Frugal Living Money Saving Must Haves (2024)

Ways To Save Money

Everyone is looking for that secret sauce. The perfect way to save money. Things to stop buying, money saving must haves or the perfect frugal living tips. Which is great!

How To Save More Money

You may read an article and think that tip will only save me $20 a month. But when you look at the big picture that works out to $240 a year which could put a good dent in some debt.

How To Save $50 A Week

Another tip may save you $50 a week, that’s $2600 in a year. That could be a nice holiday or and extra payment on your mortgage.

Frugal Money Saving Tips

Frugal tips and money saving ideas may seem small but they add up. And they add up big if you put a bunch together.

Money Saving Ideas

Simple, easy everyday money saving ideas include bringing your lunch from home, shopping sales, couponing, meal planning, budgeting and paying with cash. You are not limited to just these money saving tips. Anything you do that saves you money is a great money saving idea.

Best Way To Save Money

The secret sauce is figuring out what works for you and the best ways for you to save money. For our family it’s meal planning, decreasing our dining out and cutting the excess overspending.


We were seriously overspending. You add up our over spending on groceries, dining out and all the excess and we were spending way too much money.

Tips To Saving Money

By changing the way we grocery shopped, decreasing the dining out, learning to meal plan and honestly looking at our spending we saved over $1500 a month easy. Discover just how we saved money each month.

Related Money Saving Posts:

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Money Saving Must Haves:

A Budget

If you are wanting, needing to save money you need to have a budget. Whether it be an app or a budgeting binder you need to know where all your money is.

A Meal Plan

How many times have you gotten home and you have no idea what’s for dinner? You have nothing defrosted or prepped so you order take out or make sandwiches.

There is nothing wrong with sandwiches in fact ham and swiss is my favorite. But there is something counterproductive with ordering takeout when you’re trying to save money.

Investing in a good meal plan and building your weekly meals on what you have in house is a great way to save money.

Related Meal Planning Posts:

  • Simple Meals To Make Life Easier
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An Oven Lunch Box

Call me crazy but I really love this thing and it saves our family so much money. You can checkout what I am talking about here some great oven lunch boxes.

My husband works on the road or on a construction site 90% of the time so he is no where near a kitchen. A warm lunch or dinner during a 12-14 hour shift is a blessing over sandwiches.

It is super simple to use and worth the value. No more cold uneaten sandwiches. Soups, warm leftovers, stews, pastas and even pizza are great the oven lunch box. In fact his whole crew owns one.

Frugal Laundry Alternatives

Doing laundry can be expensive. You can save money by washing in cold water and using cheaper or DIY detergent. Another great way to save money on laundry is by hanging your clothes to dry. 35 amazing laundry hacks that will save you time and money.

In the summer you can set up an outdoor clothes line and during the winter an interior clothes drying rack is great. They even work in apartments.

A Great Coffee Machine And Portable Mug

If you’re a coffee drinker or tea drinker agreat coffee maker or tea kettle is a must have.

Skip the morning drive thru and the $5 coffee and bring your brew from home in a great travel mug. It could save you $1200 a year.

A Freezer

I’m a firm believer that every home should have a freezer. Not just for freezing leftovers or ice cream. A freezer can save you hundreds of dollars in grocery costs. Learn what you can freeze to save money.

A Thermostat Lockbox

When was the last time you agreed with the rest of the house on the right room temperature. Some people move the dial up, others move it down. All that movement costs you money.

Investing in a thermostat lockbox and finding balance can save you money. Stocking an extra blanket or two can help too.

Water Savers

I don’t know about you, but we pay for our water usage and it can get expensive. Investing in water saving shower heads, faucets and other devices can help cut your utility costs.

Money Education

Money smarts can help you save money day in and day out. Get ahead of the game. Invest in you. Invest in your future.

Great Appliances

Every kitchen needs a good blender, food processor, pots and pans. You will be more inclined to cook at home if you have the right tools.

Invest in a good set of pots and pans and an Instant Pot is a money saving must have.

Money Saving Apps

If you are looking to save money right now on your shopping you need to get the money saving app Rakuten. We have saved over $400 with this app on everything we buy online.

You can link your Rakuten app to your Amazon account and save more on everyday. I use it to save on groceries, diapers, clothes, makeup, toys and so much more. Give Rakuten a try and get a $10 bonus gift for free.

Dave Ramsey Money Saving

Start saving more money with the best Dave Ramsey money saving hacks. Tips and tricks that Dave Ramsey wishes everyone knew and would put to use.

Related Frugal Money Saving Tips:

  • 75 Super Frugal Money Saving Tips
  • Stop Living Paycheck To Paycheck
  • Secret Must Haves Of A Frugal Home
  • The Best Dave Ramsey Money Saving Hacks

Updated July 8, 2021

Frugal Living Money Saving Must Haves (6)

Frugal living Money Saving Must Haves

Frugal Living Money Saving Must Haves (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.