Full Red, blue, or white hive? | Fandom (2024)

It kinda depends on what you like better, it doesn't matter if you make more honey or something, it matters on what you like and what hive you want.If you want to go with blue, then go with blue, if you don't want to then go for red and yeah, you get the point.It's your choice, it matters what you want, don't listen to the haters, believe in yourself.(BTW blue is gonna be buffed, idk about white, but ya, red is eventually gonna be nerfed, "how do I know" cause when things get OP, then the owner always nerfed it: like the festive beans.)

Full Red, blue, or white hive? | Fandom (2024)


Should I be red hive or blue hive? ›

blue hive vs red hive | Fandom. Blue is cheap, works fine with only a single passive. Red is expensive, requires double passive to make more than blue, with a single red passive you will make less with red then you would with blue. Also blue doesn't NEED gifted tadpoles/buoyant, red needs gifted spicys.

What is the best color hive in bee swarm simulator 2022? ›

Once you get out of mixed, white hives are the most efficient (but also the most expensive, especially mark hives). Blue/red are much cheaper.

Which is better red or blue in bee swarm simulator? ›

Blue is useful for quests that require it, while for the red hive, its good for grinding and collecting. So if you're trying to grind for something, red is right up your ally. If your trying to complete a blue pollen themed quest, then its the blue for you!

Which hive color is the best? ›

In hotter climates, painting hives white or another reflective color keeps the hives cooler during the warm summer months. In colder northern areas, a darker color can help absorb more of the sun's warmth during the winter.

Does hive color matter? ›

Honey bees are not picky about the color of their hives. As long as there is no paint on the inside, your bees will be fine.

Is it better to have 2 bee hives? ›

A beginner with several hives not only has the advantage of comparison which often triggers them to act when a hive is failing, they also have numbers on their side. Simply put, the more hives a beekeeper has, the better the chance that one of them will survive into the next season.

What is Onett's favorite bee? ›

Onett's favorite bees are Basic Bee, Rascal Bee, Brave Bee, and Tabby Bee. Onett claimed he likes Basic Bee because it knows it is not as talented as other bees, but it does not care and smiles non-stop and always exudes pride.

What is the best mask BSS? ›

Most of the time, gummy mask is better because almost all fields have white pollen, but due to circ*mstances, the other masks can be better during certain situations.

What is the best bee to gift in BSS? ›

Basic, Photon, Commander and Gummy are all really good gifted bees in my opinion! Following those bees include the Brave and Rage bee.

Who has the most honey in BSS? ›

Gumaden surpassed zlib. Gumaden made a total of 10 trillion honey. A game-wide message appeared to congratulate him.

What is the most powerful tool in bee swarm simulator? ›

Answers: Porcelain Honey Dipper is the best.
These are average results of all colors:
  • Honey Dipper: 108.89.
  • Bubble Wand: 123.08.
  • Scythe: 118.52.
  • Porcelain Honey Dipper: 180.

Which style of hive is the oldest? ›

Top Bar Hive

The top bar hive is the oldest hive design in the world. A horizonal top bar hive features wooden bars that are laid along the top of the long box. One-piece bars are used instead of the 4-sided wooden frames of the Langstroth design.

Which is better 8 frame or 10 frame hive? ›

Each box on an 8 frame beehive weighs 20% less than a 10 frame box does - which makes it easier on your back and knees to lift them. This can be a huge benefit if you're a beginner and you're trying to prevent long term back and knee pain. A 10 frame deep bee box filled with honey can weigh up to 90 lbs.

What direction should I face my bee hive? ›

Face the hive entrance away from the prevailing winds. Ideally, face the entrance in a southerly direction if you're in the northern hemisphere and northerly direction for the southern hemisphere.

What color attracts bees less? ›

We can, however, tell you the colors they are less likely to be drawn to. This would include lighter shades of any color but especially pale colors. These will almost make you invisible to bees. If this is exactly how you want to appear because you know the area you'll be in has lots of bees, just wear white.

What color attracts bees the most? ›

They can also see blue-green, blue, violet, and “bee's purple.” Bee's purple is a combination of yellow and ultraviolet light. That's why humans can't see it. The most likely colors to attract bees, according to scientists, are PURPLE, VIOLET and BLUE.

What does an unhealthy bee hive look like? ›

You will see a patch where all the cells next to each other are capped, making a solid pattern. If the larvae are unhealthy, worker bees will remove them, creating holes in the pattern. The result is what's often called a “shotgun” pattern and it is a symptom of a struggling colony.

Can beehives be too close together? ›

Here's a rule of thumb when considering whether you can keep a beehive in your garden: A typical beehive is about 22 inches by 16 inches. You need at least five feet of space in every direction around the hive. If you plan to have multiple beehives, they should be at least three feet apart.

How many times can you split a hive in a year? ›

It can be as few as zero up to five times per year. As a general rule, you should never split a first year hive. However, an overwintered hive is not always a go-signal for splitting. Ideally, you should at least have a minimum of 10 frames of brood before splitting a beehive.

Can I split a first year hive? ›

Don't split a first year hive. Such a hive will need all the honey it can get to make it through the winter. Don't put it at risk. Consider only 2nd year (or later) colonies as candidates for splits.

Where is Onett live? ›

He lives in the United State of America. Also his time zone is CST.

Is x2 bee pollen worth it? ›

2x bee pollen is 100% worth it. (oh wait is this the honee gamepass?) Then maybe not as worth it but still, helpful. Doesnt seem useful if it turns to 200.

Should I hatch my diamond egg BSS? ›

Don't do it if you wanna play BSS to the end and willing to be patience. Gold eggs and diamond eggs are used for honey and diamond mask. If you have every gifted type in your hive except mythics (excluding events) then if you hatch it you can get a gifted mythic for sure. It is all your choice but I recommend no.

What is the best BSS code? ›

Bee Swarm Simulator codes list
  • 2Billion: Various Boosts and Rewards.
  • 38217: 5x Tickets.
  • Banned: 1x Stubborn Bee Jelly, Spider Field Code Buff.
  • BeesBuzz123: 5x Bitterberry, 5x Gumdrops, 1x Cloud Vial.
  • BopMaster: 5x Tickets.
  • Buzz: 5,000x Honey.
  • CarmenSanDiego: Rose Field Code Buff, 1x 7-Pronged Cog.
Dec 19, 2022

How rare is double passive BSS? ›

1/50 chance for double passive from supreme star amulet. (1/100 to get a passive from diamond star - this for the ones that got confused with 1/50 and 1/100 chances for both amulets.)

Should I get an 8 or 10 frame hive? ›

Each box on an 8 frame beehive weighs 20% less than a 10 frame box does - which makes it easier on your back and knees to lift them. This can be a huge benefit if you're a beginner and you're trying to prevent long term back and knee pain. A 10 frame deep bee box filled with honey can weigh up to 90 lbs.

How do you know if you have a strong hive? ›

5 Signs Of A Strong And Healthy Honey Bee Colony
  1. A Strong, Healthy Queen. Much of a honey bee hive's activity revolves around a healthy queen. ...
  2. A Thriving Population. ...
  3. Abundant Pollen And Honey Stores. ...
  4. A Healthy, Regular Brood Pattern. ...
  5. No Pests Or Parasites.

What is the best bee hive to start with? ›

The top three types of bee hive used are the langstroth hive, the top bar hive, and the warre hive. The Langstroth hive is the most commonly used hive today, and would likely be the best type for a beginner.

Which bee gives the best honey? ›

5 Top Honey Bee Breeds for Your Bee Farm
  • Carniolan Honey Bee. Beekeepers love Carniolan honey bees for many reasons. ...
  • Italian Honey Bee. The Italian honey bees' peaceful attitude makes them a favorite breed of honey bees among beekeepers. ...
  • Western Honey Bee. ...
  • Himalayan Honey Bee. ...
  • Gibraltar Honey Bee.
Oct 19, 2021

What are the easiest bees to keep? ›

The Italian Honeybee may be the best bee for beginners, because this subspecies of the Western honeybee is not an aggressive bee which means it has little interest in swarming. It takes a lot for this honeybee to want to leave its hive.

Should a beehive be in sun or shade? ›

The hive should be placed in early morning sun. This gets the bees out of their hive earlier in the day to forage. In the Northeast, hives can remain in the full sun for the entire season. However in places with warmer climates, hives should receive some afternoon shade.

How many deep brood boxes Should a hive have? ›

With two brood boxes, there is enough space for your queen to lay as many eggs as she can. This means you won't need to check your hives as often. When using one brood box, there is only enough room to feed your broods sugar syrup in small increments. With two, you can give them larger amounts less often.

How much honey does a 7 frame hive produce? ›

If you have one of our Flow Hive Classic 7, Flow Hive 2 with 7 Flow Frames or Flow Hive 2+ with 7 Flow Frames, then you can expect to harvest approximately 20 kg (44 lbs) when every frame is full.

How many super boxes should a hive have? ›

One Flow Super per hive is the simple answer, as you can keep harvesting the honey whenever it is ready, giving the bees room to keep working and making more honey.

How do you know if a bee hive is empty? ›

Old honeycomb that has become crusted and brown typically indicates that the colony has abandoned their home. However, if the honeycomb is fresh, the bees are probably still inside. Many people try to smoke out the bees or even try to cut down the hive to rid their homes and properties of this threat.

What happens when a hive gets too full? ›

If the hive is starting to get too full, both for the workers to store resources and for the queen to lay, the workers will start raising a new queen. Though sometimes an inconvenience to humans, as swarm is the sign of a healthy, growing colony.

What time of the day is best to move a hive? ›

The best time to do this is at night, or very early in the morning while all the bees are inside the hive. This way you will avoid losing any bees that are out foraging. If there are some bees around the entrance to the hive, use your smoker to gently encourage them back inside.

How many bee hives should a beginner start with? ›

If you are just starting out, most reputable beekeeping sources will recommend starting with two hives. Having two hives for your first few years will help you to learn the art and science of beekeeping, while providing you with the proper amount of experience and resources needed to successfully keep healthy bees.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.