Helium Hotspot 101 (2024)

The Helium Hotspot is a small hardware device that creates a large wireless network for devices that use Helium’s network. Think of it like a Wi-Fi router, but for devices sending small amounts of data over long ranges. These devices are part of what’s usually called the IoT — or the “Internet of Things.”

Why deploy a Hotspot?

Hotspots provide internet connectivity for all sorts of IoT devices: bikes, scooters, temperature sensors, location trackers for pets, elevators, wildfire sensors, and much more. Your Hotspot earns a new cryptocurrency called Helium for providing network services to these devices.

Helium Hotspot 101 (3)

How do I deploy the Hotspot? What are the requirements for running it?

It’s simple. Just plug it into a power source and connect to Wi-Fi. If there’s no Wi-Fi available you can directly plug into an Ethernet port. Once this is done, use the Helium Mobile app to finish the setup process.

Helium Hotspot 101 (4)

Where is the ideal location for the Hotspot?

Hotspots like to be deployed high up, overlooking wide-open spaces. If you have a house or apartment building with multiple floors, aim for the highest floor with a window. Ideally, your Hotspot has a clear view of the sky.

Helium Hotspot 101 (5)

Avoid putting the Hotspot in locations where it can’t see the outside world: in basem*nts, in cabinets, behind TVs, metal screens, or ‘cyberglass’ in skyscrapers and things like that.

Helium Hotspot 101 (6)

How far apart do Hotspots need to be placed?

Hotspots should not be deployed too close to one another. A good rule of thumb is to provide a minimum distance of 300 to 500 meters between Hotspots though this could vary depending on the environment (in a dense city closer, and in a more rural environment farther).

How much will it cost me to run?

There is nearly zero cost. The Hotspot uses a small amount of power, roughly 5W at peak. This is less than a standard LED light bulb. In a city like San Francisco, it will cost you less than $.05 per day to run.

How do I maintain my Hotspot?

You don’t need to do anything. The Hotspot runs quietly in the background, creating coverage and routing data. Just make sure it’s always plugged into power and connected to Wi-Fi. The mobile app allows you to see status for a single or multiple Hotspots.

Helium Hotspot 101 (2024)
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