Getting an Auth Token (2024)

Find out how to create a new auth token for use with Container Registry.

Before you can push and pull Docker images to and from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry (also known as Container Registry), you must already have an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure username and an auth token. If you haven't got an auth token, or you've forgotten it, or you're not sure, you can create a new auth token. You only see the auth token string when you create it, so be sure to copy the auth token to a secure location immediately.


Each user can have up to two auth tokens at a time. So if you do lose or forget the auth token, you can always create a second auth token.

To create a new auth token:

  1. In the top-right corner of the Console, open the Profile menu and then click User Settings to view the details.
  2. On the Auth Tokens page, click Generate Token.
  3. Enter a friendly description for the auth token. Avoid entering confidential information.
  4. Click Generate Token. The new auth token is displayed.
  5. Copy the auth token immediately to a secure location from where you can retrieve it later, because you won't see the auth token again in the Console.
  6. Close the Generate Token dialog.

As an expert in cloud computing and containerization, particularly in using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry (Container Registry), I can provide comprehensive guidance on creating authentication tokens for seamless Docker image management. My expertise stems from practical experience working with various cloud platforms and orchestrating containerized applications.

In the context of the provided article detailing the process of generating a new auth token for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry, let's break down the key concepts and steps involved:

  1. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): This is a cloud computing service offered by Oracle that provides infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and other cloud-based services.

  2. Container Registry: OCI offers a Container Registry service that enables users to store, manage, and deploy Docker container images in the cloud. It's a secure and scalable solution for container image management.

  3. Authentication Tokens: These tokens are required for secure access to the Container Registry. An auth token serves as a form of authentication and authorization mechanism, allowing users to push and pull Docker images to and from the Registry.

  4. Creating a New Auth Token: a. Access User Settings: Navigate to the top-right corner of the OCI Console, open the Profile menu, and click on User Settings. b. Generate Token: Within User Settings, locate and click on the Auth Tokens page. Click on "Generate Token." c. Description: Enter a descriptive label or name for the auth token (avoid including sensitive or confidential information). d. Generate Token: Click the button to generate the new auth token. e. Copy and Secure: Once generated, the auth token will be displayed. Copy it immediately to a secure location, as it won't be visible again in the Console.

  5. Token Management: Each user can possess up to two auth tokens simultaneously. If a token is lost or forgotten, users can create a second auth token as a fallback.

  6. Security Best Practices: It's crucial to handle and store auth tokens securely. Ensure access is limited to authorized individuals and that the token is stored in a safe location for future retrieval.

In summary, the process involves accessing User Settings in the OCI Console, navigating to the Auth Tokens page, generating a new token with a description, copying the token to a secure location, and ensuring its safekeeping for future use. This procedure ensures continuous access to OCI's Container Registry for Docker image management.

Getting an Auth Token (2024)


How do I pass an authorization token? ›

How to Add and Pass Bearer Token in Header
  1. Obtain the Bearer Token. First, you need to obtain a valid bearer token to use in the header. ...
  2. Make an HTTP Request with a Bearer Token. ...
  3. Add the Header to the Request. ...
  4. Send the Header Request and Response returned.

How do I get an auth token? ›

Getting an Auth Token
  1. In the top-right corner of the Console, open the Profile menu and then click User Settings to view the details.
  2. On the Auth Tokens page, click Generate Token.
  3. Enter a friendly description for the auth token. ...
  4. Click Generate Token.
May 26, 2023

What is an example of a auth token? ›

How Does Token-based Authentication Work? Most people have used token-based process in some form. For example, gaining access to an online account by entering a code sent as a one-time password, using a fingerprint to unlock a mobile phone, and accessing a website through a Facebook login are all common examples.

How do I pass an authorization bearer? ›

Bearer tokens enable requests to authenticate using an access key, such as a JSON Web Token (JWT). The token is a text string, included in the request header. In the request Authorization tab, select Bearer Token from the Type drop-down list. In the Token field, enter your API key value.

How do I pass the authorization header in GET request? ›

Click on the "Headers" tab and add the HTTP authorization header and Auth to modify your authorization type. 4. Click on the "Send" button and check the response status code, headers, and body. If the token is valid, the status code should be 200 (OK) and the body should contain the requested resource.

How do I get an access token without logging in? ›

Sometimes you want to authorize servers to access data without interactively logging in each time the servers exchange information. For these cases, you can use the OAuth 2.0 JSON Web Token (JWT) bearer flow. This flow uses a certificate to sign the JWT request and doesn't require explicit user interaction.

What is my verification token? ›

A verification token is something that proves that a particular Google user owns a particular Search Console property. The token can be a unique web page or <meta> tag on the homepage, associated with that person, or any of several other mechanisms.

How long is an auth token? ›

By default, an access token for a custom API is valid for 86400 seconds (24 hours). We recommend that you set the validity period of your token based on the security requirements of your API. For example, an access token that accesses a banking API should expire more quickly than one that accesses a to-do API.

What does a security token look like? ›

Security tokens come in many form factors such as a USB key or a name badge containing a chip inside. Car remotes are examples of security tokens people use regularly.

What is a token code? ›

The security token always generates a random code for every transaction thereby making it impossible for another person to carry out online transactions from your account. There is no need to visit a branch. With a security token you can carry out online transactions anywhere in the world.

What are the risks of token authentication? ›

Disadvantages of token-based authentication

Introduces risk: If managed poorly or improperly configured, token-based authentication can lead to widespread data and application breaches. Much of the value in tokens is convenience because only one key is required for system or multi-system access.

Can an unauthorized user use an authentication token? ›

If a security token is lost, stolen or damaged, it must be deactivated and replaced. In the meantime, an unauthorized user in possession of the token may be able to access privileged information and systems. This is also true of smart cards.

How to pass token authorization header in URL? ›

To send a request with the Bearer Token authorization header, you need to make an HTTP request and provide your Bearer Token in the "Authorization: Bearer {token}" HTTP header. A Bearer Token is a cryptic string typically generated by the server in response to a login request.

How do I pass a Bearer Token in API? ›

Passing a bearer token in your API calls
  1. Set up token authentication, and then get a bearer access token. For more information, see Setting up token authentication and Getting a token.
  2. Most Venafi API headers require an Authorization parameter. ...
  3. In the header, add the Authorization parameter.

What is token in authorization? ›

A token is a piece of data that has no meaning or use on its own, but combined with the correct tokenization system, becomes a vital player in securing your application.

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