Giardia in Cats (2024)

Written by Small Door's medical experts

Giardia is an intestinal parasite that can affect both animals and humans. These tiny organisms live in the small intestine and can cause serious illness in infected cats. Infection among cats and dogs is common, with a widespread rate of 5–15%.

Giardia in Cats (1)

In This Article

  • What is Giardia

  • Symptoms of Giardia

  • Causes of Giardia

  • Diagnosis of Giardia

  • Treatment for Giardia

  • Summary of Giardia

What is Giardia in cats?

Giardia is a simple one-celled parasitic species that affect humans and animals alike via an intestinal infection known as Giardiasis. Giardia is not a worm, bacteria, or virus. It is more common in kittens, as well as adult cats with compromised immune systems, and can easily crop up in densely populated groups of cats in places like shelters and pet stores.

Signs & symptoms of Giardia in cats

While many infected cats are asymptomatic, there are certain signs and symptoms that are indicative of giardia. (However, symptoms can also mimic other intestinal diseases, including IBD and cancer.)

The most common symptom of giardia is chronic, foul-smelling diarrhea, which can be continuous or intermittent. The stool is usually soft or even watery, pale, poorly formed, and may contain mucus.

Other signs of a giardia infection include:

  • Vomiting

  • Gradual weight loss

  • Being less active

In severe cases, cats may becomedehydrated, lethargic, and exhibit poor body condition.

Not all cats infected with giardia become sick right away; some host the organism for several years and pass it on to other cats before they show any clinical signs. The disease is usually not life-threatening, but it can be more serious in kittens and older cats, or those with an already-compromised immune system.

Because giardia can be asymptomatic, felines that may be at risk (e.g., newly adopted kittens and cats) should be tested. Additionally, if your cat spends time outdoors, your vet may suggest annual testing.

How did my cat get Giardia?

The giardia organism undergoes two stages: a motile (swimming) stage and a cystic stage, with the latter being the primary means of transmission from host to host.

Giardia cysts are shed in the feces of an infected cat; the cysts are hardy and can survive several months in the environment, especially in water and damp environments. The cysts are then transmitted to another cat via ingestion of infected feces or contaminated water, resulting in giardiasis (the name given to the infection caused by giardia).

Once the cyst enters the cat’s digestive system, it attaches itself to the intestinal wall to feed. This is when a variety of symptoms can begin to manifest.

After a cat ingests the cysts, they will pass in the cat’s feces anywhere between 5 and 16 days later. High humidity helps the cysts to survive in an open environment; this is why transmission rates are highest in overcrowded spaces.

Diagnosing Giardia in cats

In order to obtain an accurate diagnosis, the cat’s stool must be tested. The parasite will be visible in the fecal matter. However, it is not guaranteed that every stool sample will contain the parasite, so multiple samples may need to be tested for confirmation.

  • Fecal flotation test: The stool is placed in a small container and mixed together with a special solution. If present, giardia eggs will float to the top and stick to the cover slip, allowing for microscopic identification.

  • Fecal smear test: Usually performed in conjunction with the fecal flotation test, this diagnostic test helps identify possible causes of diarrhea.

In addition to fecal testing, some veterinarians also perform the SNAP test, which detects giardia antigens (proteins produced by the parasite) in fecal samples.

Treatment for Giardia in cats

The two most common drugs used to kill giardia are fenbendazole and metronidazole.

  • Fenbendazole: May reduce clinical signs and cyst shedding. Treatment is given orally for 3 to 5 days and is safe for pregnant cats.

  • Metronidazole: This medication appears to be more effective in cats than in dogs. Treatment is given for 5 to 7 days and is not safe for pregnant cats.

In certain cases, such as when a cat has refractory diarrhea (diarrhea that hasn’t responded to treatment), the two drugs can be given in combination. Your veterinarian will instruct you as to the best course of treatment.

The elimination of the disease can be difficult because some giardia strains can be resistant to medication. As a result, multiple drugs or more than one attempt at therapy may be needed.

Supportive therapyis also important. A low-residue, highly digestible diet is recommended until the cat’s stool hardens. Ensure your cat is drinking enough water: prolonged bouts of vomiting and diarrhea can bring on dehydration.

It is also important to bathe your cat thoroughly to ensure there are no parasites hiding in the fur. Cleaning your cat’s food and water dishes, removing feces from the litter box immediately, and keeping the litter box clean can help prevent the spread of giardia. (Just be sure to wear gloves to avoid coming down with giardia yourself!)

Is there a cure for Giardia in cats?

Yes. Giardia can be cured with medication. Metronidazole is the most common, but fenbendazole is another treatment veterinarians may prescribe, especially for cats that are pregnant or nursing.

Is Giardia in cats contagious for humans or other pets?

Giardia is highly contagious between cats, and transmission is also possible between cats and dogs. The exact strain found in humans is not the same as the one found in cats, but it’s always better to play it safe and assume there is a possibility of transmission, even if it’s a very small one. So take the necessary precautions when handling an infected cat, as well as when you’re cleaning up the cat’s litter box, food and water bowls, and toys.

What is the cost of treating Giardia in cats?

If you suspect your cat is infected with giardia, there will be costs for both diagnosing and treating the infection. Those costs include:

  • Office veterinary visits: Your cat may need to be seen more than once, so it’s a good idea to factor follow-up visits into your cat’s medical expenses.

  • Testing: There is more than one test vets can perform, and each may carry a different cost.

  • Medication

As always, geographic location plays a role when it comes to cost. Larger cities generally have a higher cost of living, which translates to higher vet fees.

Recovery and management of Giardia in cats

Once a cat is infected, there is a 1 to 2 week incubation period. After that time, the body can start to react, so the sooner medication is administered, the more quickly recovery can begin. In most cases it takes 3 to 5 days for the parasites to be cleared from the stool and 5 to 7 days for symptoms to resolve. Even if it appears the symptoms have cleared midway through treatment, the entire prescription must be completed. Stopping before the entire course of medication is given could potentially cause resistance of the giardia parasite.

An infected cat should be retested after treatment ends—although it should be noted, even if the test results are negative at this point, reinfection can occur later due to the fact that giardia is extremely difficult to remove from the environment.

Preventing Giardia in cats

Good hygiene is important when it comes to preventing the spread of giardia. Practices to follow include:

  • Thoroughly clean and disinfect litter boxes.

  • Wear gloves and wash your hands frequently when working with infected animals or feces.

  • Feces should be disposed of immediately.

  • Bathe all household pets following medical treatment to ensure there is no fecal residue within their fur.

  • Limit outdoor access and keep all household animals away from potentially contaminated water.

Is there a vaccine for Giardia in cats?

Currently, there is no vaccine for giardia.

Summary of Giardia in cats

Giardia in cats is an intestinal parasite that often causes diarrhea, vomiting and weight loss. It is highly contagious, and spreads quickly in crowded environments such as shelters. While it can be cured with medication, it can be difficult to eliminate all giardia cysts from the environment, so good at-home hygiene practices are essential to prevent it spreading.

As an expert in veterinary medicine and animal health, I have extensive knowledge and experience in dealing with various infectious diseases affecting pets, including parasites like Giardia. My expertise spans from the understanding of the life cycle and transmission patterns of these parasites to diagnosing and treating affected animals, ensuring their well-being and the prevention of the spread of infections.

Giardia, an intestinal parasite, affects both animals and humans. It's a single-celled organism that causes an intestinal infection known as Giardiasis. I'm well-versed in its pathology, symptoms, transmission, diagnosis, and treatment modalities.

The article covers various essential aspects related to Giardia in cats:

  1. What is Giardia: An introduction to Giardia as a one-celled parasitic species affecting the intestines of cats and other animals.

  2. Symptoms of Giardia: Highlighting signs like chronic diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, and decreased activity in infected cats.

  3. Causes of Giardia: Detailing how cats contract Giardia through ingestion of cysts shed in infected feces or contaminated water.

  4. Diagnosis of Giardia: Explaining diagnostic procedures like fecal flotation tests, fecal smear tests, and SNAP tests used to detect the presence of Giardia.

  5. Treatment for Giardia: Discussing medications like fenbendazole and metronidazole, their administration, and the importance of supportive therapy in managing the infection.

  6. Contagiousness and Prevention: Describing how Giardia is highly contagious between cats, possible transmission to other pets, and preventive measures involving hygiene practices, limiting outdoor access, and maintaining clean living environments.

  7. Costs, Recovery, and Management: Outlining the costs associated with diagnosing and treating Giardia, the recovery period, and the importance of completing the prescribed medication regimen.

  8. Prevention and Vaccination: Emphasizing the significance of good hygiene practices, such as cleaning and disinfecting, and noting the absence of a vaccine for Giardia in cats.

Giardia, while often treatable with medications like metronidazole and fenbendazole, requires careful management to prevent reinfection and transmission. Good hygiene practices, including proper disposal of feces, cleaning living areas, and limiting exposure to contaminated environments, are crucial in preventing the spread of this infection among cats and other household pets.

If you suspect your cat has Giardia or any health concerns, seeking advice from a qualified veterinarian is crucial for proper diagnosis, treatment, and guidance on preventive measures.

Giardia in Cats (2024)
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