Go through Financial Peace University with us for FREE (starts THURSDAY) (2024)

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Go through Financial Peace University with us for FREE (starts THURSDAY) (1)

As I think about the best ways I can help you right now, the thing that keeps coming to mind is helping you manage your money.

Yes, my team and I are great at finding and communicating deals on items that you need and want (and we’ll keep doing that) and we’re also good at helping you out around the house, but what I most enjoy is helping you learn how to manage their money.

And it’s not because I’m a financial genius or have some special education. It’s simply because I (and my husband) have put the principles we learned in Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University (FPU) into practice and have done so for the last fourteen years.

What we learned in FPU has allowed us to:

  • Get and stay out of debt — yup, we’re 100% debt free
  • Save and pay cash for all big expenses — like home repairs, purchasing new-to-us cars, our kids’ school tuition, etc.
  • Have a fully emergency fund — we have four months of living expenses saved in cash

This is awesome, but the best part is that my husband and I are on the same page financially and we simply do not argue about money anymore. And believe me, we’re good at fighting.

I know that FPU has the potential to change your life, so much so that my husband and I are offering to facilitate a round of FPU for my readers! Why now? Because Dave Ramsey is offering a FREE 14-day trial of Financial Peace University. The course is usually $130 a year and he has never offered a trial of it before.

In an effort to save you money and maximize the time we all have at home right now, my husband Will and I are going to do something crazy — we’re going to lead you through FPU in 14 days. It’s usually a nine-week course.

We’re calling this the FPU Binge.

Here’s what this will look like:

You will watch all nine lessons within your 14 day trial. We will be your FPU facilitators inside a special pop-up Facebook group where we will meet together in a Facebook Live five times over the next two weeks to go over the lesson content, answer questions, give feedback, and support you as the student.

We are not charging anything for our time. The only cost is if you choose to let your FPU membership continue after the 14-day trial.

The goal of the FPU Binge is for you to consume all the FPU content while it’s free and then we will provide support inside the FB group. So, you and your spouse/partner need to set aside a good chunk of amount of time over the next two weeks to make this happen.

How much time do you need to do this successfully?

Watch the nine lessons — 9 ish hours

Attend the five coaching sessions in the pop-up FB group — 5 ish hours

Do the homework — 10-15 hours

During the first 14 days, you should plan to spend 1-2 hours a day doing something FPU related.

And do not even THINK of jumping in if you’re not going to do the homework. FPU will change your financial life IF and only if you actually do what is taught. Now, you don’t have to do all the work in the first 14 days. We can work on your written cash flow plan and other stuff over the month, but just know that the cash flow plan IS the backbone of this system. You absolutely HAVE TO DO IT.

(Cherry picking your way through FPU is like saying “I’m going to give Weight Watchers a shot but I’m not going to count points” and then wondering why you didn’t lose weight. Duh, you didn’t FOLLOW THE SYSTEM.)

If you’re an “essential” worker (you work in healthcare in particular) and you’re working overtime, this is probably not the right time for you. It’s also not the right time if your spouse/partner isn’t on board.

But this IS the right time (and the right price) for most of you reading this right now. You have the time at this moment to do the work to turn your financial situation around.

Ready to do this? Follow these steps:

  1. Join the FPU Binge with Frugal Living NW Facebook Group here. We will be LIVE with our coaching on lesson 1 on Thursday evening.
  2. Sign up for the FREE 14-day trial of FPU here and watch lesson 1 by Thursday (4/30). Don’t start your trial until the moment you are actually going to watch lesson 1. We don’t want the 14 day clock to start earlier than it has to. I suggest you sign up and watch lesson 1 no sooner than Wednesday (4/29).

We will be tentatively meeting at 7:00 pm Pacific on these days (all coaching sessions are recorded so you can still participate if you can’t make them live): April 30, May 3, May 5, May 7, May 12.

You are welcome to email me any questions you have — angela@frugallivingnw.com.

This post may contain affiliate links. See the disclosure policy for more information.

Go through Financial Peace University with us for FREE (starts THURSDAY) (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.