Generating and signing an electronic prescription - NHS England Digital (2024)

SCAL notice for suppliers

Please refer to the Supplier Conformance Assessment List (SCAL) as the definitive source of supplier information and guidance for EPS development. You will receive the SCAL when you begin the EPS onboarding process.

Generating electronic prescriptions

GP practice staff can prepare electronic prescriptions, which can then be sent to a prescriber to review on screen and sign electronically using their smartcard.

Electronic prescriptions can contain up to four items, and practice staff can add notes about the prescription/patient for the prescriber to view.

Assigning electronic prescriptions to an authorised prescriber

EPS allows GP practice staff to easily view all prescriptions waiting to be signed and which prescriber they have been assigned to. If they have been signed, practice staff are able to view which nominated pharmacy the electronic prescription has been sent to.
Practice staff may decide to assign one prescriber (sometimes the on-call GP) to sign all the electronic prescriptions one day, or they may choose to split them between all GPs in the practice.

If necessary, practice staff can reassign prescriptions to a different prescriber. This may be useful if a certain prescriber is busy or has left the surgery for a home visit - the electronic prescription can be reassigned to a different prescriber to be signed promptly.

When assigning an electronic prescription to a prescriber, practice staff can add notes (for example to let the prescriber know extra medication has been requested this month).

Signing electronic prescriptions

Prescribers should ensure that their smartcard has the correct roles assigned to allow them to sign a prescription. They can electronically sign prescriptions individually or select multiples to sign in bulk, and if necessary can view patient details on screen before applying their electronic signature.

Prescribers should consider appropriate times to sign prescriptions - they may wish to add a recurring diary entry to remind themselves to sign electronic prescriptions at certain times throughout the day.

Last edited: 12 March 2020 10:55 am

Generating and signing an electronic prescription - NHS England Digital (2024)


How do electronic prescriptions work UK? ›

EPS allows prescribers to send prescriptions electronically to a dispenser (such as a pharmacy) of the patient's choice. This makes the prescribing and dispensing process more efficient and convenient for patients and staff.

How do I make an e prescription? ›

Identify the medication you wish to prescribe and click Next to view the medication detail screen. Fill out script details including Dose, Frequency and Instruction and click Next. There are some key features on this page. Unusual Dose - to indicate to the pharmacist that this is an unusual dose.

How do I fill out a prescription NHS? ›

Using your NHS account

You can order a repeat prescription through your NHS account on the NHS App or NHS website. You can nominate a pharmacy for your GP to send your prescriptions to. Your nominated pharmacy may be able to deliver your medicine to you or let you know when it's ready to collect.

What are the errors in electronic prescribing? ›

The most errors were incomplete prescribing due to the omission of secondary diagnoses (251 out of 534 errors, 47.00%), followed by incorrect prescribing including improper dose (135, 25.28%), wrong frequency (45, 8.43%), wrong diagnosis (36, 6.74%), wrong route of administration (33, 6.18%) and other types of errors.

How do digital prescriptions work? ›

Anyone who has a nominated pharmacy can continue to collect medication without a paper prescription or barcode as details are sent to their pharmacy electronically.

How does the electronic prescription work? ›

When the prescriber enters the prescription into the e-prescribing application, the prescription is transmitted to the pharmacy and may be entered into the patient's medical record and integrated with the office billing system if these systems are linked electronically.

Can you get a digital prescription? ›

Electronic prescriptions service (EPS)

You can send your prescription electronically from your doctor's surgery to your chosen pharmacy.

Can I convert a paper script to an eScript? ›

If a customer has a paper prescription, can they request the pharmacist to convert it to an e-script? No, a prescriber can issue a medication as a paper script, or an e-script but not both, and pharmacies are unable to change the form of a prescription.

Can you get a prescription made online? ›

The laws governing telemedicine vary by state. Generally, you'll be able to get a prescription through a video visit (some states require only a phone call or online chat) with a locally licensed health-care professional.

Can I fill my US prescription in the UK? ›

You'll need to contact a UK doctor or pharmacist to prescribe the medicine for you once you're in the UK. This includes medicines not licensed in the UK. You may need to pay. If you bring more than 3 months supply with you, or get more medicine posted to you, it will be taken away.

What are the disadvantages of electronic prescription services? ›

Differences in pharmacy and prescriber systems sometimes result in wrong patient selection. The Drawbacks of e-prescription design (mismatched text box sizes, mismatched drug names, mismatched patient/physician names, mismatched drug quantities, and inability to discontinue old prescription).

What is the best NHS prescription delivery service in the UK? ›

RXLive is an award-winning UK pharmacy that offers free NHS prescription delivery. RXLive is a completely free service that delivers medication to your door on the same day or within 24-48 hours*. * Once RXLive receives the prescription and if medication is in stock.

What are two common errors of e-prescribing? ›

Other studies investigating types of e-prescribing errors related to order entry have found that wrong drug quantity, wrong duration of therapy, wrong dosing directions, and wrong dosing formulations occur frequently.

What are the three prescription errors? ›

Some of the most common prescription errors that occur include: The wrong drug. Inappropriate doses. Early refill.

What are the three most common medication dispensing errors? ›

The three most common dispensing errors are: dispensing an incorrect medication, dosage strength or dosage form; miscalculating a dose; and failing to identify drug interactions or contraindications. Errors caused by drug administration can be made by the health care provider or by the patient themselves.

Can I pick up an electronic prescription from any pharmacy? ›

Yes. Your electronic prescription will be seen by the same people in GP practices, pharmacies and NHS prescription payment and fraud agencies that see your paper prescription now. Sometimes dispensers may see that you have nominated another dispenser.

Is electronic prescription better than handwritten? ›

Instead of relying on handwritten notes and paper medicine charts, staff can now quickly access potentially life-saving information on prescribed medicines and patient history. This can also reduce medication errors by up to 30% when compared with the old paper systems.

How long does it take for an electronic prescription to be ready? ›

Typically, it takes up to 48 hours for an NHS prescription to be ready to be collected, but this can vary from one practice to another. If you have ordered a repeat prescription via the NHS app or through your NHS GP, then allow 2-3 working days for it to be sent to the pharmacy of your choice.

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