Greta Thunberg has talked about a 'carbon budget.' What is it, and why does it matter? | CBC News (2024)

Hello, people!This is our weekly newsletter on all things environmental, where we highlight trends and solutions that are moving us to a more sustainable world.(Sign up hereto get it in your inbox everyThursday.)

This week:

  • What do we mean by a 'carbon budget'?
  • Crowdfunding to preserve B.C. coastal wilderness
  • What you can do to save the birds

The carbon budget: What it is, why it matters

Greta Thunberg has talked about a 'carbon budget.' What is it, and why does it matter? | CBC News (1)

"If we are to have a 67 per cent chance of limiting the global temperature rise to below 1.5 degrees [C], we had, on Jan. 1, 2018, 420 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide left in our CO2 budget. And of course, that number is much lower today. We emit about 42 gigatonnes of CO2 a year. At current emission levels, that remaining budget is gone within 8 1/2 years."

Those words were delivered by youth climate activist Greta Thunberg to the French parliament on July 23, 2019. She said she has not heard much on the subject of a "carbon budget," either from politicians or the media. But what's left in our carbon budget is of utmost importance if we hope to limit global warming.

Simply put, this budget refers to how much carbon — which includes CO2 and other greenhouse gases like methane — we can emit into the atmosphere before we pass the point of warming the Earth to 1.5 C or 2 C.

The carbon budget was discussed in the first of three special reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), released in October 2018. The final instalment, the Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC), will be discussed in Morocco this weekend, with a summary due to be released next Wednesday.

The Paris Agreement seeks to limit a global temperature rise to 2 C above pre-industrial levels this century (with a goal of keeping it to 1.5 C). The key to understanding the carbon budget is that even if countries keep in line with the Paris accord, if the budget is depleted by then, it won't matter. The damage will already be done. And it will be irreversible.

"If you think about annual emissions and reducing emissions without thinking about the carbon budget, you could really blow past the Paris Agreement," said Brenda Ekwurzel, director of climate science at the U.S.-based Union of Concerned Scientists. "That's the trouble."

After a few years of stable global CO2 emissions, they rose in 2018, and there are concerns they may rise again in 2019.

If we don't pay attention to the carbon budget, it increases the chance of a host of global problems: the loss of coral reefs, no summer sea ice in the Arctic, more severe weather events and changes in crops that could lead to further food scarcity.

If it sounds dire, Ekwurzel said we have the power to change the trajectory.

"Whenever we've been faced with a problem before and really … lean into it, we make big changes," Ekwurzel said. "And a lot of those changes we're calling for, we can do."

She said we need to look at deep de-carbonization of our energy supply, as well as doing "nature-based enhancements," including the expansion and protection of carbon sinks such as forests, wetlands and mangroves, as well as seagrass. Ekwurzel stresses that economists say the transitions are economically feasible.

Like Greta, Ekwurzel said it's time that everyone — governments, organizations, businesses, and yes, consumers — begin to pay more attention to that budget that is nipping at our heels. She insists that together, we can make a difference.

"Yeah," Ekwurzel said. "We can do this."

Nicole Mortillaro

Reader feedback

The period between Sept. 20 and 27 is shaping up to be quite significant for climate action, with a major summit at the United Nations and major climate strikes planned for the next couple of Fridays. Will you be taking part in the strikes? Let us know.


Old issues of What on Earth? are right here.

The Big Picture: Crowdfunding land preservation

Late last month, a group of concerned citizens raised enough money to buy 800 hectares of wilderness on B.C.'s Sunshine Coast. The crowdfunding campaign operated by the B.C. Parks Foundation, an independent charity that works with B.C. Parks, raised $3 million to buy the expanse of land in Princess Louisa Inlet from a private seller. The aim of this purchase? Preservation. Andrew Day, CEO of B.C. Parks Foundation, said the organization wants to save the land from logging and other development. Said Day, "We'll do our best to make sure that that area stays protected forever."

Greta Thunberg has talked about a 'carbon budget.' What is it, and why does it matter? | CBC News (2)

Hot and bothered: Provocative ideas from around the web

What you can do to save the birds

Greta Thunberg has talked about a 'carbon budget.' What is it, and why does it matter? | CBC News (3)

A new study, led by Ken Rosenberg at the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, has foundthere are three billion fewer birds in North America than there were in 1970. The Canadian and U.S. researchers behind the study say that habitat loss is likely the main cause, and conservation can make a difference, as shown by the increased populations of waterfowl and birds of prey.

But besides lobbying the government and donating money to conservation groups, there are also individual actions people can take to help protect birds.

Here are seven things the researchers, and the bird conservation and research groups that support them, suggest through their website

Reduce the chance that birds will hit windows. Use film, paint or string to break up reflections to prevent daytime collisions. And turn lights out at night.

Keep cats indoors. Cats are the second-highest human-related cause of bird declines after habitat loss, the researchers say. Keep cats indoors, or in an enclosed "catio" or on a leash when outdoors.

Replace your lawn with native plants. Native plants can provide shelter, nesting areas and food for birds — such as nectar, seeds and berries — that grass doesn't. You can find more info on "greener" lawn alternatives here.

Avoid pesticides. Pesticides can harm seed-eating birds that accidentally eat treated seeds, as well as indirectly damage insect-eating birds by killing their food source.

Buy shade-grown coffee. To grow coffee in the sun, farmers often clear forests that migratory birds need for food and shelter. Shade-grown coffee preserves that forest. The Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center has even created a certification for "bird-friendly coffee" that includes organic and fair trade standards.

Cut back on plastics. Studies show that at least 80 seabird species mistake plastic for food, the researchers say.

Watch birds and help track them. Anyone can participate in citizen science projects like Project FeederWatch, the Christmas Bird Count or the Breeding Bird Survey, which was key to generating the data in the study. Apps like eBird can make it easy to submit your everyday sightings. You can learn more about nature apps here. We've also talked about their use in saving the bees in a previous issue.

Emily Chung

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Editor: Andre Mayer | Logo design: Sködt McNalty

Greta Thunberg has talked about a 'carbon budget.' What is it, and why does it matter? | CBC News (2024)


Greta Thunberg has talked about a 'carbon budget.' What is it, and why does it matter? | CBC News? ›

What Is the Carbon Budget

Carbon Budget
A carbon budget is a concept used in climate policy to help set emissions reduction targets in a fair and effective way. It examines the "maximum amount of cumulative net global anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions that would result in limiting global warming to a given level". › wiki › Carbon_budget
? The carbon budget refers to how much carbon dioxide countries can release into the atmosphere before the world is guaranteed to warm at least 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels — the maximum increase set by the goals of the Paris climate agreement.

What does Greta Thunberg do to help the environment? ›

Although Ms Thunberg has not devised any specific environmental strategies, she is credited with raising public awareness of climate change across the world, especially amongst young people. Many commentators call this "the Greta effect".

What does Greta Thunberg say about global warming? ›

Sometimes you hear people say that we already have all the solutions to the climate crisis and all we need to do is to implement them. But this is only true if we consider not doing something to be a valid solution. If we choose to accept that idea, then we will still be able to get out of this mess.

What reason does Greta Thunberg give for her claim that a low carbon economy isn t going to work? ›

Final answer: Greta Thunberg believes that a low-carbon economy is not enough to tackle the climate crisis, citing the need to stop emissions and the insufficiency of tree planting.

What does Greta Thunberg demand in her speech? ›

I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because it is. This is an edited version of a speech given by Greta Thunberg at Davos this week.

What impact has Greta Thunberg made? ›

Greta Thunberg has arguably been the most influential advocate for climate change action since Al Gore with his movie “An Inconvenient Truth” in 2006, which significantly raised awareness for global warming worldwide.

When did Greta Thunberg start helping the environment? ›

In summer 2018, aged 15, Ms Thunberg held the first "School Strike for Climate" outside the Swedish parliament. The protest was widely covered, and hundreds of thousands of young people across the world joined her Fridays For Future strikes.

Why is Greta Thunberg fighting for climate change? ›

Thunberg's climate activism began when she persuaded her parents to adopt lifestyle choices that reduced her family's carbon footprint. On 20 August 2018, at age 15, Thunberg began skipping school, vowing to remain out of school until after the national Swedish election in an attempt to influence the outcome.

How did Greta Thunberg discover climate change? ›

Greta herself first learnt about global warming at the age of 8, when she her class was shown documentaries about climate change at school. At school she was always the one to be sat quietly at the back of the classroom, but she remembers being more affected than the other students [2]:

What is Greta Thunberg's solution? ›

Support natural climate solutions, by protecting forests, salt marshes, mangroves, the oceans, and all the animal and plant life in these habitats. Pressure the media to go beyond the latest story on a heat wave or collapsing glacier to focus on root causes, time urgency, and solutions.

Why does Greta Thunberg not fly? ›

Thunberg refuses to fly because of the carbon emissions of the airline industry and the trip was announced as carbon neutral. As a racing sailboat, the Malizia II has no toilet, fixed shower, cooking facilities or proper beds.

Is Greta Thunberg zero waste? ›

When Thunberg appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, she told the host that she has made a number of sustainable lifestyle changes. For instance, she is vegan, she lives as zero waste as possible, she only shops when necessary (which she calls a “shop stop”), and she does not participate in air travel, like her mother.

What does Greta Thunberg want? ›

Greta Thunberg is a global phenomenon who is inspiring young people to protest against climate change.

Why is Greta Thunberg important? ›

Greta Thunberg (born January 3, 2003, Stockholm, Sweden) Swedish environmental activist who worked to address the problem of climate change, founding (2018) a movement known as Fridays for Future (also called School Strike for Climate). Thunberg's mother was an opera singer, and her father was an actor.

How effective was Greta Thunberg's speech? ›

Environmental activist Greta Thunberg's searing address at the United Nations earlier this week earned enthusiastic praise from climate researchers, with many saying that the 16-year-old has found ways to raise awareness of climate science, galvanize support and resonate with people in ways that they have struggled to ...

What has Greta Thunberg actually done? ›

As an adult, her protests have included defying lawful orders to disperse—and peaceful but defiant confrontations with police—which have led to arrests, convictions, and one acquittal. Thunberg's activism has also evolved to include causes other than climate change, most notably the Israel–Hamas war.

Why did Greta Thunberg become an environmental activist? ›

Greta Thunberg became a Climate Activist because of her concerns about environment since her childhood, her accumulated rage against injustice acted as a catalyst, and at the right moment she started right conversation and became a voice of many youths who were pledging the world leaders for the climate action.

What is Greta Thunberg's legacy? ›

Greta Thunberg has inspired countless young people around the globe to stand up for their future. In many countries, students followed her example, skipped lessons on Fridays and went on school strikes for the climate.

What does Greta Thunberg do now? ›

After rising to global fame for her 'school strike for climate protests', Greta has become one of the most well-known climate activists and has given speeches at COP24, the UN Climate Action summit, and the European and British parliaments.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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