Gold mine reserves by country worldwide 2023 | Statista (2024)

Australia has the largest gold mine reserves worldwide, with the country's reserves having amounted to an estimated 12,000 metric tons in 2023.

Australia and Russia hold the largest reserves of gold

Australia and Russia hold a large share of the world’s gold mine reserves, accounting for 12,000 metric tons and 11,100 metric tons, respectively in 2023. Global gold reserves amounted to a total of 59,000 metric tons that year. Meanwhile, the global mine production volume of gold reached an estimated 3,000 metric tons in 2023. Despite having the largest gold reserves, Australia was the second-largest gold mining country in the world in 2023, after China.

Gold's versatile uses

Gold is known for its bright lustrous yellow color and was often used as a monetary standard in the past. The precious metal is mostly used in jewelry, for investments, and in coinage. The United States held about 67 percent of its total monetary holdings as gold reserves in 2022; Switzerland held about 6.7 percent of its holdings as gold. This transition metal is also valued for its ductile, malleable, and non-reactive characteristics. Thus, it is also used industrially, often as electrical connectors, infrared shielding and colored-glass protection. The price of gold can vary, it reached a recent low in the early 2000s at 279 U.S. dollars per troy ounce in 2000 and increased to a high of 1,800 U.S. dollars per troy ounce in 2022.

Gold mine reserves by country worldwide 2023 | Statista (2024)


Gold mine reserves by country worldwide 2023 | Statista? ›

Australia and Russia hold the largest reserves of gold

What country produces the most gold in 2023? ›

In 2023, China's mines produced an estimated 370 metric tons of gold. Accordingly, China is the largest gold producer in the world.

Which country has the most gold mines in the world? ›

Top five countries with the largest gold mine reserves in the...
  1. Australia – 10,000 tonnes. Australia is way out in front as the country with the largest gold mine reserves in the world at 10,000 tonnes. ...
  2. Russia – 5,300 tonnes. ...
  3. South Africa – 3,200 tonnes. ...
  4. US – 3,000 tonnes. ...
  5. Indonesia – 2,600 tonnes.
Nov 27, 2020

What country has the most gold reserves? ›

The United States holds the world's largest stockpile of gold reserves by a considerable margin of over 8,100 tons. The U.S. government has almost as many reserves as Germany, Italy, and France, which are the next three largest gold-holding countries combined.

How much gold will be mined in 2023? ›

Download the app for free on iOS or Android and discover incredible data-driven charts from a variety of trusted sources. Over 3,000 tonnes of gold were produced globally in 2023. In this graphic, we list the world's leading countries in terms of gold production.

Which country is no. 1 in gold? ›

The United States has the most gold reserves and has nearly as many reserves as the combined total of the next three countries with the largest gold holdings: Germany, Italy, and France. 2.

What are the top 5 gold producing countries? ›

The organization notes that global gold production totaled 3,000 metric tons (MT) last year, down 60 MT from 2022.
  • China. Mine production: 370 MT. ...
  • Russia. Mine production: 310 MT. ...
  • United States. Mine production: 170 MT. ...
  • Mexico. Mine production: 120 MT. ...
  • South Africa. ...
  • ​Which nation is the largest owner of gold?
Feb 22, 2024

Which country gold is pure? ›

Countries such as Switzerland, Australia, and Canada are known for producing high-purity gold, while countries such as China and Russia are the largest producers of gold in the world. When it comes to jewelry, the purity and color of gold used can vary depending on the desired durability and aesthetic.

Where is the most unmined gold in the world? ›

Australia and Russia hold the largest reserves of gold.

Where is the richest gold ground in the world? ›

Located in South Africa, the Witwatersrand Basin represents the richest gold field ever discovered. It is estimated the 40% of all of the gold ever mined has come out of the Basin. In 1970, South Africa's output accounted for 79% of the world's gold production.

Where does the US keep its gold? ›

The United States Bullion Depository at Fort Knox, Kentucky is not a production facility – it stores precious metal bullion reserves for the United States. No visitors are permitted in the facility.

Which country has the least gold reserves? ›

The countries with the smallest cash and gold reserves
  • Comoros. 329.7.
  • St. Kitts and Nevis. 337.5.
  • Grenada. 348.3.
  • Tonga. 361.8.
  • Antigua and Barbuda. 367.5.
  • Belize. 420.1.
  • St. Lucia. 433.1.
  • Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 497.4.
May 5, 2023

How much is 1 ton of gold worth? ›

So, how much is one tonne of gold precious metal worth? A tonne, in 2022, would be priced at its highest over $65,000,000 and the lowest just under $52,000,000. To calculate how much one tonne of gold would be worth, you can multiply the kilo gold price by 1,000 for a rough figure.

Which country has the most gold reserves 2023? ›

What Country Has the Most Gold? The country with the most gold is the United States, with 8,133 metric tons in the American gold reserve. This amounts to a value of $480.84 billion, going by the price of gold at the beginning of January 2023.

How long until all gold is mined? ›

So gold is in high demand, but will it run out any time soon? The Earth has a limited amount of gold in its crust and experts are estimating that it may be unsustainable to mine gold by 2050. Compared to the nearly 4,000-7,000 year history of humans mining gold, that's barely a blink of an eye.

Which country is the largest producer of gold in 2024? ›

China continues to reign supreme as the world's top gold producer in 2024, with an estimated output of 370 metric tons. This dominance can be attributed to several factors, including China's vast geographic area, rich mineral resources, and a long history of state-backed mining initiatives.

What is the highest price of gold in 2023? ›

Historical Gold rate trend in India
YearPrice (24 karat per 10 grams)
2024 (Till Today)Rs.73,785.00
56 more rows

Who is the largest exporter of gold in the world? ›

Leading countries based on gold exports 2022, based on value

In 2022, Switzerland's gold exports amounted to a value of more than 100 billion U.S. dollars. Switzerland is consistently the world's leading gold exporting country based on value.

Which country has the purest gold in the world? ›

Completely pure gold isn't practical to use for most purposes, since it's too soft. However, if you're curious, there are some countries that produce gold that's as close to pure as possible. The country with the purest gold in the world is Switzerland, a country known for paying attention to quality.

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