Here’s How Much Your Social Security Number Costs On The DarkWeb (2024)

Here’s How Much Your Social Security Number Costs On The DarkWeb (3)

The sale of American social security numbers through dark channels is a booming business that rakes in millions upon millions for criminals.

It costs only $4 to buy a social security number (SSN) on the dark web, according to a new report that compiles the results of a two-year investigation by Atlas VPN, a leading virtual network provider.

Here’s How Much Your Social Security Number Costs On The DarkWeb (2024)


Here’s How Much Your Social Security Number Costs On The DarkWeb? ›

As with Equifax, cyberattacks are often targeted at sites that will yield millions of SSNs at a time, allowing cybercriminals to steal “in bulk.” Which helps explain the revelation that any individual SSN can retail for as little as $4 on the darknet.

What if my SS number is on the dark web? ›

If you think someone is using your Social Security number and creating credit problems for you, you should report it at, the Social Security Administration says. You'll go through the steps of putting a fraud alert on your credit reports, alerting the FTC, and possibly filing a police report.

How much are SSN sold for? ›

The standard going rate for an SSN is $3 to $4, and that price can escalate to around $8 for a full personal profile or "fullz," which includes more detailed information.

What if credit wise says my SSN was found on the dark web? ›

If a scan indicates that your account numbers have appeared on the dark web, contact your financial institution right away. Follow their guidance to protect your accounts.

Should I be worried if my information is on the dark web? ›

But most people shouldn't spend too much time worrying about what might happen if someone gets their hands on their personal information, Hanslovan said. Instead, he advised keeping an eye on your important accounts, and make sure you're prepared to act in the case something does go wrong.

Can I lock my SSN online? ›

You can also place what's known as a self-lock on your SSN through E-Verify® at, a government service that employers use to confirm a job applicant's eligibility to work.

Can I change my SSN? ›

The Social Security Administration does allow you to change your number, but only under limited circ*mstances, such as identity theft or if your safety is in danger. You will also need to supply appropriate documentation to support your application for a new number. Social Security Administration.

What can I buy with my SSN? ›

In addition to Social Security, the SSN is now also used for a wide range of purposes. These include obtaining credit, opening a bank account, obtaining government benefits or private insurance, and buying a home or a car, among many other pursuits.

How to get money from your Social Security number? ›

You can do so by signing up for direct deposit, which sends payments directly into your bank account. Or, you can have your benefits automatically deposited into your Direct Express® Debit MasterCard® account. Direct deposit is a simple, safe, and secure way to get benefits. What is the Direct Express® card?

Do you need SSN to sell online? ›

Sites like eBay required social security number verification in order to report transactions totaling $600 per calendar year. eBay said that starting on Jan. 1, 2023, they and other marketplaces are required by the IRS to issue the 1099-K for all sellers whose sales exceed $600.

How can I check if my SSN is being used? ›

Contact the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) at 1-800-908-4490 or visit them online, if you believe someone is using your SSN to work, get your tax refund, or other abuses involving taxes. Order free credit reports annually from the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion).

What to do if your SSN is leaked? ›

Contact the three Credit Bureaus.

You will reach an automated telephone system that allows you to flag your file with a fraud alert at all three bureaus. You will also be sent instructions on how to get a copy of your report from each of the credit bureaus.

What type of information can a scammer obtain in the dark web? ›

When it comes to selling personal data, email addresses, passwords and usernames are in the most demand. The dark web is an important tool for criminals looking to compromise or abuse personal financial details, such as credit card numbers or bank log-in details, to be able to engage in credit card fraud.

Can my information be removed from the dark web? ›

Can I remove my information from the Dark Web? No. Because of the anonymous nature of the dark web, there is no way to search and find all possible organizations with your personal information or to hold anyone accountable for removing it.

Why am I getting a dark web alert? ›

If you receive a dark web alert, fortunately, it doesn't mean that someone has already used your data. It just means that it has been found on the dark web, which means that it can be obtained from there. However, if you receive an alert, it still means that you have been a victim of data theft.

What happens if your SSN is exposed? ›

An identity thief who has your social security number and other personal information could do a number of things with it, including: Open new credit accounts, like credit cards or car loans, in your name. Claim tax refunds that rightfully belong to you. Create a fake identity to get a job, apartment, or other services.

How to check if your SSN is compromised? ›

One of the best ways to check if someone stole your Social Security number is by reviewing your credit report and looking for any unrecognized financial activity. Threat actors will often use your Social Security number to open new bank accounts, apply for loans or withdraw money from your bank account.

How did my personal information get on the dark web? ›

If you're wondering “how does one's personal information get on the Dark Web?”, the answer includes data breaches, scams, and a very diverse range of cyber-attacks (phishing through email, private messages and voice calls, social media impersonation, malware infections or digital identity theft).

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