High-Quality Assessment Systems | CCSSO (2024)

Improving learning for every child: High-quality assessments provide an academic checkup so students, parents, and educators understand how each child is progressing toward goals.

As states implement college and career-ready standards, they also administer assessments designed to better measure if students are on track to college and career readiness. CCSSO works with educators and policymakers as they transition to new assessments to improve teaching and student learning. In 2013, CCSSO and the Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS) jointly released Commitments on High-Quality Assessments which is a set of principles to guide state and district leaders in making sure every assessment administered is high-quality, coherent, and meaningful to students, parents, and teachers. Then in March 2014, to assist states as they design high-quality assessments, we released Criteria for Procuring and Evaluation High-Quality Assessments.

As an educational policy expert with a demonstrated understanding of the intricacies surrounding academic standards, assessments, and the broader landscape of education, my expertise is grounded in both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Over the years, I've actively engaged with various education stakeholders, including policymakers, educators, and advocates, contributing to discussions and initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of education.

Now, delving into the content you've provided about the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and its initiatives, I can provide a comprehensive overview of the key concepts covered:

  1. Improving Conditions for Learning:

    • States recognize the importance of setting clear expectations for academic excellence. This recognition is based on the understanding that well-defined standards are crucial for the overall success of students.
  2. Standards:

    • State chiefs acknowledge the critical role of clear expectations in academic excellence. Establishing and maintaining standards is highlighted as a key factor for student success.
  3. Special Populations:

    • The principle of "For all to mean all, it has to mean each" underscores the commitment to inclusivity, emphasizing that educational standards must apply to every individual, including special populations.
  4. School Improvement:

    • CCSSO supports states in fostering innovation, drawing lessons from other sectors, and applying new principles to transform the educational landscape. This suggests a commitment to continuous improvement in schools.
  5. Teachers and Leaders:

    • CCSSO actively supports states in encouraging innovation, learning from other sectors, and applying new principles to transform the educational landscape. This includes a focus on the development and support of teachers and leaders.
  6. Early Childhood Education:

    • Acknowledging the importance of early childhood education, CCSSO is actively involved in advocating for and supporting initiatives that ensure a strong foundation for learning from an early age.
  7. Career Readiness:

    • As states implement college and career-ready standards, there is a parallel emphasis on assessments designed to measure whether students are on track for college and career readiness.
  8. High-Quality Assessment Systems:

    • High-quality assessments are positioned as essential tools for understanding a student's progress toward academic goals. CCSSO collaborates with educators and policymakers to transition to new assessments that improve teaching and student learning.
  9. Advocacy:

    • CCSSO serves as the national voice for every state education leader, advocating for the development and implementation of effective policies that positively impact education.
  10. Next-Generation Accountability Systems:

    • The reference to "Next-Generation Accountability Systems" suggests a forward-looking approach to accountability, possibly incorporating innovative methods for assessing and improving educational outcomes.

In the specific context of assessments, CCSSO, in collaboration with the Council of the Great City Schools, has released commitments and criteria to guide leaders in ensuring that assessments are high-quality, coherent, and meaningful to students, parents, and teachers. This reflects a commitment to maintaining rigorous standards in the assessment processes across states.

High-Quality Assessment Systems | CCSSO (2024)
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