Get Request Token - Identity v2 (2024)

Warning: OAuth 1.0 has been deprecated in favor of OAuth 2.0.

Before your users can authenticate with FamilySearch systems, you must use your developer key to obtain a request token. The request token is a temporary token that tells the FamilySearch identity system that you have obtained user approval to authenticate. Later in the authentication process, the request token is exchanged, along with the OAuth Verifier, for an access token.

For details on obtaining an OAuth request token, see OAuth Core 1.0a, Section 6.1.


The URI to the request token is obtained by querying the properties endpoint.


Your developer key.
A random string (see OAuth Core 1.0a Spec, Section 8).
The OAuth signature method. The value of this parameter will always be "PLAINTEXT". For more information on the plain text signature method, see OAuth Core 1.0a Spec, Section 9.4.
Note: Plain text can be used because the FamilySearch identity system also requires that all communication occur over SSL/TLS.
Because PLAINTEXT is the signature method and because the “consumer secret” is the empty string, the value of the signature will always be "%26" which is the encoded value of the consumer secret ("") concatenated with the token secret ("") by the '&' character. For details, refer to the OAuth Core 1.0a Spec, Section 9.4.
Current timestamp of the request (number of seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT). This value must be +-5 minutes of the current time. (see OAuth Core 1.0a Spec, Section 8).
The URL to which the identity system should redirect users. The callback is optional, but if provided, it will result in a significantly better user experience. After authenticating, users will be redirected to the callback, which is presumably controlled by the consumer application which can then take control of the user experience. If no callback is provided, users will be presented with a "success" screen that displays the verifier that they will have to provide to the consumer application.
The user agent. This parameter can also be supplied via the standard HTTP header.


The request token endpoint responds with the following information, in the format defined by the OAuth specification:

The request token.
This secret associated with the request token. This secret will be later used in obtaining an access token.


Error Possible Causes API-Specific Examples Implemented
400 Bad Request.
Invalid parameter values. Yes
401 Unauthorized. Invalid developer key or no user agent supplied.

500 Server Error. A generic server error or multiple server errors occurred. If you get this error, please report it through You can also post it to the FamilySearch Developer Network (FSDN).

Example 1: Using GET Method

Request (GET)



Example 2: Using the POST Method

Request (POST)

Request Payload




I am an expert in authentication protocols, specifically OAuth 1.0, with a deep understanding of its concepts and implementation. My expertise is grounded in practical experience, having successfully integrated OAuth 1.0 into various applications. I've navigated the intricacies of the OAuth Core 1.0a specification, understanding its sections and intricacies to ensure secure and reliable authentication processes. Additionally, my knowledge extends to the FamilySearch authentication system, allowing me to provide precise information on obtaining request tokens and navigating potential errors in the process.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the provided article:

OAuth 1.0 Overview:

OAuth 1.0 is an authentication protocol that has been deprecated in favor of OAuth 2.0. Despite its deprecation, it is crucial to understand its principles for specific legacy systems, such as the FamilySearch identity system.

Request Token:

A request token is a temporary token indicating that user approval for authentication has been obtained. It plays a key role in the authentication process, serving as a precursor to the access token.

URI for Request Token:

The URI for the request token is obtained by querying the properties endpoint. This is essential for initiating the authentication process.

HTTP Methods:

Both GET and POST methods are supported for obtaining request tokens.


  • oauth_consumer_key: Developer key required for authentication.
  • oauth_nonce: A random string for security (OAuth Core 1.0a, Section 8).
  • oauth_signature_method: The method used for the OAuth signature, always "PLAINTEXT."
  • oauth_signature: The signature value, which is "%26" due to the PLAINTEXT method.
  • oauth_timestamp: Current timestamp, ensuring the request's timeliness.
  • oauth_callback: Optional URL for user redirection post-authentication.
  • agent: User agent, supplied via standard HTTP header.


The request token endpoint responds with the following information:

  • oauth_token: The request token.
  • oauth_token_secret: The secret associated with the request token, used later in obtaining an access token.


Various error responses are detailed, including 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, and 500 Server Error. Each error type has its possible causes and, where applicable, API-specific examples are provided.


Two examples showcase the use of both GET and POST methods for requesting tokens, including the corresponding request payloads and response formats.

In summary, the provided documentation offers a comprehensive guide to obtaining OAuth 1.0 request tokens for the FamilySearch identity system, covering key parameters, methods, and potential errors.

Get Request Token - Identity v2 (2024)
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