FAQ — Momentible (2024)

What is an NFT?

NFTs are "one-of-a-kind" assets in the digital world that can be bought and sold like any other piece of property, but they have no tangible form of their own. The digital tokens can be thought of as certificates of ownership for virtual or physical assets.

Why would I want to own an NFT moment?

One reason to buy an NFT moment is for your personal emotional value to the moment itself. The other reason is that you think it’s valuable and will only increase in value. And yes, you can make money off of an NFT moment by buying and reselling it on a marketplace.

How do I know that my NFT moment is authentic?

Each NFT moment on Momentible is marked with a unique serial number with guaranteed scarcity and protected ownership guaranteed by the blockchain. At each moment, you will find the unique number which represents your ownership.

How do I know that I own the original moment?

Each Moment is backed and digitally signed by the original performer of the particular moment. Therefore, every NFT moment that will be sold includes an official certificate and autograph from the moment maker him/herself.

How do I buy an NFT moment?

All Momentible NFTs that are being offered are on OpenSea.io as a public auction. You will need to set up a Crypto Wallet to sign in on OpenSea and participate in the auction. In order to bid you must pay using Ethereum, the auction will not accept credit cards. OpenSea currently supports multiple Wallets. To learn more about purchasing NFTs on OpenSea please click here.

What do I use for payment when buying an NFT moment?

Since the items you see on Momentible are backed by the blockchain, payment is also made in blockchain-based currencies, or cryptocurrencies. The most popular form of payment is Ether, which is the token that helps power the Ethereum blockchain.

I’m trying to buy my first item. Where do I find the address that I should send the Ether?

The auction and buying the NFT moment will all take place on OpenSea.io. You don't need to specify an address. When you click "Buy Now", OpenSea and your wallet will work together to send the ETH from your wallet to the seller. You just have to click "Buy Now" and then approve the transaction that your wallet pops up. OpenSea sends the appropriate info to your wallet, then when you approve the transaction, your wallet broadcasts a transaction to the Ethereum network that sends the ETH to First Edition and the item to you (atomically! either the whole deal happens or none of it does). When the transaction is mined (which usually happens after 30-70 seconds and requires no additional action from you), the item becomes yours and the ETH becomes the seller's.

You just need to click "Buy Now", then approve the transaction using your wallet's interface.

Do you issue refunds?

Since transactions on the blockchain are irreversible, we cannot provide refunds. We have no ability to cancel, revert, or modify any transactions on the Ethereum network.

FAQ — Momentible (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.