Ginnie Mae EBO loan market buffeted by rising rates - HousingWire (2024)

New York-basedMortgage Industry Advisory Corp.(MIAC) is in the market with two whole-loan offerings of nonperforming Ginnie Mae-insured mortgages that combined are valued at more than $1.2 billion.

The two deals involve nonperforming loans that are eligible for early buyouts (EBOs) fromGinnie Maeloan pools. The largest of the two EBO whole-loan offerings is valued at $1.1 billion. The second is a much smaller deal valued at $126.8 million.

The seller is not identified for either deal. For all of 2021, MIAC oversaw five EBO whole loan sales valued in total at $690.4 million, according to its website deal listings.

“The mindset is that … there’s not much else out there to buy right now,” said Brendan Teeley, senior vice president of whole loan sales and trading for MIAC’s Capital Markets Group. “And given it’s Ginnie Mae, there’s a great deal of confidence that you will get paid [because the underlying loans are insured], so on a risk-weighted basis, it’s a great asset.”

Ginnie Mae makes it possible for lenders to originate qualifying mortgages that they can then securitize through the government-sponsored agency. Ginnie, however, guarantees only the principal and interest payments to purchasers of its bonds, which are sold worldwide.

The underlying loans carry guarantees, or a mortgage insurance certification, from the housing agencies approving the loans — which include single-family mortgages backed by the Federal Housing Administration, the Department of Veterans Affairs and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Teeley added that the two loan-sale deals in the pipeline in March at MIAC may be among the last to benefit from what has been a relatively good pricing market for EBO-eligible whole loan sales.

“Historically, these [EBO nonperforming whole loan deals] have priced around mid-80s price, and there’s certainly been an uptick to the 90s [as a percentage of par] in the last year,” Teeley explained. ”In the last six or eight months, [however,] pricing has centered around par — meaning 100% of the estimated principal balance plus MSR advances.”

But that’s changing now, as the effect ofsharp interest-rate jumpstakes some air out of the EBO balloon.

“… We think we’re at the end of the trade at these [pricing] levels,” Teeley added. “Pricing [on EBO loans] has already crept down to the high 90s [as a percent of par].

“… It’s really opportunistic for sellers [now] to be able to get out with a minimal haircut and get away from the [servicing] advances, and get away from the liability and servicing.”

Under Ginnie’s EBO program, a nonperforming mortgage can be acquired at par by a lender once it’s 90 days past due. If the lender can get it to reperform, typically via a modification to the terms, and it stays current forsix consecutive months, the loan is eligible to be re-securitized as part of a new Ginnie Mae loan pool.

“The benefit of this [EBO early buyout program] is that a [lender after purchasing the loan] immediately stops advancing the principal and interest each month,” explained Tom Piercy, managing director of Denver-basedIncenter Mortgage Advisors.

Piercy added that an EBO-eligible nonperforming loan that is eventually reissued into a new Ginnie security can potentially return a comfortable profit. In the currentfast rising-rate environment, however, where mortgage rates are up by at least a point since November of last year, the pricing dynamics in the EBO market have changed, according to Teeley.

He stressed that each deal is unique, however, and pricing can vary depending on the circ*mstances and the parties involved. Still, the larger interest-rate dynamics now in play are creating price pressures in the market.

“If you’re a buyer, your thought train is I can resolve this asset [a nonperforming EBO-eligible loan] better than they can [the seller], and I can do it more efficiently,” Teeley said. “But with the rising rates, there’s not much you can do in the way of a modification [on the lower-rate loans now in the pipeline] that you can deliver at a premium that also benefits the borrower.

“The economics just aren’t there [in some cases]. If something’s worth 95 cents [on the dollar] … then you [as a buyer] can’t pay par and have it work out.”

From the loan seller’s point of view, however, according to Teeley, “They may decide it’s worth selling [the loan] for a 5-point discount [95% of par] versus keeping the asset on the books languishing for a couple years.”

There also is another benefit to weeding nonperforming EBO-eligible loans from the books, Teeley said, even if it means selling those mortgages at a slight discount.

“A lot of these EBO [whole loan] sales are done in preparation for an MSR [mortgage servicing rights] sale, to clear up the books,” Teeley said. “If you can get rid of your most delinquent and less-desirable loans, then your MSR pool is better quality. …I know we have had past Ginnie Mae loan sales that were predicated by a need to clean up the MSR books for MSR sales.”

A rising-rate environment also tends to increase the value of MSRs, which represent a small slice of the interest rate on a mortgage. As rates rise, mortgage-prepayment speeds via refinancing decrease, which expands the timeframe for MSR cash flows.

So, the MSR market ishot right now. For example, Piercy said his firm completed a dozentransactions in Januaryinvolving agency MSR loan pools with a combined value of $113.2 billion, which is close to what Incenter historically has sold in an entire year. As of late February, Incenter had put out to bid at least two additional MSR deals with a combined value of $24 billion, Piercy added, and had another $40 billion worth of MSR deals in the pipeline.

“We have not seen rates this high since May 2019,” Piercy said. “As such, we begin to see prepayment curves adjust…. This impacts origination volume negatively but provides for substantial pickup in value of the MSR asset across all vintages.”

MIAC, for its part, so far in March is marketing two MSR offerings worth a combined $2.24billion, on the heels of a $6.23 billion MSR offering in late January and yet another in January worth $221.5 million.

“We had the $1.94 billion bid last week, and we were able to secure an executed LOI [letter of intent], and we will have the $300 million [MSR offering] bidding [soon],” said Michael Carnes, managing director of the MSR valuations group at MIAC, referring to the two MSR deals his firm has on the table so far this month.

“Plus, we plan to release another two offerings [as soon as] this week,” Carnes added. “And we have others waiting in the wings as both the number of trades we’re seeing, and the trading levels, have been very impressive to say the least.”

Ginnie Mae EBO loan market buffeted by rising rates - HousingWire (2024)


What is the purpose of Ginnie Mae is to acquire loans for Housing for? ›

Ginnie Mae buys government-backed mortgages to provide fresh capital for the mortgage industry to make more loans and support the mission of affordable housing. After buying the mortgages, loans with similar characteristics are packaged into MBSs and sold on the bond market to investors.

What are the risks of GNMA? ›

Risks. GNMA prices can rise or fall depending on interest rates. If interest rates rise, the market price of outstanding GNMA bonds generally will decline.

Is Ginnie Mae backed by the government? ›

Ginnie Mae guarantees the timely payment of principal and interest on each Ginnie Mae Platinum pool. This guaranty is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government.

What is the benefit to home buyers of the Ginnie Mae guarantee? ›

Ginnie Mae guarantees U.S. government loans so that lenders and investors take on less risk. Because of this, lenders can offer more appealing rates and more flexible qualifying factors to home buyers. Ginnie Mae also mitigates risk for mortgage investors to increase liquidity in the mortgage market.

Does Ginnie Mae own my loan? ›

Ginnie Mae does not purchase individual loans or MBS*. Ginnie Mae does not issue or sell MBS*. Ginnie Mae does not service loans, with the exception of seized portfolios.

Is Ginnie Mae an FHA loan? ›

Ginnie Mae's mortgage-backed securities (MBS) program is the conduit for FHA-insured mortgage lending, sourcing worldwide capital to finance single-family housing, multifamily housing, home equity conversion mortgages (HECM), manufactured housing, hospital loans, and residential healthcare properties.

What happens to GNMA when interest rates rise? ›

Government guarantee does not mean risk free

Like virtually all bonds, GNMAs have interest-rate risk—as interest rates rise, GNMA prices tend to fall, and as interest rates fall, GNMA prices tend to rise.

How safe are GNMA funds? ›

Overall, Ginnie Maes are a popular type of mortgage-backed security because they are guaranteed by the U.S. government. 3 They are not necessarily risk free but the government will step in to prevent the collapse of Ginnie Mae and its securities.

Is Ginnie Mae risk free? ›

Ginnie Mae's mortgage-backed securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, similar to Treasury bonds, meaning they are one of the safest investments anyone can make.

Who is Ginnie Mae owned by? ›

The Government National Mortgage Association (or Ginnie Mae) is a government corporation within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Who controls Ginnie Mae? ›

Ginnie Mae is a self-sustaining, profitable, wholly-owned government corporation located within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Who runs Ginnie Mae? ›

The Office of the President (OP) is led by Alanna McCargo​​, President of Ginnie Mae.

Is GNMA a good investment now? ›

Ginnie Mae bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government, which means that they are considered to be one of the safest investments available. As a result, Ginnie Mae bonds typically offer yields that are higher than those of other government-backed securities, such as Treasury bonds.

How is Ginnie Mae different from Fannie Mae? ›

Ginnie Mae came about in 1968. It helps provide access to the secondary mortgage market specifically for government loan programs. These include government-insured FHA loans, VA loans and USDA loans. One big difference between Ginnie Mae and Fannie Mae is that Ginnie Mae is owned by the government.

How often do Ginnie Mae's pay interest? ›

There are two pools of Ginnie Mae pass-through securities generating income: Ginnie Mae I and Ginnie Mae II. Ginnie Mae I, or GNMA I MBS, is composed of mortgages that pay principal and interest on the fifteenth of every month, while the Ginnie Mae II, or GNMA II MBS, does the same on the twentieth of every month.

What is the purpose of Ginnie Mae? ›

Ginnie Mae's mission is to link the United States housing market to the global capital markets, thus providing low-cost financing for federal housing programs.

What is the purpose of the GNMA? ›

The Government National Mortgage Association (or Ginnie Mae) is a government corporation within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). It was established in 1968 when Fannie Mae was privatized. Its mission is to expand funding for mortgages that are insured or guaranteed by other federal agencies.

What is Ginnie Mae mission statement? ›

The Government National Mortgage Association's (Ginnie Mae) mission and purpose is to bring global capital into the housing finance system—a system that runs through the core of our Nation's economy—while minimizing risk to the taxpayer.

What is Ginnie Mae Quizlet? ›

Government National Mortgage Association. A wholly government-owned corporation that issues pass-through mortgage debt certificates backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S government. ( Ginne Mae)

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