Salt water is formed when we mix salt (generally table salt) in water. Here, water is the solvent and salt is the solute. Sugar water is formed by mixing sugar in water. Mouthwash consists of a number of chemicals dissolved in water.

What are in house solutions? ›

'In-house Solutions' refers to the products or services developed fully within a particular company. It is usually developed to address a particular concern which would not be having any solution until then. An in-house solution would be built or developed using the organization's assets and employees only.

What are the uses of solutions in our home? ›

A solution is a mixture formed when one or more solutes dissolve in a solvent. 3. In Homes Water as a solvent is used for drinking, cooking, washing, bathing, cleaning and dissolving detergents. Household cleaners like bleach are solutions, they help us to make our houses clean.

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.