For Bitcoin Mines in Texas, the Honeymoon Is Over (2024)

Others argue the state’s strategy of paying bitcoin miners not to mine when the grid is under heavy load is nonsensical. “The most important thing a regulator can do is match assets and liabilities—match supply and demand,” says Ed Hirs, an energy fellow at the University of Houston. With the deterioration of the state’s fleet of fossil fuel plants, he says, allowing large-scale mining facilities to increase demand on the grid can only “exacerbate the situation” and invite further instability.

In Texas, claims Hirs, crypto mining is primarily an energy arbitrage business, the profitability of which is dependent on the ability to purchase energy cheaply in bulk and sell it back to the grid at a premium when demand is high. These operations are effectively double-subsidized by residents, says Hirs, whose taxes provide both the funds for buying energy from the miners in periods of peak demand and the fees paid to miners for participating in demand response. Hirs likens miners to parasites, calling them “the tapeworm on the ERCOT grid.”

Before the recent surge in the price of bitcoin, which has made mining more profitable, news reports noted that some firms made more money by switching off and collecting fees when the grid was under pressure than they were through mining bitcoin. In August 2023, when a Texas heatwave led to a surge in energy demand, Riot said it earned $31.7 million through its participation in grid stabilization programs and only around $10 million from mining.

Data Haze

Opponents of inviting more mining facilities into Texas have been stymied by the absence of data showing the extent of the additional burden on the grid. Other than the miners themselves, nobody currently knows quite how much energy is devoted to mining in the state or the wider US. The EIA says it has “developed general estimates,” but can’t piece together an accurate picture due to the “difficulty of identifying cryptocurrency mining activity among millions of US end-use customers.”

In March 2023, Texas state senators Lois Kolkhorst, Donna Campbell, and Robert Nichols, all Republicans, proposed bill SB 1751, which would have limited participation of crypto miners in demand response, withdrawn certain tax rebates, and imposed data reporting requirements. The bill passed the Senate unanimously, but died when the relevant congressional committee failed to hear it before the end of the session.

The emergency survey filed by the EIA in January, prompted at least in part by the efforts of US senator Elizabeth Warren, was designed to fill in the gaps and “develop more rigorous estimates of electricity use by US cryptocurrency miners,” the EIA said. But in the face of the lawsuit brought by the TBC and Riot, it proved to be short-lived.

Critics of the mining industry have interpreted the move to squash the EIA survey as a cynical attempt to preserve a shroud of secrecy. “The last thing a parasite wants you to know is how bad it is going to become,” says Hirs. But the mining industry says it had every reason to object, as evinced by the sympathy of the judge, who stated in a ruling that the government’s justifications for expediting the survey—that a rise in crypto prices would incentivize more mining activity and, if the weather were to turn, destabilize power grids—“fall far short” of the necessary level of risk.

For Bitcoin Mines in Texas, the Honeymoon Is Over (2024)


Is bitcoin mining legal in Texas? ›

In June 2021, Abbott signed a new law that established a formal legal definition for virtual currency and set clear rules for businesses handling it, which he described as part of a “master plan” to attract crypto firms to the state.

How to solve Bitcoin mining problems? ›

Bitcoin miners solve “math problems” using the Proof of Work consensus mechanism. The whole process involves finding a nonce, which when hashed with the SHA-256 algorithm, produces a value that meets a difficulty level set by the Bitcoin network.

What happens to Bitcoin after all 21 million are mined? ›

The process of mining Bitcoin rewards miners with new bitcoins for each block of transactions they successfully add to the blockchain. However, once the maximum supply of 21 million bitcoins is reached, these block rewards will cease​​.

How many bitcoin mining facilities are in Texas? ›

Morey said before getting approval from the Office of Management and Budget to conduct the survey, officials did research and found there are at least 137 mining facilities in the U.S., with most in Georgia, New York and Texas, which has over 30 mining sites.

Is bitcoin mining illegal in US? ›

Bitcoin Mining Regulations

There are no federal laws explicitly prohibiting Bitcoin mining in the United States. Enacting regulation of Bitcoin mining has been largely left to state governments, and thus there are a variety of answers to whether Bitcoin mining is legal.

Is bitcoin mining real? ›

Bitcoin mining is the process of creating new bitcoins by solving extremely complicated math problems that verify transactions in the currency. When a bitcoin is successfully mined, the miner receives a predetermined amount of bitcoin.

How do I withdraw my money from Bitcoin mining? ›

How to cash out your crypto or Bitcoin
  1. Use an exchange to sell crypto.
  2. Use your broker to sell crypto.
  3. Go with a peer-to-peer trade.
  4. Cash out at a Bitcoin ATM.
  5. Trade one crypto for another and then cash out.
Feb 9, 2024

Can Bitcoin survive without mining? ›

Bitcoin mining typically uses powerful, single-purpose computers that can cost hundreds or thousands dollars. But Bitcoin as we know it could not exist without mining. Bitcoin mining is the key component of Bitcoin's “proof-of-work” protocol.

What happens to mining when Bitcoin runs out? ›

After all 21 million bitcoin are mined, which is estimated to occur around the year 2140, the network will no longer produce new bitcoin. The block subsidy will go to zero but miners will continue to receive transaction fees, which will make up an ever greater portion of the block reward.

Who owns most Bitcoin? ›

The anonymous creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, reportedly possesses approximately 1 million Bitcoin, which are stored in multiple wallets. At the current price, the amount would be worth around $60 billion. Bitcoin has a maximum cap of 21 million, which makes Nakamoto one of the top Bitcoin owners.

Will Bitcoin lose value when all is mined? ›

In an effort to engineer the cryptocurrency with a predetermined limit, Bitcoin boasts scarcity which increases Bitcoins demand and value over time. After all 21 million Bitcoin are mined, the incentive for miners will shift solely to transaction fees for verifying and securing blockchain transactions.

How long will Bitcoin last? ›

Bitcoin's supply is capped at 21 million. The final halving will be in 2140. From then on, no new BTC will be minted. After the last bitcoin has been mined, miners will no longer receive bitcoin rewards for adding blocks to the blockchain.

Who pays out Bitcoin? ›

The reward comes from Bitcoin users. Whenever a miner validates your Bitcoin transaction, then the blockchain will use part of the Bitcoin to reward the miner. With millions of transactions occurring daily on the blockchain, there is enough Bitcoin to reward the miners.

How much electricity does bitcoin mining use? ›

The CBECI estimates that global electricity usage associated with Bitcoin mining ranged from 67 TWh to 240 TWh in 2023, with a point estimate of 120 TWh.

How much electricity does bitcoin mining use in Texas? ›

“There is about 2,450 [megawatts] of bitcoin mining in Texas, but this load isn't adding to peak demand since, as the data shows, miners curtail their consumption during peak demand,” Bratcher said in his email.

Which states allow bitcoin mining? ›

Based on those metrics, these ten states are leading the way.
  • Texas. A worker installs a new row of Bitcoin mining machines at the Whinstone US Bitcoin mining facility in Rockdale, Texas, on October 9, 2021. ...
  • Kentucky. ...
  • (tie) Virginia. ...
  • (tie) Idaho. ...
  • Washington. ...
  • Utah. ...
  • North Dakota. ...
  • Oklahoma.
Jul 18, 2022

Where are the Bitcoin mines in Texas? ›

ROCKDALE, Texas – In this rural Texas town of 5,600 people, two of the biggest names in bitcoin mining are battling it out for market share and cheap electricity.

Do you need a permit to mine Bitcoin? ›

Cryptocurrency mining on and/or with the use of energy sources from public lands requires an authorization from the BLM. Such activities on public lands without an appropriate BLM authorization are considered a trespass and the BLM should take appropriate action.

What are the crypto laws in Texas? ›

In other words, banks can legally provide cryptocurrency services under the state laws of Texas. Additionally, Texas banks are legally permitted to create cryptocurrency private keys and possess them on behalf of clients. A private key refers to a form of cryptography that allows a user to access their cryptocurrency.

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