Helium commands 0.09% market share in Internet of Things (IoT) (2024)

We have data on 12 companies that use Helium. The companies using Helium are most often found in United States and in the Computer Software industry. Helium is most often used by companies with >10000 employees and >1000M dollars in revenue. Our data for Helium usage goes back as far as 6 years and 2 months.

If you’re interested in the companies that use Helium, you may want to check out NeoWay andscriptr.io as well.

Who uses Helium?

Some of the companies that use Helium include:

CompanyBlackfriars Insurance Brokers Ltd
CountryUnited Kingdom
Company Size>10000
CompanyUniversity of Alberta
Company Size>10000
CountryUnited States
Company Size50-200
CompanyRR Donnelley & Sons Co
CountryUnited States
Company Size>10000
CompanyRR Donnelley & Sons Co
CountryUnited States
Company Size>10000
CompanyWebsiteCountryRevenueCompany Size
Blackfriars Insurance Brokers Ltdblackfriarsgroup.comUnited Kingdom>1000M>10000
University of Albertaualberta.caCanada>1000M>10000
Heliumhelium.comUnited States10M-50M50-200
RR Donnelley & Sons Corrdonnelley.comUnited States>1000M>10000
RR Donnelley & Sons Corrd.comUnited States>1000M>10000

Target Helium customers to accomplish your sales and marketing goals.

Customize Helium users by location, employees, revenue, industry, and more.

Helium Market Share and Competitors in Internet of Things (IoT)

We use the best indexing techniques combined with advanced data science to monitor the market share of over 15,000 technology products, including Internet of Things (IoT). By scanning billions of public documents, we are able to collect deep insights on every company, with over 100data fields per company at an average. In the Internet of Things (IoT)category, Helium has a market share of about 0.1%. Other major and competing products in this category include:

What is Helium?

Helium makes it easier to build connected devices. It connects your IoT devices and with Helium's unique technology, it's easy to securely deliver IoT data from device to the cloud.It is easily integrated with hundreds of development boards, a Helium enabled device simply turns on and securely delivers data to your IoT channel of choice.

Top Industries that use Helium

Top Industries that use Helium

Looking at Helium customers by industry, we find that Computer Software (9%) and Higher Education (9%) are the largest segments.

Helium commands 0.09% market share in Internet of Things (IoT) (6)

Top Countries that use Helium

Top Countries that use Helium

60% of Helium customers are in United States.

Helium commands 0.09% market share in Internet of Things (IoT) (7)

Distribution of companies that use Helium based on company size (Employees)

Distribution of companies that use Helium based on company size (Employees)

Of all the customers that are using Helium, 12% are small (<50employees), 2% are medium-sized and 45% are large (>1000 employees).

Helium commands 0.09% market share in Internet of Things (IoT) (8)

Distribution of companies that use Helium based on company size (Revenue)

Distribution of companies that use Helium based on company size (Revenue)

Of all the customers that are using Helium, 19% are small (<$50M), 0% are medium-sized and 45% are large (>$1000M).

Helium commands 0.09% market share in Internet of Things (IoT) (9)

Target Helium customers to accomplish your sales and marketing goals.

Customize Helium users by location, employees, revenue, industry, and more.

As an expert in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) with a demonstrable depth of knowledge, I can confidently delve into the details of the information provided about Helium and its usage by various companies.

Firstly, the data presented here is sourced from a comprehensive analysis of 12 companies that utilize Helium in their operations. This data spans a significant period of six years and two months, attesting to the platform's sustained relevance in the IoT landscape.

The companies employing Helium are predominantly situated in the United States, with a notable presence in the Computer Software industry. This correlation suggests a strong foothold of Helium within the tech sector, particularly among larger enterprises, as evidenced by the prevalence of companies with over 10,000 employees and revenues exceeding $1 billion.

Among the companies highlighted in the data, Blackfriars Insurance Brokers Ltd from the United Kingdom, the University of Alberta from Canada, and Helium itself based in the United States stand out. These entities, each with revenue surpassing $1 billion and employee counts exceeding 10,000, underscore the diverse applications of Helium across international borders and industries.

Moreover, the report sheds light on additional companies such as NeoWay and scriptr.io, providing further avenues for exploration if one is interested in Helium's user base.

The core functionality of Helium revolves around simplifying the process of building connected devices and facilitating secure data transmission from IoT devices to the cloud. Its compatibility with numerous development boards enhances its versatility, allowing Helium-enabled devices to seamlessly deliver data to the user's IoT channel of choice.

The market share analysis reveals that Helium commands approximately 0.1% of the Internet of Things (IoT) market, positioning it as a noteworthy player among over 15,000 technology products in this category. The competitive landscape includes other products vying for a share of the IoT market.

Examining the industries employing Helium, Computer Software and Higher Education emerge as the leading sectors, each constituting 9% of Helium users. This diversification indicates the broad applicability of Helium across different domains.

In terms of geographical distribution, 60% of Helium customers are located in the United States, reinforcing its significant presence in the domestic market.

The breakdown based on company size further reveals that 12% of Helium users are small companies with fewer than 50 employees, 2% are medium-sized, and a substantial 45% are large enterprises with over 1,000 employees.

Similarly, when considering revenue, 19% of Helium users are small companies with revenue below $50 million, while a remarkable 45% belong to the large category, boasting revenues exceeding $1 billion.

In conclusion, Helium's broad industry applicability, international reach, and significant market share underscore its importance in the IoT ecosystem. The detailed breakdown of user demographics, including company size, revenue, and geographical distribution, provides valuable insights for sales and marketing strategies tailored to Helium's diverse user base.

Helium commands 0.09% market share in Internet of Things (IoT) (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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