Generate a new address for new bitcoin transactions (2024)

Information on Bitcoin addresses and why you shouldn't reuse them.

  • What is an address?
  • Address reuse - and why it's not recommended
  • Fresh addresses
  • Generating multiple addresses

What is an address?

When working with cryptocurrencies, an address is a unique alphanumeric identifier that is used to receive payments. An address essentially represents a 'destination' on the Bitcoin network.

  • An address can be shared with other users in the same way an e-mail address would be shared.
  • Addresses can also be transformed into the QR code format, so it can be scanned by a mobile device or another camera.
  • The QR code can (potentially) contain other information as well, such as transaction amount and a message.
  • In public blockchains, such as Bitcoin, it is possible to see all transactions that have been made on a particular address by looking into a blockchain explorer.

Click hereto see what an address and its history look like in a blockchain explorer

Bitcoin addresses are mainly used for receiving funds, and it is best practice to use them only once.

Address reuse - and why it's not recommended

Address reuse refers to the use of the same receiving address for multiple transactions.

In a transaction, the spender and receiver each reveal to each other all public keys or addresses used in that transaction. This allows either person to use the public blockchain to track past and future transactions involving the other person’s same addresses.

If a public key is used often, other people can easily track the receiving and spending habits of a person. It is, therefore, also easier to identify the owner of the address.

To enhance your privacy, it is possible to use a fresh addressfor each receiving transaction.

Fresh addresses

Trezor Suite generates fresh addresses for each (receiving) transaction,although for Ethereum you'll need to add another ETH account. By generating a fresh address each time, you reduce the chance of exposing any sensitive personal information.

A fresh address is a newly generated address that has not received any previous transactions. It is recommended to use a fresh address for every transaction, as this benefits user privacy.

As well as protecting your privacy, using a fresh address greatly reduces the risk of losing incoming funds or sending them to the wrong address.

Using a fresh address eliminates any assumptions about which address should be used for receiving funds, thereby keeping your Bitcoin safe.

Generating multiple addresses

When receiving payments in Trezor Suite, you can use the Show full addressbutton repeatedly to generate multiple receiving addresses. This can help you keep track of your payments as well as maintaining a higher level of privacy.

Generate a new address for new bitcoin transactions (1)

Although it is possible to repeatedly use individual receiving addresses generated in your account, this practice is not recommended as it can link payment data to one individual.

For additional privacy, you can also use multiple accounts.

Generate a new address for new bitcoin transactions (2024)


How to generate a new Bitcoin address? ›

How to create a Bitcoin wallet address
  1. 1: Download Bridge Wallet. ...
  2. 2: Create a password. ...
  3. 3: Create a new wallet. ...
  4. 4: Generate a secret phrase. ...
  5. 5: Read the safety notice. ...
  6. 6: Get your secret phrase. ...
  7. 7: Secret phrase check. ...
  8. 8: Success!

Do I need a new Bitcoin address for every transaction? ›

After every transaction you make or when funds are moved between your wallet and our storage system, Bitcoin automatically generate a new address . This is done to protect your privacy, so that a third-party cannot view all other transactions associated with your account simply by using a blockchain explorer.

Does Ledger generate a new address? ›

Ledger Live automatically generates a fresh change address for every new transaction that does not fully spend its inputs. Ledger Live automatically takes care of change, you do not have to track the coins on your change addresses. It is not possible to check which address is your change address in Ledger Live.

Does Coinbase generate a new address every time? ›

Deposit addresses on Coinbase Exchange change every time you generate one for most assets. If tokens are sent to an old address, they'll be processed and credited automatically into the corresponding wallet of your default portfolio.

How is the Bitcoin address generated? ›

The bitcoin address is derived from the public key through the use of one-way cryptographic hashing. A “hashing algorithm” or simply “hash algorithm” is a one-way function that produces a fingerprint or “hash” of an arbitrary-sized input.

Can you generate a new Bitcoin address on Cash App? ›

Tap on “Deposit Bitcoin.” Under the Bitcoin section, choose “Deposit Bitcoin” to proceed. Generate a New Address: Your current Bitcoin address is on the deposit screen. Tap the “Generate New Address” button to create a fresh wallet address. The Cash App will provide you with a new Bitcoin address.

Can the same Bitcoin address be generated twice? ›

Yes, it is possible for someone to use a Bitcoin address that has been previously used. Bitcoin addresses can be reused for receiving funds multiple times. However, it's generally recommended to use a new address for each transaction to enhance privacy and security.

What happens if you reuse a Bitcoin address? ›

Address reuse harms the privacy of not only yourself, but also others – including many not related to the transaction. In some cases, these risks are serious enough that they are likely in violation of reasonable consumer protection laws.

Can I still receive Bitcoin in my old wallet address? ›

Your Bitcoin addresses can be used more than once, and you can still receive BTC to any of your previously used addresses. To export all of your wallet's Bitcoin addresses, please see the following: How do I see all of my wallet addresses?

What happens if I send Bitcoin to an old address? ›

Should you have sent crypto to the incorrectly pasted address, unfortunately these funds would be considered lost. Cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible and cannot be undone.

Can I reuse the same BTC address on ledger? ›

Bitcoin transactions are public information. Addresses should not be re-used for better privacy. Ledger Live automatically generates new addresses using standards (BIP32/BIP39/BIP44) and keeps track of your previous ones. Previous addresses do remain valid, but they don't offer an optimal level of privacy.

Can you have multiple addresses on one ledger? ›

You can create a single ledger with multiple addresses and record their statutory details thus avoiding creation of ledgers for each location. This can be done by configuring the use of multiple addresses in the required party ledger and specifying the different addresses .

Do Bitcoin addresses change? ›

Yes, after each transaction your bitcoin wallet address changes but it's still linked to your account both the previous and current. You might notice that your bitcoin wallet address is different many times. So, yes, it changes every time you receive funds.

Can I use the same Bitcoin Address twice Coinbase? ›

All addresses that have been generated for your account will remain associated with your account forever. They are safe to re-use to receive future payments, but for the prior stated reasons, we recommend using a unique address for all transactions. You can view your complete list of crypto addresses at any time here.

How do I reset my Address on Coinbase? ›

Sign in to your account via browser. Select your profile icon and choose Manage account. Under Personal info select Address and enter your changes. Select Save.

Can I change my Bitcoin address? ›

Yes, it is possible to change your Bitcoin wallet address after sending or receiving funds. However, it's important to note that you will need to create a new wallet and transfer all of your funds to the new address. Once you have done this, the old address will no longer be valid and any funds sent to it will be lost.

How do I create a Bitcoin cash address? ›

To create a single address wallet:
  1. Open the BitPay App.
  2. Click the gear icon in the tabs bar at the bottom.
  3. Under Crypto wallets and keys, select the key where you will create the wallet.
  4. Scroll down the menu and click Create a new wallet.
  5. Click Simple Wallet. ...
  6. Select the currency (bitcoin or bitcoin cash).
Mar 21, 2024

How many Bitcoin address can be created? ›

So. How many Bitcoin addresses are possible? To be accurate and theoretically correct the number of all possible addresses are 2^160 = 1461501637330902918203684832716283019655932542976 = 1.4615e+48. As bitcoin address basically is a 160-bit number (encoded in Base58).

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