Green Economy, Meaning, Sectors, Policies (2024)

Green Economy, Meaning, Sectors, Policies (1)

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A green economy signifies an economic plan meant to reduce environmental risks and natural dangers. At its foundation, it supports healthy growth while protecting the earth from degradation.

Its essential function lies in promoting a form of economic growth that is both low-carbon and sustainable, ensuring the continued support of our well-being through the responsible usage of natural resources and environmental services.

While based on natural values, the actual effects of the green economy are particularly affected by political factors. The attention to the green economy has increased due to the harmful environmental effects coming from the prevailing methods of numerous global economies.

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Green Economy Meaning

“Green economy” is a branch of economics that seeks to create policies that promote harmonious coexistence between humans and the environment. It covers a wide range of issues, such as how to engage with the environment and how to produce things.

Sectors of Green Economy

The following are the main sectors of the green economy, let’s discuss them and how changes in them contribute to or affect the green economy:


Agriculture is the growing of crops for intake and serves as the most substantial area in our economy. However, it brings the risk of environmental harm through excessive land use, destruction, and pollution of air, water, and land via the use of harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Energy Resources:

Energy consumption, an important part of our daily activities, is constantly rising. Traditional energy sources like oil, coal, and gas pose risks to both health and the environment, being limited and non-renewable.


Construction activities affect world resources and environment, with the mining of sand and stones causing harm to river beds, leading to issues like floods and flooding. Poorly built buildings add to air pollution, necessitating higher energy use for air cooling and lights, along with water waste.


In the fisheries sector, overfishing puts at risk future fish sources, leading to the loss of certain species like sharks and turtles. This imbalance in the environment puts extra pressure on farms, changing food chains and possibly causing the loss of income for fishermen.

Forests and Wildlife:

Forests play an important role in keeping rains and protecting land resources. Deforestation, however, results in climate change, land runoff, wildlife loss, disturbed food chains, and decreased oxygen production, adding to increased pollutants. Many indigenous tribes depend on woods for life, making their protection important.

Water Management:

Water stands as a key resource, with billions of people globally having difficulties in getting clean drinking water and better cleaning services. The seriousness of this problem is worsened by population growth.


While industries add to jobs and economic growth, they also have harmful environmental effects. It is essential for industries to adopt methods that avoid and reduce waste while accepting clean energy sources.

Policies for Green Economy by the Indian Government

The government has taken important steps to comply with sustainable growth and the ‘green economy’ strategy, including:

National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC):

NAPCC is a thorough plan combining various missions aimed at achieving sustainable growth. Each mission within it has defined goals, dates, and assigned funds. The eight missions cover different natural aspects:

  • National Mission on Strategic Knowledge on Climate Change
  • National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture
  • National Mission for a Greener India
  • National Solar Mission
  • National Mission for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem
  • National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency
  • National Mission on Sustainable Habitats
  • National Water Mission

Green India Mission (GIM):

GIM, part of India’s climate change action plan, focuses on preserving, renewing, and growing forest areas. It combines plans for ecosystems, wildlife, water, energy, and the protection of forests, marshes, and vital areas. It also promotes services such as fuel, food, lumber, and different non-wood forest goods.

Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission:

The mission tries to meet India’s energy needs sustainably, aiming to position the country as a global leader in solar energy. Beyond energy and natural protection, it stands for local energy production and sharing.

Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) or Clean India Mission:

SBM is committed to improving cleaning in Indian cities, towns, and villages. The main objective is to achieve an Open-Defecation Free India by building toilets nationwide by October 2, 2019, marking the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth.

Establishment of the National Green Tribunal (NGT):

NGT acts as a quasi-judicial body handling issues connected to environmental protection, forest conservation, and natural resource preservation.

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Government’s Role in Green Economy

  • The government formulates policies and gives funds to perform plans and policies in support of the green economy.
  • It enacts legislations, such as ‘The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986,’ to protect the environment and take legal action against violators.
  • The establishment of missions, such as the Green India Mission and National Solar Mission, shows the government’s commitment to green economy efforts.
  • Collaboration with researchers and public education initiatives are made to support environmentally sound practices, including waste control and chemical-free farms.

Private Agencies’ Contribution to the Green Economy

  • Private agencies play a vital part by sticking to government laws and policies relating to the green economy.
  • They ensure compliance with government policies by actively joining in government missions.
  • Reporting cases of legal violations is a responsibility shouldered by private agencies to keep the purity of green efforts.
  • Private agencies add to public education and awareness efforts, encouraging learning and participation in green economy activities.
  • Providing information to the government and helping in the application of green policies shows the joint effort between business agencies and the government for sustainable practices.
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Green Economy FAQs

Who is the man who started the green revolution?

M S Swaminathan is known as the "Father of the Green Revolution in India."

What are the six green economy pillars?

The term "green economy" covers six major sectors: renewable energy, green buildings, clean transportation, water management, waste management, and land management.

Who promoted the White Revolution in India?

Lal Bahadur Shastri was an Indian leader who served as the country's second Prime Minister. He encouraged the White Revolution.

What exactly is a black revolution?

The term "Black Revolution" refers to a period of rapid expansion and development in the petroleum sector.

What exactly is India's pink revolution?

Pink Revolution refers to the modernization of the meat and poultry processing industry by specialization, automation, and standardization of methods.

Green Economy, Meaning, Sectors, Policies (2024)


Green Economy, Meaning, Sectors, Policies? ›

In a green economy, growth in employment and income are driven by public and private investment into such economic activities, infrastructure and assets that allow reduced carbon emissions and pollution, enhanced energy and resource efficiency, and prevention of the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

What are the sectors of the green economy? ›

The term "green economy" covers six major sectors: renewable energy, green buildings, clean transportation, water management, waste management, and land management.

What are green environment policies? ›

Green policies are government initiatives aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and addressing climate change. These policies focus on reducing carbon emissions, conserving natural resources, promoting renewable energy sources, and mitigating pollution.

What are the five pillars of the green economy? ›

The 5 Principles of Green Economy
  • The Wellbeing Principle. A green economy enables all people to create and enjoy prosperity. ...
  • The Justice Principle. The green economy promotes equity within and between generations. ...
  • The Planetary Boundaries Principle. ...
  • The Efficiency and Sufficiency Principle. ...
  • The Good Governance Principle.

What are the main principles of green economy? ›

Energy-efficiency: a green economy focuses on using resources efficiently, in a circular manner, so as to reduce waste to a bare minimum. It seeks to rebalance the consumer-driven model towards one that is more sustainable in terms of natural resource usage.

What are the 3 main sectors of the economy? ›

The three-sector model in economics divides economies into three sectors of activity: extraction of raw materials (primary), manufacturing (secondary), and service industries which exist to facilitate the transport, distribution and sale of goods produced in the secondary sector (tertiary).

What is the green economy policy? ›

The role of Green Economy, Sustainable Consumption and Production and Resource Efficiency for Sustainable Development: Sustainable Consumption and Production aims to improve production processes and consumption practices to reduce resource consumption, waste generation and emissions across the full life cycle of ...

What were the 3 environmental policies? ›

In the 1970s, the United States government enacted three major environmental laws: the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Toxic Substances Control Act.

What are green management policies? ›

[1] defined green management as “ the organization-wide process of applying innovation to achieve sustainability, waste reduction, social responsibility, and a competitive advantage via continuous learning and development and by embracing environmental goals and strategies that are fully integrated with the goals and ...

What is the green plan policy? ›

The NHS Long Term Plan - sets out a number of requirements for NHS Trusts focussing on carbon, air pollution and plastic reduction. Key to this is a commitment to the Climate Change Act 2008 to more than halve emissions by 2025 and committing to net-zero emissions by 2050, or as soon as practicably possible.

What is the green economy framework? ›

The Green Economy Progress (GEP) Measurement Framework employs Green Economy Indicators to enable countries to monitor their own overall progress towards achieving development priorities and key Sustainable Development Goals.

What are the 3 E's of the green economy? ›

While many community dynamics are at work, three are particularly important to building healthy and prosperous communities over the long term: economy, ecology, and equity—the three E's. Economy is the management and use of resources to meet household and community needs.

What is the main focus of green economy? ›

A green economy is a type of economy that reduces environmental risks and ecological dangers. Its core principle is that it encourages sustainable development without degrading the environment.

What are the main sectors of the green economy? ›

They focus on economic sectors like forestry, farming, mining or fishing among others; concentrate on environmental factors like protecting water sources and biodiversity, or reducing greenhouse gas emissions; support social protections and workers' rights; and home in on specific parts of production processes.

What are the six pillars of the green economy? ›

keeping in mind the three pillars of sustainability, the social, the economic and the environmental, defines a 'green economy' as based on six main sectors: renewable energy, green buildings, clean transportation, water management, waste management and land management.

What is the green economy theory? ›

Green economic theories encompass a wide range of ideas all dealing with the interconnected relationship between people and the environment. Green economists assert that the basis for all economic decisions should be in some way tied to the ecosystem and that natural capital and ecological services have economic value.

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The GTMP focuses on six key sectors, namely Energy, Manufacturing, Transportation, Building, Waste, and Water, and attempts to harmonize the policy directions of each sector towards a common goal of sustainable utilization of natural resources.

What are the green and blue sectors? ›

While Blue economy refers to an economic model that focuses on the sustainable use and management of ocean resources. Green economy includes sectors such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and waste management while, Blue economy includes sectors such as fisheries, tourism, marine transportation, etc.

What are the main factor of green economy? ›

The main factors influencing green economy include monetary expansion, macro-environmental variables, institutional variables, consumer attitude, cognitive factors, sense of responsibility, economic factors, government regulation, green product supply, economic development, trade openness, energy consumption, renewable ...

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