Here We Go Again Ebay Telling Sellers No Views Unless You Pay More Money (2024)

By now many sellers who has been with ebay for years, has expressed how their sale went down (50 to 75 percent). Ebay knows this, and still not promoting sellers items in promoted listings. Promoted listing appears to be a scam to milk sellers out of more money, and sellers are still not getting views. Ebay is intentionally, throttling sellers views, no matter how much a sellers use promoted listings, or how many items a seller list in his/her store every day. I have been speaking to ebay support for months, and most agents admits ebay is throttling sellers view count each month. Others say it's a tech issue. Now once again ebay telling sellers if they want more views pay even more money. Here we go again! When ebay roll out the new view format, saying because of "bots" that was ebay's big trick. For exmaple, if you put your store link on blogs, website, etc, and when people click on your store link, ebay is going to classify some of those blogs, and websites as bots, block the view, when it's a real person. Also, ebay use to let sellers link their store to googles shop Free. Now, ebay want sellers sellers jumping through hoops, and have the to pay for being listed in googles shop. I even sent out 75,000 emails with my store link in them, (tracking them for ebay clicks), seeing if I get only one percent click views. Tracking shows people are clicking into my store (In which should have raise my store analytics, and view count. However, on my ebay site nothing has changed. The same number of views each day, each month. Thus, yes, if you are not getting many views, no matter what you are doing, ebay is throttling (cap) your view count at a certain number a day, a month. However, sellers you may want to do this to get views? Open a bing ad account, and place your own ads on the second biggest serach engine in the world. You can set your own ad click rates from 1 cent per click on up. You will get more "impressions" than what ebay going to give you. Plus ebay going to charge you more for clicks in promoted listing. In this way you can create multiple ads, get more "impressions", which relates to more clicks, more people viewing your store.

Another trick ebay has done to sellers, is asking selllers to link their social media accounts to ebay to promote items. People who have been on ebay for decades never needed ebay to promote their listings on social media. Sellers just did it. Now ebay tell sellers to link their social media account to ebay, then you (The seller) still do all the work. Another trick of ebay! Sellers once you link your social media accounts to ebay, you gave ebay premission to allow ebay all your "contacts", so ebay can promote "Other People" items (Not Your's) , to those contacts. In other words, ebay want to charge you, for what you giving ebay free by linking your social media accounts. WOW! Every so many months ebay comes out with a new trick, to milk sellers out of more money. Soon ebay will no longer offer free accounts. It use to be 500 free items, than 250 free items, now there are reports some people only get to list 150 to 200 free items. Ebay apoligists, and ebay agents will read this. Yes, "notorious" ebay will retaliate against me in some type of form, as they always do to people. Than there are this fourm monitors, who will delete posts, even re-write someone post who is critical towards ebay. No matter, this post is not for them, it's for people who is doing everything right selling on ebay, yet ebay is doing you wrong intentionally. Find alternative ways to make ebay tricks less then a burden. Stay within ebay rules, keep doing whats right, go sell on other websites, as well as on ebay. Most important, build your own website using paypal payment system, and paypal shipping (Or other shipping services) . You all have a Bless Year, through the ups, and downs.

Here We Go Again Ebay Telling Sellers No Views Unless You Pay More Money (2024)


Why do my eBay listings have no views? ›

If it is not being viewed there are three reasons. (1) No one wants it, (2) Your in a category that has 10,000 or more listings and no one wants to search that far to see yours, or (3) Your prices are higher than other sellers.

Why do views go away on eBay? ›

It is not a glitch. The view count is a rolling count from the last thirty days. Views fall off as the days pass.

Why do the number of views on eBay go down? ›

There are two main reasons why the 30-day view count can decrease. Once a day, the counts from the first day in the 30-day window are removed, while the counts for the next day start accumulating. After the daily bot filtering process, the count can go down if bot traffic is detected and removed.

Is eBay forcing promoted listings? ›

It's doubtful that you are being blocked, but if your competition is promoting at all, you will be pushed down below the promoted listings. If there are a lot of similar items being promoted, yours may not be seen. Promotion = advertising.

How to get more eBay listing views? ›

How to Get More Views on eBay: A Few Closing Thoughts
  1. Optimize for keywords.
  2. Write a good title and description.
  3. Select the right categories.
  4. Make your listings mobile-friendly.
  5. Fill in item specifics.
  6. Take beautiful product photos.
  7. Price your products right.
  8. Maintain good seller rating and reputation.

How does eBay count views? ›

A page view is counted when a potential buyer lands on your listing on the eBay website or mobile app.

Do eBay views reset? ›

Ebay now sets views and watchers every 30 days. However, if you click on views (if you're on your laptop or PC) you can set your views from 30 days up to 2 years. It's the same on your phone.

Does having an eBay store increase views? ›

No, A store won't get you more impressions. Selling items that are in demand, with little competition, will get you more sales, which are more important than impressions.

How can you have 0 views but 1 watcher in eBay? ›

You can add a "Watch this item" link to show up right on the page of Search results, so you can add an item to your Watch list without opening the listing itself.

Can eBay sellers see who views their items? ›

Sellers cannot identify who is viewing their items, but eBay gives sellers the opportunity to send offers without knowing who the offer is going to. If the buyer takes advantage of the offer, then the seller finds out identifying information.

How often does eBay update views? ›

ever since ebay listing view count change no new views

Instead of seeing the lifetime Views you are now seeing 30 day Views. If it helps, a hundred views without a sale is 100% rejections.

What is the difference between views and watchers on eBay? ›

A view is when someone opens you listing. A watcher is when someone who has flagged your item to be added to his Watch List. The view count contains only views within the last 30 days. An item can be watched indefinitely.

Can eBay force a seller to sell? ›

eBay can not force a seller to ship. They can, and do, make sure the buyer is refunded.

Why can't I promote my listings? ›

Maintain a good track record: You must be an “Above Standard” or “Top Rated” seller (see more here). So no, you can't simply buy your way to eBay success if you're not delivering a good customer experience. Be active on the platform: Only sellers with recent eBay activity get access to Promoted Listings.

Can an eBay seller refuse to sell to you? ›

Yes, sellers can block buyers. Perhaps something in the communication between you made the seller feel uncomfortable about selling to you. You'll need to move on and find a different seller.

How long does it take to get noticed on eBay? ›

After you create a listing, it should show up in eBay searches within 24 hours. If you have trouble finding it, there are a few things you can do. When you create a listing, your item should appear in eBay searches within 24 hours.

How to promote an eBay listing? ›

  1. Check the boxes next to the listings you want to promote, or check the box at the top of your listings to select up to 200 listings at once.
  2. Select the Sell it faster dropdown above your listings, and then select Promoted Listings Standard.
  3. Use the suggested ad rate or set your own ad rate and/or maximum ad rate.

What is bot traffic on eBay? ›

Bot traffic is non-human traffic to websites and apps generated by automated software programs, or "bots," rather than by human users. Bot traffic isn't valuable traffic, but it's common to see it. Search engine crawlers (also referred to as “spiders”) may visit your site on a regular basis, for example.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 6336

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.